I overall dislike it. But I like the idea of multiple strong bosses spawning across multiple zones / biomes. The most annoying issue is the ridged spawn timer creates too much waiting after the initial spawn. And the death-touching monsters are particularly annoying. See George and the skulls in the desert. I can stomach sitting around and George until it comes to Claudia, then it feels like, “why am I wasting my time on this?” Dedicating an hour+ to 6 chests is not the biggest issue, it’s dedicating the time to the entire event which I dislike. Like how much is just sitting around, or trying not to fight? I can accept each individual fight, but all together it just feels bad, and the infinite monster waves built into the world boss (and turkey event) doesn’t feel rewarding (guess the turkey one helps people get turkey meat, but I’m not happy about how it works). I really hope you avoid this mechanic in the future! I find fighting/avoiding endless hoards for trash as torturous. People liked the faces in the first version of the world bosses because they dropped vervadium and scrolls. It was actually worth it to farm them.
When players fight the bosses it’s generally in unstructured groups. It’s either people just invite whoever into a group, or they solo and I don’t think the event should fight against that. I’d really recommend players never engage in fighting any trash and wait for the bosses because the last 3 bosses (and the tons of turkeys) can kill anyone in seconds and if a player doesn’t have recall beginnings they’re likely going to miss the kill. So, it is less risky to watch others fight. Actually, even in an organized group the gargoyles are very difficult to engage. You essentially should not engage them all with one full group and you need the luck of the masses to fight them.
Here is what I would change it if I had free reign: One world boss every 4 hours. A world-wide message going out about where to go. Before the boss spawns, there is a pre-event fight to give people travel time AND act as a fail safe to avoid curses to overzealous players. The pre-spawn for Claudia can be a giant golem, once killed faces spawn and a minute later Claudia+skulls shows up. Zuke could have maybe 3 super Mutter Necro you need to get through first. And once they’re dead the gargoyles+ Zuke shows up. Hotfeather could just have some super droach and then the 2 named phoenix + Hotfeather spawn as the actual event.
I’m sure people enjoy the event, and I’d love to hear why. I find the pro-world boss event crowd would be satisfied with a giant piñata monster that reports everyone’s damage every 5 minutes. There are things in how it works today that makes me not want to do the event, and I want to like the event.