Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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    Senior Member Sims's Avatar
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    Update Discussion: March 9, 2020

    The update notes are here: https://forum.projectgorgon.com/show...s-March-9-2020

    Discussion is in this thread! But please remember to report any bugs through the in-game reporting system so we can track them.
    [COLOR="#40E0D0"]-ADMIN-[/COLOR] [COLOR="#FFFF00"]Lemons[/COLOR]
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  2. #2
    Junior Member Sokar's Avatar
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    Balancing thoughts:

    Thorn dmg:

    By trying to avoid Warden + Druid you "ruined" it for all others. Now i have to do warden + druid to do atleast some dmg with thorns. Looks like much worst than before for me, since i haven't seen a single one doing warden + druid since you mentioned an adjustment. Btw. please adjust the dmg to health info in the skill tooltip to fit the adjustments

    Staff Phönix strike:

    taking away the heal is sad but ok it's balancing, but replacing it with +thorn dmg is more or less replacing it with nothing since the recent adjustments to it. This skill could need a mod like +15 seconds to the thorn effect duration.

    For the rest:

    Well done
    Last edited by Sokar; 03-09-2020 at 08:16 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Aionlasting's Avatar
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    Appreciate all the hard work. Keep it up. I like the metal change. That makes more sense as a tankier player likely is wearing metal gear and would benefit from damage mitagation. Very smart! Thanks for adding in the buff display, and I am happy to hear its location is temporary because that UI box is crowded and it would make more sense for it to show up on the target frame like in all other mmo's. But happy to see some attention given there. Enjoying the continued attempts to flesh out the combat system. I think the other armor types would benefit form interesting effects to similar to armor getting the damage mitigation per 50 armor points. Cloth shoudl have osme unique bonus like maybe 5% increase to spell crit chance... and leather can get some buff.. maybe.. spells recover 15% faster on cooldown... (i.e. they can attack faster essentially but since we have no attack speed I guess we can' buff the attack speed.. haha). Well keep up the great work. Really looking for to the animation system that will hopefuly make combat feel mroe fluid too. I think combat pacing still needs work. Its noticable when you go from project gorgon to other mmo's were the combat feels more fluid and the timing feels right.. proejct gorgon combat is very spikey and things eitehr die right away or you die too fast preventing healers and support classes to shine... the pace needs continued work but i think youre doing that so keep it up!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Vish's Avatar
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    Uriana and Glowing Sphere see Fae players as Mortal (all talking with players with standard line, its strange that fae player say 'yes i Mortal')

  5. #5
    Senior Member alleryn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vish View Post
    Uriana and Glowing Sphere see Fae players as Mortal (all talking with players with standard line, its strange that fae player say 'yes i Mortal')
    This probably is part of (from the patch notes):
    Please note that this is a "soft launch" of fairies - which means that while the mechanics are in place, you'll see some places where quests are "Coming Soon!",or where NPCs don't yet recognize that you are a fairy when you talk to them. We're working on these elements for release later in the month, but we didn't want to delay getting feedback on the basics.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Ranperre's Avatar
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    However, when removing the hacked-in artificial boosts for Elites in Gazluk Keep, we found several bugs where Elites received the boosts intended for Bosses instead of Elites. This meant they were proportionally a bit tougher than intended, and they also dropped much more Exceptional, Epic, and Legendary gear than intended.
    Could you elaborate on this? Tougher how? Are we talking health/armor (stats you can see) or do "bosses" have a special addition to "invisible" stats like attack damage and rage accumulation? I've tanked/dps'd/solo'd those mobs as much as anyone and nothing ever seemed blatantly off, so I'm curious.

    I mentioned recently on the forums that I feel Elites/Bosses drop a bit too much high-rarity loot, and I'm considering lowering them a bit, but that didn't happen in this update.
    I would just like to caution against this. Right now, a decent way to make money after you've maxed out your gear is to run through elite mobs selling their guaranteed magical gear. After you take into account travel time, even with the best of groups, the councils/hour tends to be inferior to solo methods. Any dramatic change to this would be detrimental to encouraging teamplay (something that Gorgon currently doesn't really excel at). I haven't had time to experience the current changes, which obviously slow down fighting, but they don't sound "dramatic" yet.
    Last edited by Ranperre; 03-09-2020 at 11:07 PM.

  7. #7
    Junior Member Greenberg's Avatar
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    I say the change to thorns was unnecessary, the problem stems from warden being nearly useless for animal forms and it's hardly surprising to see players drift to warden/druid since it's giving multiple percent based synergy. While animals get plus core damage after a basic attack but if you're running deer/warden you'll be very likely using antler slash since it'll deals more damage, gives hp and has a smaller threat to critical mods. The problem of people farming lower levels wouldn't be solved by the nerf I can easily pull 4-5 mobs blow all their armour off with an AOE and do it all again by the next pull so it's more of quality of life thing.

    I agree that privacy field needed a bit of a nerf since it does attack range but not to the degree where it's basically useless and remember with thorns builds mobs bite back.

    I agree that privacy field needed a bit of a nerf since it does attack range but not to the degree where it's basically useless and remember with thorns builds mobs bite back.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Glythe's Avatar
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    So when you were listing the disadvantages of fairy characters why did you neglect to mention they would never be able to sprint? I read a conversation in global last night where Jack was overly dismissive if not rude to a player asking about it. Jack told everyone that while Fae are currently able to sprint with abilities like take the lead this was not intended (and presumably will be patched out later).

    I can understand this from a design standpoint and I do not have an issue with this decision. I would however have liked to known this was the design plan for fae when we learned things like they would have -16 inventory and would respawn in the fae realm. Land Sprints give fae the ability to run away in combat and as a result cheat death in dungeons where they cannot fly.

    Nobody I have spoken with expected this as a design point (as the other negatives seemed pretty severe).

    Quote Originally Posted by Sokar View Post
    Balancing thoughts:
    Thorn dmg:

    By trying to avoid Warden + Druid you "ruined" it for all others. Now i have to do warden + druid to do atleast some dmg with thorns.
    Pre nerf warden could do something like 1000 dmg to the target. I had someone power level me a bit for pig using warden and I have to say it deserved a change. They walked into the mob with the damage shield on and it died instantly without the need to do anything else.

    That level of passive killing power did not make sense when you consider the options available to other classes.

    The damage shield on Fire shield is not very good compared to some of the other classes but I find it works quite well still.

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    Moderator srand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glythe View Post
    So when you were listing the disadvantages of fairy characters why did you neglect to mention they would never be able to sprint?
    I'm not sure what you are referring to. Fairies can sprint.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Glythe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by srand View Post
    I'm not sure what you are referring to. Fairies can sprint.
    Jack said in global that fae would not be able to sprint via ground skills.

    I guess he was misinformed... my mistake.

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