Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #21
    Junior Member Delceri's Avatar
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    A lot more responses than I expected. I am probably only going to reply to this many replies at one time only once. Sorry if anything comes off harsh, just trying to tackle through all of it quickly..no time for tact.

    Quote Originally Posted by Niph View Post
    There are several things to consider.

    1. If you want testers that stay long enough to test the end game, you need to reward them in some way. Currently, PG is so good that playing it is in itself a reward, but a full wipe would kill that.

    2. It's a blessing for new players because they have established guilds and veteran players to provide guidance and come their help, should they be cursed for instance.

    3. If you like competition when starting blank, that's a valid reason to play but PG can't please every style. Maybe there is another game around that is more for you then.

    4. If the game is really successful, they might start new servers, and you wish will be fulfilled.

    Regarding the wiki, it's a moving target, hence imperfect. Please fill the blanks.
    1] A bit of a contradiction, but I'm not disagreeing with you on the point that they should reward testers, I just think the manner in which it is being done is suboptimal.
    2] A wipe wouldn't change this. Guilds would still reform and veterans would still be educated, help can still be dished out.
    3] I don't think pointing me to a different game is a good answer. But thanks for the reply anyways as at least you are being genuine.
    4] That is true, however this type of decision can also impact the success of the game. I paid the $100 dollar pack, and I plan on playing even without a wipe, I just *personally* think its really really shitty. I wouldn't have even made this post but after talking to several other people about it who felt the same I decided to post. Some people I spoke to knew players who've already left after hearing this decision but I imagine that was awhile ago now.
    5] (Wiki) yup.

    Quote Originally Posted by ANT3RA View Post
    In what way do you see it as being "unfair" to newcomers?

    1] Would you feel that way if you stepped into PG 2 years after release, and needed to "catch up" as you put it? You are still a newcomer and other players have more then you do at that point.

    2] Is it how quickly Player A (alpha tester) can reach Point X in the game before a new player can? Does this really affect the experience of a new player? The new player would have no clue at this point that Player A even existed. I really do not envisage players going for "world firsts" in this game.

    3] Is it how quickly someone can accumulate wealth and the ability to craft as a result, upon game release? How does this affect the way a new player plays or experiences the game? This is only beneficial to the new player who can get assistance and maybe gear and coin from the seasoned and skilled up players.

    4] What will be so out of balance, as you put it? The economy? The player vendors and the community will dictate economy, and this will always be fluctuating according to the demand and supply of items on any given day. Very very rarely is an in game economy governed by a handful of well organised players.

    5] PG has been around in the testing phase for over 2 years as far as i know. I would like to think that constantly having our skills and items changed and deleted etc due to development stages gives credence to some form of gratitude from the developers. The no skills (some) reset is just that. As the developers put it, testing a game is hard work, putting up with bugs, constant changes, broken skills and mechanics etc. All of us who play the game in its current ever-changing state do so with a passion to make PG a success. Some of us even provide financial assistance to make it happen.

    6] There is nothing to compete about in this game from a player to player perspective. I would argue that this game is about community and helping each other out, not concerning ourselves over who has more of something, or who can piss the farthest. If it is PVP, then FYI PVP is and always will play second fiddle to PVE in PG. So PVP is not a real reason. I know this paragraph can be argued and many have different opinions about this subject.

    7] If you are worried that a player who has been playing since day one of pre-alpha has better gear or other items then you then you are going to be disappointed to know that someone will always have something better then you in an MMO. This is regardless of when you started the game.

    8] FYI the wiki is a living document, you could say it is also in alpha stage, juts like the game. Only so much can be put on the wiki that will remain current until the next patch etc. Over time with the development of the game, the wiki will go through many edits and structure changes. Use the wiki at your own discretion. There is a disclaimer and caveats of its use on the front page for a reason.

    9] I hope you enjoy PG as much as I and many others do. I personally think we are lucky to be involved in the development of the game as testers.

    10] The concerns and opinions you have expressed are valid, as is anyone else's opinion about other game related matters on these forums. I do however think it is hardly game breaking or progression breaking for new players. That is my opinion on the subject.

    1] No I obviously would not feel that way, because the game would have been officially released for 2 years. This *is* factually entirely different and otherwise is your opinion of what a released game looks like.

    2] Yes it does matter for players like me. If you aren't naturally competitive, you wouldn't understand.

    3] Similar to #2 . From your perspective, you are looking at how advanced players can help you speed up your game. Players like me want to trudge through the dirt and race other players to the end-game. Can I decide to not interact with advanced players, purchase their goods, etc? You might think yes, but the answer is no. Player vendors still would exist on a fresh slate, and I could in good conscience purchase items from them for example, do trades, etc to progress forward in the game and be "cheating"(how I would describe it). Furthermore, the farther you get in the game, the more valuable your own crafting becomes and your own traders. If players have far superior skills than me, they can easily farm materials faster and craft higher level gear way faster than I can.

    4] "Very rarely." You might think that, but the reverse is true in my own experiences with video games. Additionally, money in this game isn't so hard to get, skills differences amongst themselves would be pretty out of balance. I won't deny that councils are valuable, but having skill advantages over a player is much more valuable and can also tip that financial balance amongst other things.

    5] I agree, long time vets probably should receive some kind of award. I don't like the idea of players retaining their skills as a reward and that is my opinion. I've also dropped $100 dollars into this game and will subscribe to it, so yes...money..?

    6] See #2 , #3 . You don't come off as the competitive type based on your answers. Nothing wrong with that.

    7] It's not about the fact that someone "has more than me", its the rush of a fresh start and the whole experience. If other players are already OP, it will throw off the experience of creating and building a fresh character. See #3 .

    8] I honestly just threw the wiki thing in there as a very minor point. Surprised how much defense a wiki is getting, I realize that it's a wiki and that it isn't going to be 100% in alpha stage. It was more of a call for awareness "I've been working up data, btw your wiki is broke"(not just missing data). Clearly people are aware of that, I see that now.

    9/10] Indeed, thanks for your opinion. In summary I think you are on the far opposite end of being a competitive player, so we'll never quite see eye to eye. I do really like this game, which is why I dropped money in, and will continue to play. However not having a wipe really kills any excitement I have for official release. I'll play the game, and enjoy it, again I just think that not wiping realllllllly sucks and will also suck for many new people.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mortitia View Post
    A lot of games don't wipe their *final wave* of *beta testing*, but alpha?

    1] This is the key point and i think part of the misunderstanding, and maybe a mistake from the devs. I dont feel and i dont think we are in alpha, it's more like a long beta and sometimes i play it like a finished game. The devs say alpha to lower the pressure from players or mmo websites. That said, players who dont know the game will just take the option to wait after "alpha" when they could just hop on now and have fun with us, removing their potential gap at release.
    1] If you look at this game, you will see it is in alpha. They focused a lot on certain aspects of the game, so it feels like a "beta" in certain contexts, but it is extremely lacking in other departments like visuals. They call it an alpha, and I agree that is in alpha. You can't speak on behalf of the devs unless you can quote them that this is why they are calling it an alpha.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aionlasting View Post
    Its really not unfair considering the amount of sweat blood and tears that go into a character's development. This isn't like other MMO's. There isn't some end game content you need to rush too so youre not at a disadvantage unless your goal is to play through the game as quickly as possible or reach 'the end' first. This isn't a race. I've been playing 2 years and i'd say i'm middle of the pack as far as accomplishments and progression but I wouldn't want those two years erased.
    2 years man. Brutal, that would suck for you, but I still hold my opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tchey View Post
    Considering PG is not competitive thanks mostly to its PvE-only factor, i fully don't care about a wipe.

    Me, myself and i, we will anyway start a new toon from zero, beside the huge bonus of knowledge about the game by itself.

    I'd be curious to know who will start from zero, or why not.
    I have a similar mindset to this. I don't think anyone will be starting from zero however, if there is no wipe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Niph View Post
    I don't know anyone who would start from zero when the rest of the population doesn't. As for why not, my toon has acquired a lot of skill points through grinding (Poetry 40 for instance). I wouldn't redo this grinding, unless it's done with different content.

    Think of it as enjoying a journey rather than enjoying reaching the destination. When I'm at the end, redoing the same journey from the beginning isn't terribly attractive. I rather see new landscape.
    Yea that is another opinion. Thanks for the response.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShieldBreaker View Post
    If one wants to start from scratch why not look forward to playing as one of the to-be-added player races. And if things go well expansions will include new playing races that we don't even suspect yet, so there will be things that have a start point that everyone post launch can maybe get in on.

    Personally with new races going to start from zero at least a couple more times. One will receive aid from his alter-egos, one is going to go it entirely alone.

    In real life everyone born before you got a head start, but it doesn't really matter does it? Things should even out with time. And it would be difficult to change the stated intent that it is not total wipe. There is going to be enough drama with the partial wipe, with pleas for more wipe, less wipe and why my absolute favorite thing going to be diminished.
    See my response to ANT3RA, #3 . I am looking forward to making alts with the new races, despite the fact that some players are likely going to instantly be able to pick them and there will already be a monster economy / high level players to juice your character.

    Quote Originally Posted by tangar View Post
    In general I like wipes in MMORPG, they give game a new birth. Fresh start always encouraging for old and new players. Newbie time - it's the best time in any MMORPG and I always glad to repeat it again and again Newbie locations full of players - the best spectacle lol

    But I'll be glad to play PG in any case - with or without wipes Devs know their stuff and would make everything perfect I belive
    Devs will try to make everything perfect, but it isn't possible lol. I pretty much agree with this, and as a player who's been on games that wiped 1-2 years later and restarted... I had no problem personally. If the game is actually good, restarting is no problem. At some point however, a foot needs to be put down and say *no more wipes* so that people can rest easy. I think it's a bit early for PG to do that...hence this thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by rastaah View Post
    This is usual as in every Alpha/Beta I have played this always comes up .

    I am not for a wipe even though I just got here not very long ago myself. Why? I don't care that much is why , I am easy going, I play for fun, I am casual, not hardcore and I take the game at my own pace. I just don't care to play another 'zoom for cool items and status' game and is why I love this game is what matters here is the actual game content not shiny purple swords

    Let them keep their characters they worked so hard on.

    Ill just keep trucking along
    This was kind of a Billy Madison response for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by asalts View Post
    That's a contradiction

    Quote Originally Posted by cratoh View Post
    The people who don't want to play a game where there is no wipe at the end of test phase, the people who like a level playing field at a launch where the only advantage is knowledge, the people who don't want to plunge headlong into play PG in it's present state and play it as a 'finished' game and want to wait for launch but won't because there is no wipe.

    I believe there are many people who try the game and don't continue cos of the confusion surrounding what will/won't be wiped.

    I understand about people wanting to hang on to all the different levels they have raised, I personally have invested a ton of time into the game, I've maxed several combat skills, taken many more to 60 and high 40s, and levelled loads of companion and craft skills, and level alts and have intricate storage/cash earning systems. I'd still relish the chance to do it all over again though from scratch on a new server. I have changed my tune a little, as I really was vocal about a complete wipe before, but I've come to relaise how massively attached some people are to these testing characters, and empathise with their feelings that they are owed a physical advantage at laucnh, knowledge not being enough, and the testing experience not being enough of a reward, which is why I don't mind the idea of the current server becoming a sort of legacy server.

    However, I want the game to succeed, and by succeed I mean have a much larger player base - hence why I would like to see two servers at launch - the current one for people who tested with no wipe at all, keep everything - BUT no ne players allowed to roll on it. And a second server, starting from fresh like Eden, being the only server that new people can roll a character on. And allowing vet players from Alpha/Beta the opportunity to roll again. As in, the same character slot available on the virgin server. Just the only thing testers would take with them would be knowledge.

    Cos lets be honest - on launch week, if you started playing a brand new game, but when you logged in there were already some high level characters running around it could well be off putting - and that might make for a rocky launch and less new players.
    Depending on the reviews the game receives before official launch, and player size, I agree with this. 2 servers could actually be ideal if there are enough people to support it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dunaden View Post
    I just joined this game two weeks ago, so I can definitely see the perspective of how someone buying the game at the official launch and logging in to find an already established community, with established relationships and in-jokes, may find that a bit daunting and feel like they missed out on exploring virgin territory. But if they are warmly welcomed into the community, it should work out.

    This is becoming the new model for online games, with Steam selling "early access" to games, and people paying to join Betas, there is always someone going to be there before you. And the MMO developers need these early players to test the thousands of items, quests, zones, and mechanics in the games as well as stress test the servers so they will be ready for the official launches.

    I haven't seen anything stating if PG is launching with more than one server. If it is that is the case, the discussion of a wipe is moot. New players at launch can be given the option of joining an established veteran community of Alpha and Beta players or join a fresh server and help establish a new community there.

    Purchasable early access games are almost always unethical by their very nature, and should die in a blaze of fire. Steam is filled with garbage now. Please do not repeat that it is the new model for online games, I'd like to think that the early purchase model is dying out because people are catching on and what you are saying is poison to my ears(or eyes, technically). I make an exception for a team like Project Gorgon because you can tell they are dedicated and care about their game. Otherwise, I really like the friendliness of your response lol thanks. I don't believe you understand my perspective at a first glance which is that I don't want to be helped by advanced players. I'd like to be at the front of the line, digging my way through it and working alongside players without the adverse affect of having op characters exist(in comparison to a new char).

    Made it through, only 1 troll who didn't even bother to read my post. Obviously a lot of the current players are going to be biased towards keeping their characters if they feel that way, but in the grand scale of the game's release I think these opinions wouldn't be so loud.
    Last edited by Delceri; 04-05-2017 at 06:23 PM.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by cratoh View Post
    I believe there are many people who try the game and don't continue cos of the confusion surrounding what will/won't be wiped.
    Not sure where this is coming from, as they have stated quite clearly what will and will not be wiped.

    Player Economy will be wiped. That means that all player gold and items.

    They have also stated they *MAY* reduce/wipe economy skills like leather working, blacksmithing, tailoring, ect, simply because those skills can heavily effect player economy.

    The only thing they haven't commented on is NPC favor which can be gotten fairly easily, if a bit of a grind.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delceri View Post
    9/10] Indeed, thanks for your opinion. In summary I think you are on the far opposite end of being a competitive player, so we'll never quite see eye to eye. I do really like this game, which is why I dropped money in, and will continue to play. However not having a wipe really kills any excitement I have for official release. I'll play the game, and enjoy it, again I just think that not wiping realllllllly sucks and will also suck for many new people.
    ANT3RA might not be a competitive player, but I am. I enjoy grindy games and chasing world and server firsts. It took me about three months to max my first set of combat skills from when I started playing. It took me about a week to max Bard. I work full time and I'm working on my second master's part-time. Someone with fewer time commitments could 1-70 in just a few days or a week tops. It's a relatively short grind compared to other games, and knowledge is far more important than anything else. There's no point in a combat skill wipe. Veterans will have a strong advantage and be back on top before you leave Eltibule. Crafting skills are another story, but the only practical purpose of crafting is to fill high-end work orders. There's nothing to buy once you're maxed in a yellow suit aside from chasing cheesemaking and poetry appreciation, so I'm not sure that'll make much of a difference at all.

  4. #24
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    If they wipe leatherworking they might as well completely wipe as far as I'm concerned. Raising crafting is much more work than leveling adventuring skills.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilibat View Post
    If they wipe leatherworking they might as well completely wipe as far as I'm concerned. Raising crafting is much more work than leveling adventuring skills.
    True that. Some are better than others, but leather working and tailoring are an expensive and boring slog. Crafted gear is pretty much worthless without rare mats like vervadium, so there's no reason I can think of for wiping it. Industry and retail management, perhaps.

  6. #26
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    I agree with Niph and Ant3ra. It wouldn't be hard starting over but it would be boring af. I already did that 3 times and it's getting old. Imho people leaving because there will be no character wipe is kinda bs. For few reasons:

    -older players help new players a LOT. If older players would be caught up in remaking their old chars they won't have time to help with tips or anything else.
    -seeing what older players can do/make is an incentive for newer players to get to that level.

    I saw people logging in, asking "Does this game has pvp??" when the answer is semi-negative they never log again. People leaving cause "there's no wipe" kinda falls into the same category, it's just not really to their taste otherwise they'd give it a shot.

    And competitive in P:G? Rush towards...what? Compete with who? As someone put it, in a purely PVE game it's the journey not the destination.

    PS -I didn't even bring up the "You played for a week or two and want my 3 years work erased" argument. Not even going there.
    Last edited by Khaylara; 04-06-2017 at 06:09 AM.

  7. #27
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    Well, my vote is no wipe. And I have already purchased anything I will ever purchase on this game so this is not from someone who is not really into the game, I really am committed for the long term.

    I just think we have a great game here, a great community, why ruin it. Let them be. A new server would scatter the community which is why I have always been against Server changes (ie paid server transfers) because in WOW that ruined our Kel'thuzad community big time as did character name changes. WOW was never the same after. (in my humble opinion)

    Just something to think about. We are many of us, here for community and the long haul ......and if that is the case why does it matter?

    I am trying to understand so if I am missing a reason it matters let me know. I am new, so I understand the whole 'coming into an established community' thing but that is any community

    You always have to break through.

  8. #28
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    Objectively, there are reasonable arguments for both viewpoints. If I may however give some perspective...

    If the situation arises where a full wipe is perhaps necessary to make the game more appealing, accessible or new player friendly, I'm all for it. I'd rather have a wiped PG than no PG. That said a partial wipe is preferential, obviously, if the wipe is unavoidable.

    Just in regards to some points some of you brought up, (not bothered quoting):

    TLDR: I don't care about the wipe personally, nor do I care that you care.

    - The 'alternate server' idea was addressed by Silvonis I believe? At face value - dumb idea. I remember when it was first brought up, a legacy server that only alpha players could use, along those lines. Lets focus on launch, then the niche - and I really mean -niche-, can have their little snowglobe 'legacy' server.

    - I only think players who have been playing for a number of years can really comment on the wipe. If you've been playing a few months and decide to weigh in you just come off as entitled or desperate. I think I am in the minority when it comes to this topic as a whole i.e. I honestly don't care either way. Wipe, no wipe, I'll be on PG whatever happens. In terms of play time I'm in limbo, I'm not a new player but I'm not one of the longtime players - even if I was the latter or former I doubt my opinion would be different. I plough on and do my thing, levelling in this and that and helping out new players.

    - There seems to be the notion of competition in the air? Silly thought really, anyone who I've gotten to know in the PG community only ever competes with themselves. "I have to level x skill today" "I want to get to level xx over the weekend". I find spurring yourself on to complete or accomplish things is fine, but thinking you have to out-do others? Maybe instead of playing PG go to an arcade and find something actually competitive, try beat [billyboy69xd]'s time on Road Race: Nobody Cares Edition.

    - Not to bash the OP or anything, (I don't know you mate but you seem like a swell guy/gal), but I find the whole thing of a new player commenting on a post from last year about a topic they shouldn't really be addressing kind of... Well, I find it sigh inducing. I get that forums are for bant, chats, speculation and discussion but I mean come on. I get some people go on about "time investment" or "worth of play" but seriously..

    New players worrying about being behind? They're new, they'll get over it. A lot of things tend to be first come first served but there isn't special treatment for longtime PG players. They're known and listened to but that comes with commitment to the game. Since PG is community based if anyone sticks around and gets involved you become known quickly. I'm from Ireland and there are a lot of small towns with small communities, everyone knows everyone and such is PG. While everyone doesn't know everyone here, the same names tend to pop up, and THAT is what PG is. Comrades, friends, familiarity. Put aside the thoughts of "unfair" and "advantage", new players may be behind in skill levels or knowledge, but with the way you go on about it no longtime players or higher levelled players will want to help, and that is the lifeblood of PG. Communicating, helping and talking.

    It is for this reason that I believe a wipe doesn't matter, some people try and sound deep with the tired line "its the journey not the destination" yada yada whatever. Personally I think its who you do it with, and I hope the friends I play PG with stick around because they are among the reasons of why I play.

  9. #29
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    I just don't really see how game is that competitive that it requires a lvl restart.

    To me even removing items and gold etc has somewhat destroyed my interest in playing currently.Though I'd imagine there are those with millions in gold and tons of alts full to brimming with rare crap.
    I'd prefer a gold cap and a few sets of gear to carry over but who knows what will happen.

    That said I've always played gorgon as a great game that keeps improving and adding more rather than the testing to find flaws as I'm supposed to, I feel many do this, though there are a few I know that take testing very seriously.

    When guilds were new I was in a guild with 30 or more others I had 2 years worth of play they had maybe 1 or 2 months. For a few weeks I showed them a few things helped them out, within a month most had maxed at least 2 skillsets and some had higher lvls than me in some of the games tougher crafting skills. Sure they lacked my characters depth didn't have the storage or favor I've built up, but I'm a lazy leisurely player, they could run rings round me when they wanted to by specialization or just the fact some were damn good gamers.

    In all my time playing I've never really seen much competitive play, though I imagine with current loot system there maybe a little more group/guild competition at times now.

    Also feel the games model needs to be taken into account even now that numbers are growing again the issues with 1 big open world and no instances shows.If steam release brings 50 new players to starter isle within first few hours it will be a mess. If you add a player base of 1000 or so players that currently play to that it will be interesting.
    I feel it only supports a hundred players because there all doing different things you put everybody competing at start it will not thin out until people are in Kur at least.Of course this is just my speculation.

    I've always felt with this game the only person your competing against is yourself. There are always those with more time, money, friends or intelligence. If I've tried and enjoyed myself I can honestly say I don't really care what others do, I do hope they have fun and treat others reasonably though.

    Imagine if there was a complete wipe I'd still play, the change to belts and change to double skill gear were both game spoilers for me as is current loot/group system, but I'm still here now and then at least.
    Last edited by Celler; 04-06-2017 at 01:02 PM.

  10. #30
    Senior Member Khaylara's Avatar
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    "It is for this reason that I believe a wipe doesn't matter, some people try and sound deep with the tired line "its the journey not the destination" yada yada whatever"

    ...That was Niph and me agreeing with Niph. Which translates to "I don't care for being level 70 within a week, if I take longer is because I had fun doing so" (Khay translation).

    Also this
    "They're known and listened to but that comes with commitment to the game." (quote Tsugufoofoo) is not really accurate. I have been playing without many breaks since 2014 and I can tell you that the devs don't listen to older players in particular. If anything, Citan actually told me that I dislike parts of the game cause I'm bored. Side note-no, I'm defs not bored, you made an awesome game...but after 3 years I have the same beef with inventory and storage I had 3 years ago and he still doesn't believe I hate it cause I hate it not cause I'm bored xD

    I'm not saying older players are being dissed but any developer would actually be more interested in fresh opinions in order to see what the first impression is. From this perspective, if someone makes claims that "People are quitting in droves cause there's confusion about wipes" without stating clear facts and numbers, it's actually very detrimental. Let's not go down that road again... "You have to change X feature cause look! People are leaving if you don't". It's false feedback unless it's backed by actual research on the topic. Just because 1-2 very vocal people want a wipe that doesn't mean it's a server scale problem mmmkay?

    To actually answer the question someone asked, yes, I would play even with a full wipe but I'm not sure I'd have the mental resources not to fall asleep while re-leveling some skills (cause...the journey you know...it's one thing to level in new places, with friends, and another to solo re-grind tailoring). I would not find it enjoyable at all and I don't get how my boredom would make things better for new players. If you start a game 2 weeks or a month after its launch you would be behind the other new players anyway. So full wipe for what? Just so everyone can hold hands and sing kumbaya on day one of the steam release on anagoge lol, after that the uneven field will be quickly reinstated. Within a week or two some of us would be level 100 while real newbies would still run goblin dungeon. Not saying this in an offensive way but it's the truth, the wipe partisans think a full chars wipe would level the playing field. It would not.
    Last edited by Khaylara; 04-06-2017 at 02:04 PM.

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