Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Senior Member kazeandi's Avatar
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    Post Animal Handling & Grouping (and some random thoughts)

    While waiting for the next patch, I tried to get my skills up to snuff for a new series of videos to demonstrate problems with the class. There are, however, things I can just describe to make them clear enough.

    On grouping:

    The biggest problem for Animal Handling in groups right now is erratic behavior:

    Take Dark Chapel, one member of the group pulls, one of the beholder-type mobs (forgot the name, there are similar ones in the Goblin dungeon) shoots an AOE Fireball and my pet runs in.

    Put pulls everything at the next intersection, wipe.

    This is a problem, because it makes Animal handlers a security risk in higher level dungeons, where the group relies on good pulling strategies to survive, or when the firepower is barely enough to handle small packs.

    This happens in all modes except for "Stay". The pet even runs in if it's set to "Follow".

    On control:

    If your pet aggros onto something and you want it to aggro another mob, the only way to accomplish it is to have the pet set to "Assist" and attack yourself - and then hope nothing else hits the pet before it reaches the new enemy, which is unlikely. As soon as it's hit, it rotates on the spot to retaliate.

    On runspeed:

    Pets are extremely slow. Even with only 5 sprint, I lose it all the time and it gets beamed to me. Pets should have the runspeed their master has.

    When you send your pet in to attack, it wanders over casually as if to give the monster a friendly slap on the shoulder. It should get a sprint boost on Sic Em use, or as long as it's in combat and fighting for it's life (and that of their master).

    On possible bandaids:

    Give us a "stop and return to user" button. It has to be a button, because cycling through the modes in the pet control window takes too long and then it's too late and your group wipes and hates you.
    Last edited by kazeandi; 08-14-2017 at 09:05 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    Why aren't pets just faster than players?

    I see no reason they shouldn't be. They have to path around, head to and from mobs, etc. There's no way the AI pathfinding is going to be as good as players', and even if it was, it would still have to deal with these side trips necessary to pet actions.

  3. #3
    Senior Member kazeandi's Avatar
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    Yes, faster run speed and a stop&return button would be really helpful.
    This would help with the pet problems in groups and it'd fix the problem that your pet hangs hundreds of meters behind when you need it by your side.

  4. #4
    Junior Member Feral's Avatar
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    I wholly support having pets be as fast, if not faster, then their master. This is a problem with MMOs and their pet classes. Few get it right but for those that do it can be a fun experience. If not, I find it more frustrating then anything.

  5. #5
    Junior Member karunama's Avatar
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    I tried to go Necro/AH as my first main skills with my current character, and it was pretty painful to be honest. The problems with pets are many, unfortunately, and their run speed is only one of them. Their AI is problematic, the behavior modes are somewhere between frustrating and useless (what is follow even supposed to do?), pets are quantifiably weaker than using nearly any other skill lines, they are more difficult to use and more expensive than any other skill line except perhaps Archery (I haven't tried it yet, so I can't say one way or the other on fletching) and pets can't be affected by AoE support abilities/heals/buffs further weakening their utility in groups.

    I normally love pets, but they need a *lot* of work from what I've seen.

  6. #6
    Junior Member Gorstak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by karunama View Post
    I tried to go Necro/AH as my first main skills with my current character, and it was pretty painful to be honest. The problems with pets are many, unfortunately, and their run speed is only one of them. Their AI is problematic, the behavior modes are somewhere between frustrating and useless (what is follow even supposed to do?), pets are quantifiably weaker than using nearly any other skill lines, they are more difficult to use and more expensive than any other skill line except perhaps Archery (I haven't tried it yet, so I can't say one way or the other on fletching) and pets can't be affected by AoE support abilities/heals/buffs further weakening their utility in groups.

    I normally love pets, but they need a *lot* of work from what I've seen.

    I agree,been 2 years,still waiting on real improvment on ah so i can come back.

  7. #7
    Junior Member jacksin125's Avatar
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    I've been suggesting 2 buttons to at least use until they actually fix the ai for something like half a year: A attack target button, and a return to user button. I've also suggested allowing them to be bound to a key, because it makes using those buttons easier, and most mmos with pet systems already allow you to bind commands like that to keys. However, I'm not sure I've even gotten a response. Unless the pet system is built terribly from the ground up, I don't think it would be too difficult to code at least a basic version of those buttons in.

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    Administrator Silvonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacksin125 View Post
    I've been suggesting 2 buttons to at least use until they actually fix the ai for something like half a year: A attack target button, and a return to user button. I've also suggested allowing them to be bound to a key, because it makes using those buttons easier, and most mmos with pet systems already allow you to bind commands like that to keys. However, I'm not sure I've even gotten a response. Unless the pet system is built terribly from the ground up, I don't think it would be too difficult to code at least a basic version of those buttons in.
    We don't plan on committing development time on temporary changes like this for a multitude of reasons. Mainly, because we are in active development.

    That said, we have asked for in depth reports regarding issues specifically related to AH but said reports have been far and few in between. If you can capture video to include with your very detailed reports, even better.

    Also, as a rule of thumb, when someone says 'xyz shouldn't be time consuming or hard to code' it's a lot more difficult than they think.

  9. #9
    Member Leodane's Avatar
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    AH might be suffering from bad publicity, which is why input might be so scattered. Most of the threads about AH are about how bad it is...which is going to create a negative feedback loop with fewer people willing to try it, and a negative echo chamber of comments. I had considered trying it, but coming to the forums and reading the threads about it, the AH experience sounds like: I can't effectively control my weak pet, which can't reliably get aggro off me. True or not, that was the impression I was left with.

    I don't really know the answer to fix this problem, other than for our devs to engage in more targeted conversations about what is wrong with it (which I think is happening, but the team is so small, there's only so much you can do.)

    A solution may be to deputize some folks as "digital devs" or "quality control" or some-such, and incentivize the gathering of data somehow - a forum badge or a special little cosmetic item or a few extra inventory slots or a temporary buff which is bestowed on an account which submits a good bug report. Dunno, just kicking ideas around...it's hard to get good data from a small population about an increasingly infamous bad option which takes significant time to test, especially when no one is expressly assigned to test it.

    In the spirit of ending on a positive, keep up the good work =) I haven't felt arrested by a game in such a long time, but I find myself thinking about playing while at work. This experience is special. The solution to AH is there, we just need to find it.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Khaylara's Avatar
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    I don't particularly refer to AH, it's a general thing determined by the size of the development team. I find that some skillsets are known to be not working too well but they put it on the backburner till they have time to adress it properly.
    I personally don't play AH because I find it boring and I avoid classic summoner classes in all games, no matter how OP they happen to be. But! A year ago everyone and their mothers were taming Hissy and everyone was necro (another pet class). Both skillsets were considered OP and here's a small example-my skeleton swordsmen had at lvl 60 (max lvl at that time) and with no mods 1,400 HP! That is triple my HP. People were charming Hissy and soloing elites with it (charming, not even taming in some cases).
    As you can probably conclude pets were quite OP so for balance purposes they had to be nerfed. The developer had no time since then to properly focus on the matter (I would imagine they have to prioritize other things like GUI revamp, adding new content, preparing for beta steam launch etc) but I am positive the pets will be reworked in due time. I understand it's frustrating as I miss my skellies but I'm sure they'll see daylight again at some point and that will warm their little undead hearts.
    In the meantime my best advice is to try the skillsets that involve pets and focus on selecting the best gear mods to boost pets' HP and defenses and offer as much feedback as possible so when they do get re-worked the devs have at least some idea about what players want from the skill. "Pets suck" might be a true statement atm but it's not very constructive. They need proper reports with level, gear, gear mods, character stats and the actual pets used. I was surprised that someone who used necro and concluded it was bad used mainly the suicidal skeleton mods (they do more damage but they take way more damage)-in which case the gear was what was getting the pets killed not the skillset itself (necro pets are still decent till about level 60).
    Last edited by Khaylara; 10-06-2017 at 01:45 PM.

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