Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #81
    Administrator Silvonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LaRaj View Post
    Looking at new gear is a fearful thing with the new UI, the left click is so sensitive. Was looking at a shield and left clicked to see it, and put it on instead, right about the same time a group of mobs were coming for us. I was pretty useless in combat with the shield in my hand and no supporting skills.

    Do you mean that you are just accidentally left clicking? There is no 'left click sensitivity' setting, a click is a click. If you literally have mouse clicking sensitivity, it could be related to your mouse.

  2.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #82
    Administrator Silvonis's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the feedback, please keep it coming! We will continue to work on fixing bugs and adding new features for a tentative 'official' roll out next weekend. When we do the 'official' roll out, the old UI will no longer be availible.

  3. #83
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silvonis View Post
    Do you mean that you are just accidentally left clicking? There is no 'left click sensitivity' setting, a click is a click. If you literally have mouse clicking sensitivity, it could be related to your mouse.
    I usually have no problems doing a left-click and drag, but I found myself much more likely to left-click and accidentally use an item on the trading screen than elsewhere. Maybe it's just that the trading screen puts me into a special click state of mind, I don't know. I may also have clicked on an item once or twice in an effort to remove it from the trading screen.

    Also, I know I already complained about this once, but I just wanted to say again that I sincerely hope the single left-click to use will go away. It works perfectly fine for me 99% of the time. The 1% of the time it doesn't, and I accidentally drink the 1000 council potion I was trying to gift to the NPC is ... infuriating.

    ( It also doesn't really make sense, we can left click on items in storage to move them to our inventory, but left clicking in our inventory uses the item instead of putting it back into storage.)

  4. #84
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khaylara View Post
    The new UI is probably great (I know it has some very useful features I am excited about like character slots) but I guess what I want to say is that the "look" is a tad overwhelming, there are a lot of windows that need size adjusting that cover all the screen or that I can't move etc. Maybe it's because of my eyesight but bad eyesight is most likely not uncommon among gamers. Fact is in the 5-10 minutes I've tried it for I got a massive headache and I had to revert to the old UI.
    As much as I love the new UI, I wouldn't currently recommend it to anyone with vision problems, just because the font in the chat tab where you actually type is so tiny at the moment and non-adjustable. On my screen, the typing font is about half the size of the font I picked for the chat tab messages.

    When I switched to the new UI, my main weirdness problems were a couple windows on the left getting squished on top of each other, and the new quest tracker going nuts on me by tracking 5 billion random quests at once. The quest tracker shouldn't be a problem for brand-new players who start without quests. For existing players ... well, I hope the next new UI release has some refinements. ( Currently, you have to disable tracking of new quests in the Settings, and then go to your quest log, find each quest the tracker already randomly auto-tracked and disable the tracking there.)

    I did find the different UI windows easy to move and drag, though. The only problem I experienced there is that some windows are only draggable by clicking on their title menu, and not by clicking anywhere else. If you are having problems dragging things about, could you maybe try posting a screenshot, so we can see if it might be anything about a specific window? I know you are back on the old UI now, but I'd be curious how your screen actually looks whenever the next version of the new UI comes out. I'm also wondering if you are running at a much lower resolution than the 1920x1080 Silvonis said is used as the default, and if that is why your display is so odd...

    ( I do sympathize with your headache problem. This thread reminded that I should really investigate exactly how and why my screen goes blurry in Serbule. I've been putting that off since just thinking about the blurriness makes me feel queasy and cross-eyed. Eeek.)

  5.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #85
    Moderator srand's Avatar
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    Let me repeat Silvonis' thank you. We really appreciate all the wonderful feedback and detailed reports. All of this is being compiled and sorted into a master list for fixing and tweaking, so don't worry about lots of short posts or duplicate reports - we'll sort those out. And we'll be working hard on this all week, so please do keep the reports and feedback coming! Your hard work is going to make the 'official' roll out so much smoother.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gruffon View Post
    Enable the option to disable NPC chatter in the All channel.
    The All channel is a special built-in 'channel' that always shows everything. You can hide the All tab in Settings->Gui, under the Chat section: "Include 'All' Tab On Chat Window". We figured that experienced players would want their tabs set up differently, and we don't want new players to miss anything in the beginning.

    For myself, I more or less replicated the old chat with a new chat tab (creatively called 'User') that includes Global, Help, Trade, Nearby (minus NPC Chatter), and Tells. (I have Party and Guild chat plus Tells again on another tab, because I prefer to keep those separate. But that's just me.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Niph View Post
    Cosmetic: vital bars over the head of monsters [...] Also, perhaps these vital bars should be displayed only over monsters that have on aggro you? Or on someone?
    We played with a bunch of ideas like that internally. None of them quite worked - they were all too unintuitive and confusing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Niph View Post
    Missing: I can't find any icon for the wordhunt game.
    The icon for the wordhunt game is gone - it was a really old left-over of earlier development. You can use /wordgame or the Word Game scroll that Marna sells to pop up the window. You can use the scroll from the left sidebar - I have a non-combat loadout set up that way for hanging out in town.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ebonwind View Post
    Suggestion: Could we have some hotbar slots for inventory items? I want to disable the functionality [left-click to use] described above but not lose out on the ability to quickly use potions in combat.
    You can use food and potions from your sidebar now. Or did you mean a new bar just for that?

    As an aside, we are working on better options for left-click to use. (I have accidentally eaten so many cakes this week.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Daguin View Post
    - Combat is severely hampered by the new UI's inability to queue attacks. My rather non-traditional style of spamming attack commands (to fire at moment of reset), and then getting next attack ready, is impossible with the new build. Please add in queueing again.
    Queuing is actually supposed to be working - it's just buggy as hell at the moment. But don't worry; we will get it fixed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tagamogi View Post
    Suggestion: It might be nice if each GUI element had its own reset option, rather than one big reset for everything. I resized the mini-map a bit weirdly by accident, and would like to get it back to its original settings, but I also like the icon and text sizes I have set up and don't want to reset those...
    If you right-click on individual settings, you can revert just that setting to default. That won't help you with the mini-map size and position, though, I'm afraid. The only way I know to do that is to wipe out your GorgonConfig.txt. (If you decide to play with that, make sure you back it up first!)

    Quote Originally Posted by OpieFisher View Post
    Bug-Can't easily add the trade channel back onto a tab if you deleted the one you start with.
    You should just be able to add a new chat tab and mark the checkbox for Trade. You may have to scroll down a bit to find it. (If you actually left the Trade channel instead of just closing the tab, you won't have a Trade checkbox, but you can type Trade in the "Add Channel..." field at the bottom of the Chat Tab Editor and then hit the + button to re-join and add Trade to that chat tab.)

  6. #86
    Senior Member Khaylara's Avatar
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    @Tagamogi, nope, i play at 1920x1080. I think Citan said you can adjust the fonts but i started tearing before I could go through all the settings. The nausea and dizziness happen to me most often in Serbule, especially the citadel. I can't say it's blurry, more like the ground is spinning under me feeling lol. I guess that's not part of the interface discussion but having my screen covered in rather oversized windows on top of it didn't improve the "omg i'm gonna puke" moment^^
    Last edited by Khaylara; 11-27-2017 at 01:36 PM.

  7. #87
    Senior Member ShieldBreaker's Avatar
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    Bug: Blurry Filter not leaving when it should. I had the screen end up going blurry and staying that way until I relogged. The events leading up to it was I respawned after being killed underwater. Although difficult to tell, I don't think I was out of breath at the time but the death report said drowned. I was suffering major poison DoT and I feel that was what killed me.

    Feedback: The bottom Abilities UI has moved around on me on occasion when I've only been trying to use abilities. So I probably missed the button and ended up dragging the UI, but that wasn't my intention.

    Feedback: Items are not drag and drop-able when you are in-combat. This includes those times after the fight when you have got a DoT debuff as well. Doing a drop by menu still works. So used to being able to do that.

    Feedback: One time dragged an ability off abilities bar, during or getting into combat. That is kind of frustrating it was my basic attack, so ended up with no refresh for the fight.

    Feedback: This one is probably really dumb, but even after finding it once, for a few days I couldn't figure out where the load outs went. Star at the bottom. Might be less of a problem for new players then old that are used to it being accessed differently before. An icon with hand holding 1 weapon with an arrow to another hand holding a different weapon, might convey the loadout concept more readily. Though fitting that into one small icon might be problematic as well.

    Cosmetic: On the Paperdoll in Stats window, Torso and Legs and gear on those slots are completely invisible with different sets of cloth armor. Validated right before rechecking so shouldn't be corrupt or missing files.

    Cosmetic: When deleting a LoadOut the pop-up starts with 2 lines of text but it then changes to 1 line of text and shrinks the pop-up to fit if it can. The changing of the box like that makes me notice the change and makes me double check that it is still the right pop-up.

    Cosmetic: When naming a LoadOut you can enter an large amount of text into the input box. After leaving the input box, the window it is in gets overlapping text and other weird results. The name gets cut off and only partly used. Maybe limiting the input to the actual allowed size of the input.

  8. #88
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    Feedback: Wondering if it would be possible to add a function to pull up the recipe of a component of a recipe. So basically thinking if you are making something that takes leather strips you click on the leather strip in that recipe which brings up leather strips info. You can see what recipes use it, gifting, and finding. But what I sometimes want to know is what goes into making it in the first place. So depending on which recipes you learn to make it you can bring up those recipes to see what is needed to make it. This would then let you do finds on the raw materials, or see what raw materials you need to purchase like rough tannin. Mostly need a quicker way to see what level of tannin to buy. Basically want to be able to walk back from the finished product all the way to the most basic raw materials that go into it.

  9. #89
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    New UI & Combat feedback

    I'm posting this as feedback about combat with the new UI.

    First I'd like to say that this new UI brings nice improvements. Not the least of them is the fact that you can move around windows and put them close to each other. I no longer have to look up, down, center, left, up, down, center, rinse repeat, to see what's going on. The fact that health is displayed as a gauge is also nice for combat purpose, if not cosmetic. And there are many other nice things worth the switch.

    The UI unfortunately also has some issues, a few them already existing in the old version. I know Srand recently posted that some of them are being addressed. I will still list them for completeness.

    • You can't loot if the corpse is behind you. I use the 'U' key to open corpses and it doesn't work if it's behind me or at my feet.
    • The health/armor/rage meter over mobs is great, except it's displayed on top of everything which is very distracting during a fight. The meter also doesn't scale with distance. That's alright except when there are a lot of mobs, it's a bit hard to know which one is close.
    • I already posted it, but I'll repeat it here: the meter should show only if the mob has aggro (or is recovering health after a kill/flee). Ideally, you could choose if you see the meter on mobs when they have aggro on: everyone/party/you. If that's too complicated, defaulting to "party" sounds like a decent compromise to me. In its current implementation, the meter is displayed over all mobs and in my opinion it breaks immersion.
    • Note that I can see meters behind walls when they don't block line of sight.
    • When looting, messages such as bury or gaining wisdom points hide loot options.
    • Loot options move around as you click them (to top, then to bottom, depending on autopsy for instance). The old UI wasn't perfect but did the job better in my opinion.
    • Bug: the target health bar can be at zero and yet the mob has some life left, like 20%
    • Key queue: some actions can be queued, i.e. the global refresh timer isn't ready but if you press the key for an ability, it is queued and the ability triggers as soon as the global refresh timer allows it. This works for But I love you, Psychoanalyze, You Were Adopted, Ice spear for example, but for some reason not with Ice Nova or Shardblast. For these, I must spam the keyboard until it fires. Worse, it doesn't work with Pep Talk, I've missed quite a few heals because of this.
    • The target square (thin blue line) does not cover the entire mob, so it's easy to mistake the mob in front of you with another behind. On the other hand, you would not be able to see it on large mobs such as Ogres. I think EQ did this better: there would be a ring on the floor centered on the mob feet/claw when it's your target, and by the shape of the ring you could always tell what your target is even with many mobs on top of each other.
    • The distance indicator (alt key) is on top of the target. That's alright, but in area with a ramp I can't see it, it's outside the screen. Can we have it also on top of the target window?
    • The same goes with the "You're in combat" indicator. It's mixed with buffs, but perhaps should better be close to the "self" window (with your health etc.)
    • Bug: items don't have the properly colored icon sometimes in the loot window.
    • Bug: the group mates health bar is bugged: stays black, give wrong info or is delayed too much and you can never tell if your group is taking damage.
    • Regrettably, the new UI does not allow for size, color or shape customization (I was really hoping it would, since it's spec'd from scratch). For me, this means my health bar is too small. I would have wanted to make it bigger, with a brighter, plain color and easier to notice in general. Also, I would have moved it near the group health bar so I can see if I'm damaged at the same time I see how's the group doing. In EQ I had to hack the UI but I was eventually able to do it and it's a HUGE improvement when you're specialized in healing. Maybe when Priest is implemented...
    • You can no longer auto-repeat decomposing or distilling items. Setting the "auto-repeat" box doesn't work for these recipes (It's combat feedback because it's fairly common to decompose as the group is moving or pulling).

    Not new:

    • I have an issue with the Esc key to close the loot window: it closes too much. That is, if I press it twice it will close the chat. More, I get a logout window... I've settled to always close the loot window with the mouse.
    • In the loot window you see arrows or throwing knives from other players. I think these items could appear in a separate area, and not be
    • looted with the loot all button, except if you're the archer/thrower of course.
    • We still can't easily make the difference between a mob at low health and a dead mob, in my opinion.
    • Sometimes mobs have a moving animation when they are in fact static. This is very common with Gnashers in Dark Chapel for instance. You see it coming at you but in fact it's not moving.
    • Feedback: Effect particles sometimes completely blinds me. The "on fire" effect is particularly annoying, when I have it on me I just stop looking at the screen and focus only on my health bar, spamming aoe and nukes long after all mobs are dead, because there is just no way I can follow what's going on, and I've learned that closing my eyes and shootin' at random works the best. If you ever implement some "hide particles" UI option, I will immediately turn them off, never to return.
    • Often you can see mobs, like Gnashers, very clearly on a ramp going down, but you don't have line of sight and therefore can't target them. It's a minor issue but one I find a bit annoying.


    The game could use a key setting for "look up" and "look down". I have to do it with the mouse and it's really slowing me down when fighting on ramps and stairs.

  10. #90
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    Talking about looting/decomposing... Maybe we could have a decomposition tray that we could fill from inventory/loot window? Anything to make it take less visual space and clicking time. I spend more time trying to find things to burn than I do actually sitting down in-game and burning them.

    Just some sort of speed UI that allows us to grab and put into the pile of items we're chewing through?

    Was there any way in the new UI to hide important items in the inventory tray so you can't accidentally click on them (and your loot and new crafting items doesn't get lost in the pile of things you have in your pockets)?

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