Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #111
    Senior Member Celler's Avatar
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    I opened a store for maybe 4 days about a week and half ago. To be honest it's never really appealed to me, I can make money other ways if need be.

    I set up in back room and thought I'd just offer some simple stuff I have lots of at cheap prices to help the newer folks that have joined.
    I also crafted a fewer high end foods and alchemy recipes to see how they would do. Have to say despite what some would say was a bad spot my shop did way better than I expected.

    Unfortunately my low priced wood and strange dirt's did nothing to help the newer folk instead were bought up in mass by other players like myself.
    Not complaining it was short sighted of me not to realize that is what would happen. It maybe nice to have a max 5 per customer option though.
    I was very surprised to receive in region of 50 - 75k per day.

    I would of kept shop open for a few more days but i didn't seem to get the offer to renew daily rent, but that was probably an oversight on my part.
    It would be nice to pay many days in advance, for example buying the space for a week.

    To my small band of customers I thank you for your Shekels, C.T.I may at some point reopen.

  2. #112
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    A real life situation: I own gaming stores for he last 30 years and run used game auctions. People toss me all the stuff they don't want from old Warhammer models, boardgames, unpainted or partially built models. Whatever they want to get rid of. I then do a live auction and sell it all off in a day. They are tricky events to run, but i'll skip advertising and mechanics and talk about the two major things I have to get right every time.

    -Enough people have to put items into the auction. I have to have things to sell, and if nothing is on the list, people don't show up to buy. Not enough stuff to buy and the events start collapsing as no one shows up.

    -Enough people have to show up with money in their pockets to buy things. If not enough show up, the items go for very little, and the next time around no one puts things in for sale.

    I need both seller and buyers to make my auctions work. Two weeks ago a 100 people showed up and paid 10,000 dollars for 535 lots of used games. Both buyers and sellers were happy. Game economies are sort of similar. You have to have people who think it's worth while to sell, and worthwhile to buy. The measure of success is both how many people participate on each end, and how many councils are spent each day.

  3. #113
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celler View Post
    Unfortunately my low priced wood and strange dirt's did nothing to help the newer folk instead were bought up in mass by other players like myself.
    Not complaining it was short sighted of me not to realize that is what would happen. It maybe nice to have a max 5 per customer option though.
    That is a really cool idea. I like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Celler View Post
    I would of kept shop open for a few more days but i didn't seem to get the offer to renew daily rent, but that was probably an oversight on my part.
    It would be nice to pay many days in advance, for example buying the space for a week.
    Being able to pay for the shop multiple days in advance is a feature of a higher level retail management skill although I'm fuzzy on the exact formula. I think I can 2 or 3 days around retail management 30...

    If you are just starting out, you get an option to re-rent the stall 1-2 hours before it will shut down. Or you can rent it again after it already shut down, and your entire setup from last time will still be there (unless you did a stall cleanup via Selphie, of course.)

    A week in advance is probably a bit much - some shops clean out very fast, and it's a bit depressing from a customer perspective to look at a stall that has had an empty inventory for days. (It would be nice if there was a way that shops automatically displayed if they are empty or, even better, when they were last updated with new inventory.)

  4. #114
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atis View Post
    Is that even supposed to make sense? All player actions in games are metered by economic principles. Just not the same way as IRL, despite your hundredth attempt to bring in economics 101 in MMO.
    Weirdly economics goes past '101'. But the same principles work in the same way iRL and games. People are people, markets are markets: No two are the same.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tagamogi View Post
    it's a bit depressing from a customer perspective to look at a stall that has had an empty inventory for days. (It would be nice if there was a way that shops automatically displayed if they are empty or, even better, when they were last updated with new inventory.)
    Very true! Perhaps what we need is a flag 'Close store when empty' or 'Close store when n% has sold'. Something that some packed markets do is have waiting lists: You pay for a slot on a waiting list, and if a slot opens up, your get to use it - but only until the guy who's slot it is comes back. That would give more turnover, which I think the market needs to encourage.

    But I'd really like to see more... Information? Could we have a sign that says who rented what sorts when and with what items? I wouldn't mind looking up a list, and then walking over to the booths to check their wares. (Especially if pathing were improved!) I like that there's graphical indications but there's just no graphic that'll scream 'this guy has prisms'.
    Last edited by Crissa; 03-26-2018 at 01:51 PM.

  5. #115
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    I decided to open up a vendor and see how things went. Double edged sword: It's easy for me to set up and manage a store like this. I've done it in many games, but also have run retail stores for 30 years in real life. So there isn't a lot of 'thrill" in selling stuff

    -Store is in the C area.
    -Just stocking odd stuff, mostly from the cold areas i'm hunting in. Black Soup, lichen, silver, wood, winter clothing, ice cores, some extra sulfur and saltpeter, leather rolls. Fully half the stuff i put up for sale is easily found on vendors at a bit higher price.
    -Sold 100,000 in stuff in 3 days.

    I'm going to try and put some more odd bits and pieces up as i get time, and focus on items lower level characters could easily get.

  6. #116
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    So after a week or so, my rent is climbing, and so are sales. Any silver, lichen, sulfur, saltpeter, wood, slabs, winter gear, ice cores sell out. I sold about 100k in stuff yesterday. Some of that was from farming the level 30 goblin dungeon to learn goblinese, other stuff from kur. Really just anything that seems useful in some way. The fact that it's all selling is a nice indicator of how the economy is progressing. Nothing like an influx of new people to stimulate things.

  7. #117
    Member IndigoBlue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikhaila View Post
    So after a week or so, my rent is climbing, and so are sales. Any silver, lichen, sulfur, saltpeter, wood, slabs, winter gear, ice cores sell out. I sold about 100k in stuff yesterday. Some of that was from farming the level 30 goblin dungeon to learn goblinese, other stuff from kur. Really just anything that seems useful in some way. The fact that it's all selling is a nice indicator of how the economy is progressing. Nothing like an influx of new people to stimulate things.
    I'm about a weeks away from opening a shop as a trial, and after reading this thread I have this to say:

    In most of the games I have played, hardly anything was worth selling to other players until "level 50'ish", or even popular mats were going fairly cheaply. Case in point, Elder Scrolls Online (which I will play again eventually, when I need a break from PG). Players can learn all tradeskills on one character, but low level mats sell the best because your harvest progression scales to your level and you can never go "back". In addition, gear lower then 160 (where the current gear cap is), doesn't sell. Not looted or crafted. Just an example. Anytime a new update to the game comes out, some players make huge amounts selling the shiny new items. But otherwise, I'd say the economy on the NA server is not as healthy as it is here in PG. I played for a year and only made 2 million gold (probably spent about 1 mill on tradeskills and misc stuff).

    Perhaps being new gives some of us a different perspective, or maybe not. But I visit the vendor building every other day or so, and go through all 4 rooms. From my view, stuff must be selling, because there are certain things I NEVER find...gems (any), being an example. Cotton (I would not mind buying a couple stacks just for giggles) being another. I usually spend 2-3 days just finding a few amethyst. (Should be able to find those with Survey pretty soon, I hope).

    And finally, I appreciate @Mikhaila's updates about having a shop. I've been dying to test this out in PG, and it looks like even at lower levels, it does work.
    Last edited by IndigoBlue; 04-07-2018 at 08:08 AM. Reason: Typo

  8. #118
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    Your right, Indigoblue, stuff is definitely selling. I'll see someone with 20 stacks of cotton, and i'll grab what i can afford, and it's not there an hour later. A vendor will have several dozen of each gem, and then nothing. I never see slabs for sale (Which is why i'm working surveying and mining. Just tossed up a stack of slabs today to see how it goes.) I have limited slots so I only put up 2 sets of winter gear per day, and it's almost always sold out. And little things like cinamon, mint and cooking ingredients.

    As more people get up in levels things may change. But right now it's a sellers market

  9. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikhaila View Post
    Your right, Indigoblue, stuff is definitely selling. I'll see someone with 20 stacks of cotton, and i'll grab what i can afford, and it's not there an hour later. A vendor will have several dozen of each gem, and then nothing. I never see slabs for sale (Which is why i'm working surveying and mining. Just tossed up a stack of slabs today to see how it goes.) I have limited slots so I only put up 2 sets of winter gear per day, and it's almost always sold out. And little things like cinamon, mint and cooking ingredients.

    As more people get up in levels things may change. But right now it's a sellers market
    Just re-read this again and am confused about something....re: Slabs - Maybe I haven't read the right area of the Wiki yet, but I have access to Tadion's training list, and I don't see any slabs on it. How are you making slabs? Maybe there is another NPC I should be talking to? I want to maker slabs, darn it.

    Sorry for the off-topic question.

  10. #120
    Junior Member PlannedLycanhood's Avatar
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    You get slabs from surveying (mining).

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