Well, my main is mid fifties on staff/unarmed, but also a little over 50 on BC and shield and close to 50 on archery, necromancy, hammer and bard... I started playing with an old friend of mine that had to take off a fair amount of time over the Summer and I didn't want to leave him behind so I've been focusing on horizontal progression, and I've avoided power-leveling so I've gotten my butt kicked a ton, which increases endurance
I've also got a winter coat with pockets that I bought from a player stall, which helps
I've no idea how much personal inventory space is eventually available past that, but I'm sure its significant
Excellent response from another newish player on the other thread talking about space:
I'm going to pick on a single sentence here to launch off on an essay of my own, sorry in advance Mikhaila:
I will never need 30 stacks of a particular crafting material at a time though. I greatly enjoy crafting but in small chunks - I really don't like accumulating a bunch of material and then sitting down for hours and leveling a skill from 0 to 100 in one sitting. That feels pointless to me: First I'd do a bunch of non-fun grinding to get the mats, then I'd do a bunch of non-fun crafting repeats to get the skillups, and then I'd be max level and my main feeling would be "gah, what a drag, I hate this skill."
The way I like to craft, I want to level slowly but feel like I'm doing something useful while crafting, beyond "gain a point in this skill". ( PG works really well for that type of crafting experience for me, with some exceptions like meditation and calligraphy that just level too slowly when using them on an as-needed basis.)
I also like to try everything. I don't have a particular need to max out anything, but if a skill is there, I want to at least dabble in it for a little bit to see how I like it.
When it comes to storage, all of the above means that I'll be accumulating lots and lots of tiny stacks of everything. When I get loot, it's a bit like finding a puzzle piece - ok, this thing can be used in this recipe for that skill, let's hang on to it until I find a couple more pieces to complete my recipe puzzle. I don't like farming - it's boring and I consider it a failure of efficiency and advance preparation, i.e. keeping things when I find them.
That point I'm trying to slowly get to here is that no amount of someone telling me I should be selling everything I can't use immediately is going to make me enjoy that concept. I don't play that way, I don't like playing that way and I'm always going to look for ways around it.
I don't want unlimited storage. Keeping everything is surprisingly not fun either since it then takes far too much time to actually sort through my hoard.So a system that gently nudges me to occasionally sell off some crap I really don't need it is actually good. What I want is storage that is "reasonably" large and that allows me to organize stuff into categories, so I'll be able to find it again quickly. I'd love it if bank storage worked similarly to inventory folders - one overall storage size that can be subdivided into custom-named compartments. Only more than 4 of course. Lots more.
What would also help me is a parcel mailing system, so that I can mail things to an alt who has been designated the owner of items for crafting skill x. Mail is much better than shared storage here since mail allows me to fire off an arbitrary number of items that I want to get out of my current inventory and then retrieve them from the mailbox later when I am ready - an hour or a month from now. If it's a shared storage space instead, it will require managing and logging in and out of characters to get it cleaned up.
I'm not sure if I want global storage only or prefer the zone-specific storage. Global storage would obviously be vastly more convenient, but also take away a bit of the individual zone atmosphere.
Oh, and I said it before, but I like the inventory slot limitation and the "drop stuff or run back to town?" choices. This part feels vastly different to me than the bank storage limits.
Yeah, that. I love the many different possible uses for every single item in PG but it makes making decisions about what to do with an item extremely difficult at times.
I'm definitely in the packrat camp but MMO storage has never been a problem for me before. In other MMOs, I'd make different alts to try out different classes, designate alts as crafters for certain skills and then give items to the appropriate class/crafter. Easy, since items had a single use.
I like it that PG is different. I love not being restricted in combat skills or crafting skills. I also like the multi-use items - being able to use the same item in multiple different ways feels both cool and realistic to me. Plus I think it makes adding multiple crafting skills later easier since the new skills can just piggyback on some items that are already out there.
It just also means that I have a lot more items to deal with, and I wish I had more and better tools for that.
Thanks for sharing the other poster's post....
I'm like him in that I like to solve problems, and I am constantly doing that in PG. I still contend that an approach like he is offering does not work very well. Here's why... you can't get very far by saying that you're going to focus on a few things at a time and sell everything you don't need for those few things. Advancing almost anything in the game requires you to also being doing 5 other concurrent things. Ok, maybe that's a bit of a stretch, but not a very big one. This may be a weak example but it's all I can come up with here at work. I need to make a recipe that includes butter for a quest turn-in. Since I've been leveling Cooking and stashing all the materials I need for that I go to chase down the recipe for Butter. To get the recipe for butter I need to get favor with Braigon which requires collecting the things she likes. But also once I get her favor up I see from the wiki I also need to make a Butter Muslin. Guess what, in order to craft one I need to modestly level Textile Creation with some other guy. So now I'm stashing some cotton and carded cotton and canvas or something. And I've come across some other more extreme inter-dependencies.
I could maybe be persuaded by the argument that people should just sell what they don't need at the moment, IF (huge IF) buying and selling wasn't so convoluted. Most items that are worth selling for cash, can hardly be sold for full price. I know some pay more for some things than others but even with Soul Mates on a number of NPCs, I can't get them to pay me what things are worth. It's honestly a bigger frustration that the inventory capacity. I either have to sell at a big loss or run around all of creation trying to find someone who has the cash, is willing to pay me the cash, and usually ending up selling short and being disappointed or just using it for favor (when I really needed the money). Also when it comes time to buy what I had already looted but had to sell due to a lack of inventory space, I either have to be gouged by the player stalls - IF I can even find it at all. Shouting in Trade channel isn't much better. And it's frustrating at those times because at one point you HAD that item.
Honestly, I'm not trying to sound like a gripe. I really do like much of the game and I'm just trying to offer my thoughts on some things that would make it better from my perspective. I realize there are likely changes coming down the road that may help with some or all of this.
TL : DR - We either need more inventory space OR we need better selling/buying tools (meaning vendors always pay full price - maybe after a certain favor level or the ones that do buy most things have way more cash). Also the fact that stalls are gated behind Industry (and as I understand it a 7k council per week fee) does not favor the guy starting out who is trying to make a little cash and also a way to offload all this stuff I have no room to store.
I get exactly where you are coming from, in fact, that exact same butter scenario drove me nuts as well
The thing is, this is one of those places where the game is trying to teach you to play it, in my opinion: Though you may feel compelled to make that butter, you don't have to, and if you do, its you making that decision, not the game forcing you to do anything
Just as in life, if you did everything everyone wanted you to do, you would starve to death in a week if you didn't die from helping that guy that wants you to help test the drugs he made in his bathtub... Braigon also wants you to give him a bunch of free stomachs, but I wouldn't recommend doing that either
That being said, I did make my own butter muslin and I made my own butter, and I made alts to store all kinds of garbage, but not because I felt like I had to - I did that because I chose to, and there's a huge difference between those two things
Last night I spent hours running back and forth between Serbule, Sie Antry's Farm, Eltibule Keep and Hogan's Keep just to get three levels of cheesemaking... and I shouldn't even be fooling around with cheese yet, but I want to
I was cussing the whole time, but I also rearranged my storage in hopes of avoiding some of that frustration next time I wanna make cheese, and I knew throughout all of it that my choice was the source of my aggravation, so I was OK with it
Long story short: Don't make cheese... but if you do, know going in its a pain in the ass lol
Like you and Tagamogi, I want to keep piles of stuff on hand, even though the game expects me not to and even though it makes the game harder for me, but I enjoy it because if I need something I usually have it and if someone in game is having a hard time finding something I can help
I pay the price for that gladly because I get a kick out of helping people and from doing things the hard way
I also believe what I said when I said that new players selling their loot and higher level players buying it is foundational to a healthy economy, and that the way storage and inventory works is a great mechanism for supporting and growing it
Feedback is what we are all here to provide, but try to consider these thoughts and the game as a whole when possible... it may be that if you can look at storage in a slightly different light it will bug you less, like doing so did for me
Hey, good overall points to consider. Well thought out and not argumentativeI agree with much of what you say about it being choices - but in some cases (my butter examples not being one of them) the convoluted interdependence of skills/items/favor is NOT much of a choice, like in the case of when you need to unlock skill progression but you can't until you have achieved a favor level with someone, and you need to do his quests to get the favor at a reasonable pace, and those two or three quests require you to either craft some items or buy them from someone. That's IF you can find someone selling those items - and IF they are not gouging the hell out of you with their price. I prefer to not be so reliant on buying overpriced items from people.
But my biggest rebuttal to your point about selling my items I can't use right now to higher level players is that if that's the intended game design in terms of the economy, etc. then the game needs to provide better selling tools to the low/mid level player. Vendor stalls are gated behind Industry which isn't easy to level and requires you to be pretty capable in a number of crafting professions AND, as I understand, has a prohibitive 7k weekly council fee to run. No low/mid level player is going to be able to do that. Spamming stuff in Trade chat isn't a good or efficient option. Consignments take some time to unlock and are so limited it now forces another mini-game of which 4 items do I pick to sell. This mini-game immediately follows the other min-game of which items do I not want to hold onto. And once I choose which couple of items I want to consign, I have to wait a week before I can do more - it's not enough. I would be very happy if the consignment limit was maybe 50 items per week. I think that could work.
I just think the game is too limiting in many areas that it doesn't really need to be.
Citan hinted at the inclusion of future tools for sales when the golems rolled out here: https://forum.projectgorgon.com/entr...g-June-18-2018
...and he seems committed to a multi-faceted retail environment that is rewarding and fun without any sort of Auction House, which is great
I couldn't easily find the pricing for vendor stalls, and I'm not in game now, but I believe you start with inexpensive rent on a 24 hour stall that gives XP in retail management and the more you set up stalls you gain more XP which earns you longer time limits and increased inventory and other benefits, but the rental price goes up based on how many days in a month you've set up a stall (and probably how "big" it is and how long your "lease" is)
I've heard of players paying 8k for rental, but that's the very top end of the price scale, not what you should expect to pay starting out
Anyone with actual experience in retail, please feel free to chime in here... not my jam atm
Industry is not only easy to level, doing so is a huge profit source (especially early on) so get out there and fill some work orders, man! (just filled one for trophy panther skins worth 27k so I could buy some upgrades for BC)
Personally, I've never set up a stall or consigned an item... I prefer the player interaction of meeting a need on a one-to one level, and 99% of the time I prefer to trust the buyer with pricing rather than researching what various bits and bobbles I found on the ground are worth
When I need money for something, I spend about an hour collecting strange dirt and bonemeal so I can grow cotton... that's the one thing I'll sell at market price, and I've never had a problem finding a buyer in /trade (in fact, when I get a buyer for the first 5 stacks I sell they've almost always asked me to contact them when I have more, which I do)
So, since I don't really need NPC money, I can use nearly all my loot for favor or crafting material, though I'll save armor, weapons and jewelry drops worth over 200c to sell to Joeh and Larsen (and, yeah... I keep stockpiles of items I know are useful on alts for selling/sharing)
I'm sharing my usual activity to show that there is at least one player that's having fun and progressing in the game as it is in hope that frustrated players can see around perceived obstacles to finding their own less-stressful way to play
If you're not in the mood for advice, you can skip this next part...
One thing I've learned in life that I apply to games is all human happiness is only fueled by one's sense of accomplishment, so since my goal in playing is to be happy, I focus on what I can accomplish easily
I get no sense of accomplishment from watching TV Shows, which is why I play games
P:G, specifically, allows me a wide range of easy-to-accomplish tasks and mini-goals that I can take on no matter how little time I might have to play, my level of patience at the moment, or whether I'm in the mood for killing stuff, collecting stuff, exploring, chatting, dancing... whatever... and if I find whatever I'm doing to be tedious I just do something else (it all gives XP)
When I find something that doesn't seem to be working correctly, I put in a bug report or suggestion and move on, which also gives me a sense of accomplishment
There are no necessarily lineal paths in this game, which sets it apart from 90% of what else is out there in this genre and allows me a pretty high up-time of happy thoughts regardless of mechanical limitations, but that's mostly because of the way I choose to think about progress
The only thing you can control in life is your own attitude and the only thing you can change is your mind... If you can live by that and always seek positive accomplishment in any form, I believe you'll be as happy as possible
Yeah, that's not really talking about inventory and storage, and none of it is directed at anyone in particular, but I thought it might help with perspective in discussions about changing major game mechanics... Maybe its better to go with the flow and see where what we have takes us rather than let past experiences in other games set standards for this one
Last edited by preechr; 07-31-2018 at 07:32 AM.
Also not in game right now but iirc the cost for a stall is 250 + 125 * number_of_days_you_rented_a_stall_in_the_last_30_d ays. So, if you rent a stall once or twice a month, your cost will be 250-375 per day. Hm, using my formula that puts the max price as 250 + 125 * 30 = 4000, which sounds a bit lower than 8K - it's quite possible I'm missing something but if you don't use the stall that much, the cost is definitely affordable.
The only thing that affects the cost is the number of recent days rented. At higher levels of retail management, you get more stall inventory slots and the option to pre-pay the rent, but it's still the same per day cost.
I'm not convinced the vendor stalls are much of an inventory saver. In order to make the most profit, you want to have a full stall, so that means collecting items you plan on selling until you have enough to fill up your shop before actually opening the shop. And that takes storage space again.(But yes, vendor stalls are good and fun. )
Possibly surprisingly, that's very much the way I play PG as well. As much as I like to whine about certain things, I'm definitely having fun in the game. Inventory's just the thing where it can feel that no matter what I want to do, I have to clean up my inventory first instead. It's definitely gotten better since I started playing, and I'm confident there will be further improvements. And no, I'm not planning on letting the inventory stop me from having fun.P:G, specifically, allows me a wide range of easy-to-accomplish tasks and mini-goals that I can take on no matter how little time I might have to play, my level of patience at the moment, or whether I'm in the mood for killing stuff, collecting stuff, exploring, chatting, dancing... whatever... and if I find whatever I'm doing to be tedious I just do something else (it all gives XP)
When I find something that doesn't seem to be working correctly, I put in a bug report or suggestion and move on, which also gives me a sense of accomplishment
There are no necessarily lineal paths in this game, which sets it apart from 90% of what else is out there in this genre and allows me a pretty high up-time of happy thoughts regardless of mechanical limitations, but that's mostly because of the way I choose to think about progress![]()
Sounds like there's at least three of us that have a similar mindset on games. For all the griping I've done about storage and selling, I am really enjoying PG and I do focus my attention on what I CAN accomplish which is sometimes contrary to what I WANT to accomplish - problem exacerbated by the near-limitless tings you can do in the game. That's good. My biggest problem sometimes is patience, it's always been challenging for me. But it's funny because I'm never anywhere close to the guy who is at end-game the fastest. In fact, I'm usually perpetually playing catch up. I like making progress as quick as I can in whatever endeavor I choose to focus on but try not to rush too fast. Case in point - I've been playing PG for about a month. I got to 50/50 Sword/Psych after about 2 weeks while only ever stepping foot in Serb, Serb Hills and Elt. And for these last two weeks I focused my efforts farming mats and leveling some crafts and farming loot for cash to buy upgraded skills, recipes, getting favor up on a number of NPCs (mostly ones who offer storage) - all before deciding to take a peek at the other zones like Kur, Sun Vale and others. I went two weeks killing stuff while not being able to gain exp on my main skills. That was ok.
Main focus now is to get to 50 Alchemy so I can finally do BC. I'm at 45 now. And boy how wonderful it would be if I can find an NPC to buy my endless supply of Willpower Gels and Cranium Balms at full price and with some volume cash available (perhaps there's one I don't know about yet?). I digress...
And thanks for clarifying the vendor stall stuff. That's helpful. I did do some work orders early on and you're right, the cash is pretty good. I should probably look at some again. I just spent almost all my cash unlocking an advanced Psych skill as well as unlocking Psych 51+. Now I'm tapped again. Still got to unlock 51+ harvesting from Jesina once I can faction her a bit more.
@preechr... Nice tip on the Trophy Panther work order. I'm sitting on 20 or so in the bank. Also have 42 Stomachs which I'm seeing how long I can hold onto as a "savings account" to put towards an unlock of a 61+ skill.
Anyways.... I've gotten off track here. Thanks again for all the tips and advice.