Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.
The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
I will be wiping my own character at launch because I want to start fresh. That being said I think it's fine to keep the battle skill lvls for those who want to. Mainly because unlike other games this one kept its servers open all the time during testing. Most of the time in alphas/betas they invite selected players to come in and test the game at specific times and with specific builds for the game here and there through out a couple of years. I think Eric and company are making the right choice considering how they decided to run their alpha/beta.
PS Because I read carefully I couldn't help but notice the only players who are pro-wipe are OP and Finbarr, surprisingly even new players like it the way it is.
Given the tone this thread has taken, this should hardly be surprising. Anyone who comes out as pro-wipe is pretty much asking for it. It's not exactly an anonymous poll. I'd say it's more akin to walking around Salem asking who is pro- or anti- witch.
I will be wiping my own character at launch because I want to start fresh. That being said I think it's fine to keep the battle skill lvls for those who want to. Mainly because unlike other games this one kept its servers open all the time during testing. Most of the time in alphas/betas they invite selected players to come in and test the game at specific times and with specific builds for the game here and there through out a couple of years. I think Eric and company are making the right choice considering how they decided to run their alpha/beta.
Your character (all our characters) might be completely stripped with only their names left, who knows. I'm happy if I get to keep my chars's names, I'm kinda attached to them. I started a char fresh w/o using resources from my main char and it was fun and I didn't have to delete my main character for that. I just have 2 mains now.
Your character (all our characters) might be completely stripped with only their names left, who knows. I'm happy if I get to keep my chars's names, I'm kinda attached to them. I started a char fresh w/o using resources from my main char and it was fun and I didn't have to delete my main character for that. I just have 2 mains now.
True, I only have one character though. It was the same for me in AC and FFXI all with the same name lol. Drivendawn since summer of 2000
Legacy server - Tbh this strikes me as something that is CLEARLY terrible. A server where people can't join is obviously going to die eventually - most players will realize this and leave, making it die faster. Doing this is just a backhanded way of trying to appease anti-wipe vets, and you have to spend extra money on it. A legacy server is possibly the worst way to address the wipe issue.
Competition - I hear this. All games can inherently be made competitive, pvp mmos, pve mmos, even single player games. Many players (me included) take a sense of pride in being X level in combat or crafting or having excellent gear. I strongly remember a certain someone saying that your opinions were worthless unless you had 4k skill points. But still, we're in the minority...PG just doesn't draw that kind of crowd. Altogether not a very convincing reason to wipe.
Launch - I think the main divide here is that pro-wipe players see the launch as a clear, definitive point in time, where we can say "pre-launch PG and post-launch PG are two totally different things." I'd say that this is sort of an outdated view. Rag on Steam EA and perma-Betas all you want, but the game industry's changed a lot since the days of clear alpha->beta->release progressions. Mortitia nailed it - the game's already been playable for years and years. Devs have also said that development will continue after launch (pseudo-expansions), so I don't think there's anything particularly special about launch. To me, it just seems like another patch.
Originally Posted by Mortitia
This is the key point and i think part of the misunderstanding, and maybe a mistake from the devs. I dont feel and i dont think we are in alpha, it's more like a long beta and sometimes i play it like a finished game. The devs say alpha to lower the pressure from players or mmo websites.
Economy - I don't think that players having tons of gold will drastically affect the economy on launch. Even if it does, the same players will very quickly rise to the top and dominate the economy all the same. I can guarantee you that if there was a complete wipe, I'd no-life it and be back at max level in probably a couple weeks. The money would follow soon after. The main "slowdown" as a new player is that you take time to explore the game, explore the skills, complete quests, learn the systems, learn rotations. Old players will skip these sections entirely, and might not even ever revisit them. So 1) I don't see how the economy will be SIGNIFICANTLY hurt by not wiping on launch and 2) it seems likely that we'll soon be the same situation after a wipe anyway.
Related to economy - In this hypothetical wipe, there are plenty of players that will beat me to 100 and be back at millions within a month or two. While they're doing this, they'll be collectively ravaging the mobs/wood/seeds/fruits/dungeons. Not only will organized players shit all over new players during launch, there'll also be tension between groups of vets as they move through the zones. Unless there's a dynamic spawn system that's 100% worked out, it doesn't seem wise to force this situation by wiping.
On powerleveling and skipping content - Personally, I rarely read books or watch shows multiple times, even my favorites. The early flavor text and systems introduction in PG is incredible and incredibly endearing, but I wouldn't really enjoy re-doing it much, if at all. And some parts (grinding) would be flat-out boring.
Selfishness - I agree that both sides of this argument are selfish. Not really any point in bringing this up.
Originally Posted by alleryn
Given the tone this thread has taken, this should hardly be surprising. Anyone who comes out as pro-wipe is pretty much asking for it. It's not exactly an anonymous poll. I'd say it's more akin to walking around Salem asking who is pro- or anti- witch.
Yeah, I actually feel like this happens to a lot of criticism. After the first couple comments the claws come out and people rush to defend PG.
Originally Posted by cratoh
It is brought up each month as a new bunch of people come and play, realise there is not going to be a wipe, and quit.
Citation needed. I read most of the comments on kickstarters/mmo sites/mmorpg subreddit and haven't really seen this sentiment. What I HAVE seen are people saying that they will wait until the game is "actually launched" to start playing, or that they will wait for a finished product. Another relevant quote from Mort:
That said, players who dont know the game will just take the option to wait after "alpha" when they could just hop on now and have fun with us, removing their potential gap at release.
All that said, I wouldn't hate having a wipe. I do feel like it'd be fun to race people to endgame, and I like the 'fresh start' aspect of it. I think it might also increase the game's longevity (since it'd take longer for people to feel like they 'beat' it), even if some players leave over it.
All THAT said, this whole discussion is pretty moot. The devs have said multiple times that they will not wipe, and I would think that for them to go back on it now, there would have to be a really great reason. IMO nothing in this thread has come close to that (sorry).
Last edited by Extractum11; 04-06-2017 at 09:49 PM.
Reason: Typos/editing
I have a similar mindset to this. I don't think anyone will be starting from zero however, if there is no wipe.
Well, i'm not a regular player, i just play for a few weeks, and stop for a few months, and come back, and again... So i can test some, and see new content and features without being bored too fast. So i'm pretty certain i will drop my spider and my bat 30ish, and my musician... so i can re-enjoy again all the content and progression, making "better" choices (i'd not be druid again for example), having a complete view of what a real noob would have, etc.
When you released the new noob island to replace the previous cave introduction, i restarted again, for example.
I've alpha/beta tested a great amount of games, MMOG or not, and in most of them, i always start from fresh when the developers believe the game is ready to be a "version 1.0".
For Project Gorgon, i'll very certainly do the same.
1] "TLDR: I don't care about the wipe personally, nor do I care that you care"
(continues to write an essay despite not caring)
4] Not to bash the OP or anything, (I don't know you mate but you seem like a swell guy/gal), but
BUT.....ima bash you anyway. Then you proceed to make no point (thus just bashing)
I won't be checking this thread again.
I don't care that you care about a wipe. I don't care if other people care. I'd prefer if more people shared my thoughts of "does it really matter?" Everyone has their own take on it, but I wrote out why I don't care to pitch the view of the third party involved in this asides from the "Full Vs Semi/No" (Wipe).
I didn't bash you and I did make numerous points as to why topic is just spinning wheels (speculation/pointless). If they went over your head that's probably because you were too busy looking at your keyboard preparing your responses.
I wasn't trying to take the moral high ground but in terms of belittling opinions, I basically said "why do you care, you shouldn't care" and I got a "hmmff whatever" in return.
Maybe its just my self righteous, dick-headed nature but I think more people should join me on the fence. I don't plan on getting down and I have beers.
What do you have? Oh, a thread that you abandoned because people disagreed with you. Good luck with that. Cheers!
I will be wiping my own character at launch because I want to start fresh. That being said I think it's fine to keep the battle skill lvls for those who want to. Mainly because unlike other games this one kept its servers open all the time during testing. Most of the time in alphas/betas they invite selected players to come in and test the game at specific times and with specific builds for the game here and there through out a couple of years. I think Eric and company are making the right choice considering how they decided to run their alpha/beta.
This is the way to go. No discussion needed, its your character do what you want.
Btw, before you delete your character I would check with someone at PG team to make sure you can still get your name, if you want it.