Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #71
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Umber View Post
    From a legal stand point, a virtual item in a game that does not allow selling of items for real life cash does have zero value; tort requires harm done, generally in a financial sense. Losing something of 'zero value' (even if it has value to the owner/victim) will not hold up in a court of law, unfortunately.
    This is blatantly untrue.

    Just because something cannot be sold does not mean it has no value - that is libertarian dogma which is hogwash and unsupported by case law. That effort is taken to create something - that effort has value. That something exists and can be appreciated - that has value.

    We assign value to lives (which we can't sell) even if they're infants with severe disabilities. We assign value to our pets, and more than replacement value.

    Don't buy into libertarian nonsense that values everything only at its ability to be bought or sold.

    Quote Originally Posted by alleryn View Post
    You go to a small bed and breakfast and they offer you terrible service, don't change your sheets and bring you dirty towels the next day. Are the owners going to jail? I don't think so.
    Violating health and safety law is usually punishable by fines, but sometimes jail time. Violating contract - which they are, by not providing the service they promised - defaults to a felony. They might be violating even more laws, so it would depend upon the local laws on that sort of transaction.

    And lastly, no, people do get arrested for taking off with materials and monies and not doing the work. http://www.veronews.com/32963_featur...7651fc690.html

    It's generally local news, and a civil issue rather than criminal, because it's not always as cut and dried as it can be in a game system where someone just waltzed off with a deal and there's actual logs of the event. Also, people would rather get their stuff than throw someone in jail.
    Last edited by Crissa; 02-10-2017 at 06:06 PM.

  2. #72
    Member rastaah's Avatar
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    in the MUD I played (Dragonrealms) scamming if done in game in a roleplay manner (whether the other player understood or not) was considered ok BUT there was a huge huge down side for the scammer and here is what they were

    1) You would normally end up with a huge bunch of good guys after you and kill you over and over and over You may even be forced to walk the starry road which meant perma character loss.

    2) You were subject to sitting in a jail cell for a very long time and logging out and back in did not cure it. You were sitting there with the rule book.

    3) You could be locked out of game for a few days but you could log in , again like I said, you were stuck in that room with the rulebook

    But 'consent' was the key word. Consent...would be something like......If you trust the person you are consenting because you trusted them to do the trade so in that case you and your friends would have to handle it by hunting the guy down and giving player justice.

    You could not kill people in that game without some form of consent, consent being either you scammed someone (and were now fair game) or you attacked someone or you taunted someone to attack you.

    Hard to explain but it was most player and GM monitored and mostly in a RP manner. Was not any OOC allowed in that game though, at all, ever.

  3. #73
    Senior Member Eachna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hood View Post
    The Doom Dice rolls, my screen flashes red, and the boss warnings scroll through HopeOfAlharth's skull. *You have Stage 3 Pancreatic Cancer*. Just as I'm about to Recall Circle to Serbule, my character grasps his side painfully and dies.
    I have no idea if this is a joke or not but this is a very tasteless post.

  4. #74
    Senior Member Eachna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alleryn View Post
    My retort was that in the real world, no one goes to jail for scamming people out of their "real life materials" (unless it's some massive pyramid scheme; i'm talking about seeing someone in the street who says "here take this pile of wood and meet be back here with a dresser"). That kind of behavior is technically illegal, as it violates a verbal contract, but it never would actually result in jail time.
    You might want to read up about folks like "Irish Travelers" and "Roma" who end up in jail for the small petty crimes you're describing. Probably not with dressers . But mobile low-grade scams and cons.

    You may also be confusing jail with prison. A deputy having a bad day can throw you in jail.

    Quote Originally Posted by alleryn View Post
    And yeah i think it's reasonable that you shouldn't just assume someone will follow through on an agreement. You should learn to protect yourself, not naively assume people are bound to some externally applied morality to do free service work for you just because you asked.
    That's true, but in the real world there are consequences on both sides (to scamming and being scammed). In game, there are only consequences to being scammed.

    You drive around with a pickup full of wood. Bob says "Hello @alleryn I'll turn that wood into a fine dresser for you. Meet me here in 10 minutes." Bob takes the wood and doesn't deliver the dresser.

    You see Bob on the street after he scams you. You can walk up to Bob, shove him against the wall, and threaten him. You can take his wallet out and remove his cash from it. You can punch him in the head for emotional satisfaction (if you're into that sort of thing). Just because it might be difficult to get Bob thrown in jail (unless you know a cranky deputy), that doesn't mean there aren't consequences for Bob.

    In game, you can't do any of those things. All you can do is say on the chat channels "Bob is a scammer". If Bob creates a new character named Robert, you can't even warn people. Robert didn't scam you, you Bob did, and Bob is gone. It's not reasonable to accuse everyone with a similar name to a scammer of being a scammer.

    Since in game you can't administer justice yourself, all you can do is ask the devs to do it for you.
    Last edited by Eachna; 04-07-2017 at 10:06 PM. Reason: spelling

  5. #75
    Junior Member Dehrek's Avatar
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    Deviant behavior can only be permissible when consequences are possible.

    Otherwise, what you have is an exploit.

  6. #76
    Junior Member Lukasha's Avatar
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    "Deviant behavior can only be permissible when consequences are possible.

    Otherwise, what you have is an exploit. "

    Very True!

    People who want to Grief and scam others always come up with ways to rationalize their behavior as ok. Griefing should never be allowed in this game. It adds no plus for the game. It only allows a certain few, who like to annoy others, a means to do it. Scamming is obviously not beneficial. Both of these things, if left unchecked, run off a good many customers who have the money to pay for the game, older people who want to just relax, and not be annoyed by a 13 year old (physical or mental age) player.

    There exists no reason to allow it for roll playing. That is simply a reason the very, very, small percentage of players that want to do this, use to try and convince others their actions are respectable.

    The same people that want this in game, IMO, are the same that think PKing an afk player is skilled PVP.

    Games such as Archeage and Black Desert Online did not control these two items and PKing. They were allowed with little consequence for your actions. Older players, who have the money to spend, left the games after they progressed past the beginning phases of the games. Allowing these things without sever consequences also brings in a community that is just terrible. They do not help anyone, they give false information repeatedly, they do everything they can to disrupt and run other players off. I have never understood why either one of these games allowed it in the U.S., when the Korean versions had severe penalties for these actions.

  7. #77
    Junior Member fobbyfabi's Avatar
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    If you're not actually breaking any in-game mechanics(hacking, duping, exploiting, etc.); I feel scamming people or being a general dick should not be punishable. You're not born obligated to be a nice person lol.

  8. #78
    Junior Member Khariel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fobbyfabi View Post
    If you're not actually breaking any in-game mechanics(hacking, duping, exploiting, etc.); I feel scamming people or being a general dick should not be punishable. You're not born obligated to be a nice person lol.
    Exploiting the fact that there isn't a secure system in which you can put the materials into the window, and another person click the craft button to use your materials to make the thing you wanted (confirmed by you prior to crafting being done) is still exploiting. Just because it's a lack of a system instead of a bug doesn't make it okay.

    I'll say again. Unless there is a system with laws, and a method of punishing lawbreakers in game, theft/scamming/whatever other name you want to give it cannot be permissible under any circumstances.

    If those systems are ever put in place? Go for it! Until then, accept the fact that what you want to do is not allowed, and will be punished through external means.

  9. #79
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    @fobbyfabi what is your name in game?

    I'll make sure to make a note of it.

  10. #80
    Junior Member fobbyfabi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khariel View Post
    Exploiting the fact that there isn't a secure system in which you can put the materials into the window, and another person click the craft button to use your materials to make the thing you wanted (confirmed by you prior to crafting being done) is still exploiting. Just because it's a lack of a system instead of a bug doesn't make it okay.

    I'll say again. Unless there is a system with laws, and a method of punishing lawbreakers in game, theft/scamming/whatever other name you want to give it cannot be permissible under any circumstances.

    If those systems are ever put in place? Go for it! Until then, accept the fact that what you want to do is not allowed, and will be punished through external means.
    I'm still new to the game so I don't know all the nuances. If there is a glaring design issue that makes it easy to grief, then sure; have a rule against it or have it looked down upon. But generally, I don't think being an ass should be punishable, so long as you're not breaking game mechanics. I mean, c'mon... this isn't pre-school. I think it only helps the game, really.

    I've never scammed anyone. I just don't like an environment where people are forced to act a certain way, I want some spice in my mmo.
    Last edited by fobbyfabi; 05-05-2017 at 08:54 AM.

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