Originally Posted by
Objectively, there are reasonable arguments for both viewpoints. If I may however give some perspective...
If the situation arises where a full wipe is perhaps necessary to make the game more appealing, accessible or new player friendly, I'm all for it. I'd rather have a wiped PG than no PG. That said a partial wipe is preferential, obviously, if the wipe is unavoidable.
Just in regards to some points some of you brought up, (not bothered quoting):
TLDR: I don't care about the wipe personally, nor do I care that you care.
- I only think players who have been playing for a number of years can really comment on the wipe. If you've been playing a few months and decide to weigh in you just come off as entitled or desperate. I think I am in the minority when it comes to this topic as a whole i.e. I honestly don't care either way. Wipe, no wipe, I'll be on PG whatever happens. In terms of play time I'm in limbo, I'm not a new player but I'm not one of the longtime players - even if I was the latter or former I doubt my opinion would be different. I plough on and do my thing, levelling in this and that and helping out new players.
- There seems to be the notion of competition in the air? Silly thought really, anyone who I've gotten to know in the PG community only ever competes with themselves. "I have to level x skill today" "I want to get to level xx over the weekend". I find spurring yourself on to complete or accomplish things is fine, but thinking you have to out-do others? Maybe instead of playing PG go to an arcade and find something actually competitive, try beat [billyboy69xd]'s time on Road Race: Nobody Cares Edition.
- Not to bash the OP or anything, (I don't know you mate but you seem like a swell guy/gal), but I find the whole thing of a new player commenting on a post from last year about a topic they shouldn't really be addressing kind of... Well, I find it sigh inducing. I get that forums are for bant, chats, speculation and discussion but I mean come on. I get some people go on about "time investment" or "worth of play" but seriously..
New players worrying about being behind? They're new, they'll get over it. A lot of things tend to be first come first served but there isn't special treatment for longtime PG players. They're known and listened to but that comes with commitment to the game. Since PG is community based if anyone sticks around and gets involved you become known quickly. I'm from Ireland and there are a lot of small towns with small communities, everyone knows everyone and such is PG. While everyone doesn't know everyone here, the same names tend to pop up, and THAT is what PG is. Comrades, friends, familiarity. Put aside the thoughts of "unfair" and "advantage", new players may be behind in skill levels or knowledge, but with the way you go on about it no longtime players or higher levelled players will want to help, and that is the lifeblood of PG. Communicating, helping and talking.
It is for this reason that I believe a wipe doesn't matter, some people try and sound deep with the tired line "its the journey not the destination" yada yada whatever. Personally I think its who you do it with, and I hope the friends I play PG with stick around because they are among the reasons of why I play.