The update notes are here:
Discussion is in this thread! But please remember to report any bugs through the in-game reporting system so we can track them.
The update notes are here:
Discussion is in this thread! But please remember to report any bugs through the in-game reporting system so we can track them.
[COLOR="#40E0D0"]-ADMIN-[/COLOR] [COLOR="#FFFF00"]Lemons[/COLOR]
The star of the show for me is the recipy scroll button.
Thank you thank you thank you.
I like the idea of underwater dungeons. Unfortunately, they seem a bit off the way, and unless there is a reason to return there (like, to collect resource) I'm probably never going back. The game needs this kind of things, though, so thumbs up.
I like the GUI changes, even though the most needed feature, as far as I'm concerned, isn't in it. Regarding the button to return to the previous recipe, it's working but not very well. I guess that with the caravan event plenty of people already submitted bug reports about it.
I tested all new Fairy quests, and they work. The quest that asks you to collect seeds seems much harder than others though, but that's ok, it's different, and you can take your time to finish it.
@Niph What's the most-needed feature, as far as you're concerned?
Last edited by Citan; 05-30-2020 at 03:10 PM.
I started a separate thread in the suggestion section to discuss it.
There isnt very much discussion going on with this patch!
The M&M update makes it feel easier vs "just reset the game until you get the right skills". I havent really played it enough to beat the final boss yet though.
The spam limiter is nice, it would be nice to let confetti/fireworks work via an option (at least I think confetti is blocked by it?) so when the summer-events happen I can see celebrations etc. I think I need to wait until more bosses are spawned by Jack to fully test this because during the poetry jam guides showed displeasure in AoE spam. I also think there is now so much player knowledge required to use these optimizations, I recommend just adding a section in the /help special command list.
I think some triggered buffs in Sunvale and sunvale's caves dont seem to be working. A friend turn on some fires outside in Sun Vale, got a message but nothing happened. We assumed a buff was supposed to be triggered. Similarly inside the dungeon I clicked the bowl and received the non-druid specific "you can see the oceans future" message and I have no idea if that is a flag for something else, or a buff or what but it appears nothing happened.
When the patch first went live I did a bug report that my panther from GK had an untamable label. I actually have not checked it again, nor have I attempted to check if the panthers from GK are susceptible to the magical allure of string. But that is a thing btw!
Feedback on increased animal mob health on non-elites
Location: FR. Skills used: Level 80+ Hammer /Druid. Gear: full level 70 max-crafted gold leather evasion. Solo fighting.
Kills now taking 3 or 4 hits (rather than 2 or 3). No noticeable impact on player survival, except when fighting bears.
Bears now manage to get a rage hit in, so fighting 2 bears at once is much more dangerous and requires healing during a fight.
Can still kill the honey trolls without using fire.
Those both create non-timed buffs so if you've hidden "permanent" effects, you won't see the icons. As far as I can tell they are working though. (The buffs aren't permanent, especially the Sun Vale ones, but since they don't have a traditional timer they get lumped into permanent in the UI.)