Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #11
    Member Dragone's Avatar
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    @Atis Best thing you could do is try to hit as many npc in multiple zones start quests this way you know what to save up for quests/favor, the rest? You might need later but for now sell, just keep real valuable stuff.

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    Administrator Silvonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atis View Post
    Game is not advertised as a typical grinder, maybe storage and other systems should be less about cold hard efficiency and more about explosive curiosity?

    There won't be 'unlimited' storage because we are not designing the game with the intention that one character master every skill and collect every item along the way. You are certainly free to explore the skills but you will have to go about it in a way that makes sense for you with the storage limitations that are in place. Since we are in alpha, there are certain things not yet implemented related to the overall storage design that will ease some of the issues but it is safe to say that storage will be limited when compared to the number of skills availible in the game.

    Typically, an MMO will limit your trade skills (or skills in general) and you will only collect mats for those limited skills. In Project: Gorgon, we don't have a cap on the skills so a lot of people have the mentality that they want to max out everything and collect everything along the way. While that is fine, we aren't designing the game with those intenions in mind - so a by product of that will be the sense that storage is limited as you look to collect the numerous mats for the vast array of skills.

    TL;dr: As we progress through development, there will be updates that ease a lot of the current issues but storage will always be viewed as 'limited' when compared to the number of skills availible.

  3. #13
    Member Atis's Avatar
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    @Dragone By following your advice I would lose rare stuff like stomachs, because I would NPCed them to clear storage space before I would know they were valuable. I would sell rare quest loot and farm long hours to get it back later or spend all that tiny money a new player can scrape to buy that stuff. Many NPCs are far from noob friendly zones it would take a while to get to them and take quests.
    @Silvonis I said nothing about maxing everything, it was veteran players who pointed in that direction. Current storage is not even nearly enough to TRY different skills, pass quests naturally within reasonable time or even participate in market at newbie level. I can see many exploration type players being turned away by such chores, I dont see what game wins by having 32 slots in some NPC instead of 128. Players who want everything will do everything, just in strict order: max 1 skill, clear storage - max another skill - clear storage etc. That makes this game more linear and limiting. Pretty sure there are enough games on MMO market for players who want a linear game.
    Last edited by Atis; 07-31-2017 at 08:28 AM.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    @Atis - a couple bandaid ideas for your storage problems:

    Keep in mind that pretty much anything you find while exploring early on can be easily replaced/farmed by you later on when you are higher level and know why you might want something. So, don't be afraid to sell stuff, and give away everything you can to the NPCs for favor. Dragone's suggestion to talk to all NPCs in the starter zones to find out what they like is a good one. However, don't go overboard with it either. If you find a single favor item in one zone, don't bother running two zones over to gift it to an NPC unless you know you really, really want to make friends with them. Just sell the item and move on with your life. It may not be the optimal way of disposing of it, but it gets you a free inventory slot which is valuable, too.

    Spoiler comment on items:
    Spoiler Spoiler:

    Checking the vendor used tabs gives you a pretty good idea which items are not valuable. If there is a stack of 100 items in a used tab, the odds are pretty good that this is an item frequently sold by other players, and if you ever really need it, you can just buy it at that time. In the meantime, sell it, and celebrate your inventory space.

    Don't bother hanging on to gear unless you know you want to use it. This is usually my big downfall since I love collecting twink gear. I think I've been hanging on to this awesome pig/necromancy helmet for over a year now, and I don't like necromancy and have never been a pig... Anyway, do as I say and not as I do. Gear with nice mods drops very frequently, so if you decide you want to try different skills later on, just switch to them and then look for matching gear, you should find it pretty quickly. No need to hoard gear for skills you may never use in the meantime.

    If you really can't bear to part with stuff and you are running out of space, create a second account. This is obviously only a temporary solution until the game needs to be bought on Steam, but can save you a bit of hassle in the meantime. The nice thing about having your storage alt on a different account is that you can trade directly with them, 25 items at a time and if you trade more than their inventory can handle, the traded items will go into overflow where they are still in their inventory but no longer visible and directly accessible. Clicking on Sort may make some overflowed items show up again, depending on the sort order. You can trade back and forth with an overflowed inventory and as you move stuff out of your inventory, the previously hidden overflowed items will start showing up at the bottom. It's not ideal, but it can be a nice way to dump stuff if you don't want to worry about it for a bit. Just be warned that it's possible to accumulate a lot of crap that way. I cleared out an alt with 154 overflowed items last week. It took a few hours, and I found myself asking the question whether I'd really care or notice if that alt got hit by meteorite and lost her entire inventory. Sadly, the answer was no...

    I definitely understand your inventory pains and I agree 100% with your response to Silvonis. The inventory issue has been discussed many times in the forum, but it's good to have a new player perspective on it. Our usual argument tends to be "we need more space" vs "just sell the stuff you know you don't need" as you may have noticed. This rather overlooks the people who don't know what they need yet and who don't want to spoil things for themselves by looking everything up. There have been improvements to the inventory - the new /isearch function is great. There will be more improvements with the new UI. I'm hoping we'll get to a point where we reach some compromise between the vision of limited storage space and storage management not getting in the way of actually playing the game. In the meantime, I hope you'll stick around and not let inventory spoil your enjoyment of the game.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    Many of the basic things you might store are also good for favor, if you ask around.

    That's what I did with stuff until I favored up in Serb and had an idea what I wanted to do.

    (I would like some sort of command to just dump things into banks. Like, I hate forgetting to move that stack over to the bank and then getting back out to the dungeon and seeing it sitting there while I have something on the ground... Combining stacks and sorting just needs to be flat easier across storage. Same for giving gifts.)

  6. #16
    Member Atis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tagamogi View Post
    can be easily replaced/farmed by you later on when you are higher level and know why you might want something.
    I might find out i need it 20 minutes later, when I'm still low level and it could be rare drop. I could get some shields and oranges in Serb and Elti and NPC them and then need them for favor with Tyler in South Serb. My inventory woudn't wait till i get to South Serb it would be full way before. Yes, I can farm them again but I would be pissed off by game, making me re-do same work for nothing. Eve Online isn't happy with reputation of Spreadsheet Simulator and PG won't be happy with reputation of Wiki Memorize Online.

    I'm considering to make second account and ofc i see that as poor storage design.

  7. #17
    Member Arundel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silvonis View Post
    There won't be 'unlimited' storage because we are not designing the game with the intention that one character master every skill and collect every item along the way. You are certainly free to explore the skills but you will have to go about it in a way that makes sense for you with the storage limitations that are in place. Since we are in alpha, there are certain things not yet implemented related to the overall storage design that will ease some of the issues but it is safe to say that storage will be limited when compared to the number of skills availible in the game.

    Typically, an MMO will limit your trade skills (or skills in general) and you will only collect mats for those limited skills. In Project: Gorgon, we don't have a cap on the skills so a lot of people have the mentality that they want to max out everything and collect everything along the way. While that is fine, we aren't designing the game with those intenions in mind - so a by product of that will be the sense that storage is limited as you look to collect the numerous mats for the vast array of skills.

    TL;dr: As we progress through development, there will be updates that ease a lot of the current issues but storage will always be viewed as 'limited' when compared to the number of skills availible.
    I have played MMO's for a long time and actually appreciate some of the difficulty, mystery, and limits of this game as I feel that to some extent they are helpful in creating meaningful gameplay. That said, you really won't be able to stop players from keeping all of their items. A dedicated player will just get more accounts to store stuff and buy all storage on all of them. I am sure that the dev team has considered this, but I feel that limiting storage so much as to "limit" players isn't possible - the type of player who wants everything will end up with it due to dedication and the type that is casual and just wants to participate in a few skills, learn, and play the market a bit (the "average" player) will end up losing out by not being able to do so without committing to another account. I hope you guys considerably increase the amount of storage available by launch - but in the meantime also consider that current limitations only punish your casual or average player.

  8. #18
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atis View Post
    I might find out i need it 20 minutes later, when I'm still low level and it could be rare drop. I could get some shields and oranges in Serb and Elti and NPC them and then need them for favor with Tyler in South Serb. My inventory woudn't wait till i get to South Serb it would be full way before. Yes, I can farm them again but I would be pissed off by game, making me re-do same work for nothing. Eve Online isn't happy with reputation of Spreadsheet Simulator and PG won't be happy with reputation of Wiki Memorize Online.

    I'm considering to make second account and ofc i see that as poor storage design.
    Yeah. What I'm trying to get at is that it's less stressful to play as if there are no rare drops and nothing is irreplacable. That is generally correct, with the stomach and poetry books exception, and even those are not remotely irreplacable, just a sad loss of money if you happen to vendor them.

    I think players tend to take two approaches to loot: One set of players is focused on what they need right now and treats any other loot as random vendor trash loot. The other set is focused on what loot they get and how that loot can be used to do different things in the game, so anything with a potential use is valuable. And of course this is an oversimplification and there are overlapping playstyles, etc, but I think part of the storage argument is just that development is pretty firmly in the vendor-the-random-loot camp. I'm quite firmly in the squirrel camp and my quality of life way improved once I set up some storage alts, even though I think that the concept of storage alts is just stupid...

    Anyway. To go back to your Tyler example: The "correct" PG way to approach that problem is to ask yourself whether you want to use the shield combat skill. If the answer is yes, then vendor those bows you've been saving for Elahil since you can't use a bow and a shield at the same time anyway. If the answer is no, then vendor the shields and don't worry about Tyler. You may or may not want to save the oranges since they stack and can be used in cooking recipes. With the new orange trees in Eltibule, it's amazingly easy to get oranges now, though. If you want to raise favor with Tyler later, you will be higher level and getting higher level random shield loot which will tend to raise his favor more than lower level shields since they are worth more.

    The above being said, I can't do it. Hence my storage alts. What does help for me:
    - Don't worry about NPCs you haven't met yet. You will always be able to find stuff for them after you actually meet them and decide if it's worth your time to be friends with them.
    - Don't worry about NPCs that like gems or food. Both of these can be easily obtained and stack. So, if you find a sword in Eltibule, no need to drag it back all the way to Serbule for Joeh. You can just make him some sausages or bacon later, and he'll be just as happy.
    - Don't worry about completing quests. The most common reward for quests is favor, and if you don't have an immediate need to raise favor with an NPC, there's no need to go crazy over completing their quest. I still enjoy turning in stuff as I find it but since there is no limit to the quest log, it's ok to accumulate quests. (Quest log improvements coming in the new UI...)
    - Citan's latest post on the launch wipe said there will likely be a favor wipe. So, when the question becomes not "Do I want to level psychology someday?" but "Am I going to need training in level 60 psychology before the end of 2018?", raising favor with the advanced psychology trainer becomes much, much less urgent.
    - Focus on what you enjoy doing, and don't worry too much about the NPCs that don't seem relevant yet. Of course, this is much easier advice if you know what you want to do in the game and have decided what combat skills to level. Still, deciding to switch combat skills later on isn't hard, and people switch skills all the time.

  9. #19
    Member Atis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tagamogi View Post
    The "correct" PG way to approach that problem is to ask yourself whether you want to use the shield combat skill.
    And to not try the skill before deciding? But muh exploration...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tagamogi View Post
    The above being said, I can't do it. Hence my storage alts. What does help for me:
    - Don't worry about NPCs you haven't met yet. You will always be able to find stuff for them after you actually meet them and decide if it's worth your time to be friends with them.
    - Don't worry about NPCs that like gems or food. Both of these can be easily obtained and stack. So, if you find a sword in Eltibule, no need to drag it back all the way to Serbule for Joeh. You can just make him some sausages or bacon later, and he'll be just as happy.
    - Don't worry about completing quests. The most common reward for quests is favor, and if you don't have an immediate need to raise favor with an NPC, there's no need to go crazy over completing their quest. I still enjoy turning in stuff as I find it but since there is no limit to the quest log, it's ok to accumulate quests. (Quest log improvements coming in the new UI...)
    - Citan's latest post on the launch wipe said there will likely be a favor wipe. So, when the question becomes not "Do I want to level psychology someday?" but "Am I going to need training in level 60 psychology before the end of 2018?", raising favor with the advanced psychology trainer becomes much, much less urgent.
    - Focus on what you enjoy doing, and don't worry too much about the NPCs that don't seem relevant yet. Of course, this is much easier advice if you know what you want to do in the game and have decided what combat skills to level. Still, deciding to switch combat skills later on isn't hard, and people switch skills all the time.
    Wont help to me.
    - Not always it will be within reasonable time, plus known npc can have new task at next favour level.
    - Food and gems can easily take dozens of storage slots even with 1 stack of each. And some are not easy for new player.
    - Some quests unlock access, like with staff skill or crystal cave. And I dont know which one, unless I play wiki more than I play the game. To find new things I need to do all quests.
    - Wiped favour wont wipe skills i got from it.
    - i enjoy finding new things. If i wanted to just level 2 combat skill lines, why would I play PG?

  10. #20
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    Certainly keep fruit. It stacks, it's edible, and is a reasonable food until later levels, and can be cooked. And other players will always buy it from you.

    Gems are iffy. They're worthwhile to keep, but there's too many of them. So there's no rush.

    The idea of checking vendor panes is a good one...

    ...The problem is when it comes to things like Fire Dust or Sulfur or other rare-while-lowbie items; because there re lowbie recipes and quests which need one or two of these dang things. Or some of the poetry. You feel like an idiot for not stacking these.

    And some players can be a real jerk when you just need one of even common items. If you need just one, is it worth dumping all the ingredients you just stacked in your inventory to run to a dungeon and then farm for another hour hoping for just one to drop.

    Once I came up one short for parasol mushrooms when I was in the rat cave and came back to Serb. One parasol! I asked around, and no one had one. I went behind Jack's, I went to the mushroom circles, I went back to the rat cave (but someone with high speed bonuses was picking them all) I orbited Serb to no avail and I was going stir-crazy for this most common of mushrooms while I built a stack of mycena. Ugh.

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