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Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #21
    Senior Member Mbaums's Avatar
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    Priest is partly a curse class, with it’s incompatibility with necro items. It just happens that GK drops favor priest items. If there were three level 70 dungeons we might be singing a very different tune.
    The priest rez takes communication to keep up and if the tank goes down, you might not have the time to wait for the ability to be consumed, the party should probably rez him ASAP. The player has a lot less control over it compared the other resurrection abilities. The priest should get a buff to show who has his/her tether buff. I’m still in the camp that tether and the side bar single target rez are not an apple to apple comparison due to the lack of control.
    The strongest part of the priest heals come from the mods that replenish the players armor. It’s such a game changer and if you actually want to help other classes heals, I’d say add more armor replenish mods. Maybe retune some ‘replenish owners armor’ into groups armor. This would actually neuter UA/psychs ability to solo strong things.
    I don’t really play a priest beyond leveling it but I think the most fun ability is triage. Target free-healing options are good in my book.

    To mentalism:
    I have done suggestions asking for mentalism’s waves to all not share the same cool down. I have found that to be a little limiting, and this change would absolutely make mentalism more fun. It is not directly a healing boost but it is a sweet support buff. The middle ground option would be make the wave that the caster used have the regular 20 second cool down, but the other waves have a 5 second cool down. The pure-wave mentalist would be forfeiting so much damage /slots that I think it would be balanced without tweaking the mods. Another wild option would be make a basic attack reduce the wave re-use timer by 5 seconds. This would then put the min/maxer in the position of eating 5 slots to be the king of the waves (surfs up).

    edited to add: the best healer combo imo is pig +priest. It just feels a lot safer than the other combinations. Before my friends started that combo, the go-to healer was mental/priest, but the pig really brings a lot more to the table. I dont play pig enough to really spell out why but it's a very nice healer.
    Last edited by Mbaums; 04-20-2019 at 10:09 AM.

  2. #22
    Junior Member Speczero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niph View Post

    What could be done to improve Priest:
    • Ability to heal without line-of-sight would change the game. I've never seen any comment related to this particular aspect of the game from devs, I have absolutely no idea if it's set in stone or an oversight...
    I see from your post you played EQ1 and i just want to point out that Healing without line of site was used to cheese or break encounters all the way up to certain raids in everquest, as i'm sure your aware. I would not add this to the game as it would end up giving Citan a major headache.

  3. #23
    Senior Member Niph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Speczero View Post
    I see from your post you played EQ1 and i just want to point out that Healing without line of site was used to cheese or break encounters all the way up to certain raids in everquest, as i'm sure your aware. I would not add this to the game as it would end up giving Citan a major headache.
    I'm positive it was an approved mechanic. They broke it once with a patch, and hot-patched again just to restore it. With an apology.

  4. #24
    Member Jarlaxle's Avatar
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    God next class you gonna ask to get nerfed is cows. Because they can give generate milk while no other classes can lol. Sometimes you have to face it. Classes are different, and will sometimes do stuff other classes can't do or aren't as good as certain classes in certain areas. Doesn't make them overpowered.

    90% of your argument on why priests are overpowered is flawed. Wow so they can cure poison? Does that make me want to be a priest now? Nope. But they have an epic attack! ok........ But can cure your broken bones and make you warm in Kur. Ok man just stop now.
    Last edited by Jarlaxle; 04-20-2019 at 07:17 PM.

  5. #25
    Senior Member Golliathe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post

    Druid IS a curse class, so to speak, but that doesn't mean it should be better at healing -- it should offer more diversity of builds to make it useful in more roles and combinations. It is also, on paper, supposed to have "the best debuff in the game", so I actually expect that in return it should be a tiny bit less potent at healing overall. Not saying that's where anything is, just telling you the eventual goal.
    Hypothesis: Priest has tons of heal power and a 'swiss army knife' suite of abilities that will undo any and every debuff the enemy throws at you. Therefore kits without a swiss army knife of abilities should heal more raw or at the very least have something they do better.

    As an exmaple.... of these healing kits I have mentioned mentalism and battlechemistry suck as primary healers. There is almost nothing BC or mental do better than priest for healing a group. I think that feels wrong from a balance standpoint- If priest had the lowest damage potential in the entire game (it totally doesnt: see priest/fire builds) I could understand priest being the 'supreme' healer. Playing healing mentalism as it stands right now effort-wise might be like trying to run up a hill pushing a 40 pound weight. The priest meanwhile is having a leisurely stroll through a meadow sipping on a glass of cold punch.

    You can compare bard to BC here in that both can be built to do aoe damage and both can do some healing. Bard has the best rez in the game and BC has no rez. BC has super cool hour long buffs but bard has the most powerful short term buffs in the game (example -moment of resolve : For 5 seconds, all nearby allies take 60% less damage from Crushing/Slashing/Piercing attacks). BC has a pet that may or may not cast a useful healing spell in combat; bard can have passive heal song active while casting all his other abilities. Overall bard ends up better than BC other than the fact that BC has a very strong group heal and bard only has 1 heal while BC has two. I would say they are roughly tied in terms of short term buffs vs long term buffs but bard ends up doing the healing role better because it has the passive heal. [ I want to mention in a brief aside this is under a future tense condition when flat mitigation is roughtly on par with % mitigation. Currently a flat mitigation offers most people in a group pretty much nothing to take -20 or so damage when they get hit for 300-550 damage by level 70 monsters]

    On the other hand priest (with no secondary active) has enough raw heal abilities to be pretty close to the healing of BC+Bard. On top of that add in all the unique things priest can 'undo' (like crippled movement, stuns, poison, etc) and you will realize why nobody is playing Bard/BC when they could play priest/whatever instead. That in my opinion is the pat that needs adjustment.

    I imagine a game where each class makes you say, 'Ooooo I want that'! The reality is that someone wanting to play BC/Mental,BC/Bard, Mental/bard, mental/psych, psych/bc, etc., as a full support healer is in for a rude awakening because they messed up because they didn't pick priest.

    Conclusion: Pick any 2 healing abilities that does not include priest and compare it to priest +any other support healing class. The priest version is always better. That doesn't seem right to me - but the complete picture has not been painted yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    I'm not expecting people to give exact breakdowns by mods or abilities. The first thing to identify is: what is the really fun thing you can do with this skill? I want to avoid cutting the fun bits out of the game!

    Of course, sometimes an ability is really only fun because it's crazily overpowered. In those cases, the fun may not be saveable, if the skill has a lot of other things going on. But let me make that decision.

    So let me know what bits you think are fun, so I can do my best to keep those bits if possible. (This applies to individual skills and also to skill combinations!)
    Can I tell you what isn't fun when trying to play a healer?

    In Gazluk Keep player health swings from massively high to 99% dead in the blink of an eye for non tanks.

    What if : you give some of these 'weaker' healing classes a new ability?

    Say for example you gave mentalism a damage shield ability called mind shield. Project a mental forcefield on the target that protects against the first 200 damage (modded by +200 more). For 1 minute the target takes -15% damage from all sources. Maybe this power is a sidebar ability with a 5 minute cooldown.

    What if you gave battlechemistry :

    Potion of invinciblity (also sidebar ability). For one minute target takes -25% damage from all sources. Ninety seconds after that effect ends the target dies (meaning 1 minute of buffs, 1.5 minutes of waiting). Thirty seconds later your golem explodes and revives the target (10-15 minute cooldown).

    Note: Obviously these abilities would not stack - and as such you could literally treat them as an alchemy potion for simplicity sake.

    I don't expect you to actually use either of these but maybe it can give you some ideas.

  6. #26
    Senior Member Golliathe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poulter View Post
    Some context on my feedback below:
    I have levelled 15 combat skills to maximum and have max. crafted & augmented c. 30 gold gear sets for them so my playing experience revolves around 56 to 60 mods.


    Most disappointing combos:
    Ice Magic /Fire - Looks very good in theory, but takes too many spells to be cast before damage modifiers are applied. E.g. during GK group runs, you often get 3 or 4 spell casts off each before the mob is dead. This combo is often ready for the nuke cast at the moment the mob dies.
    While it is impressive that you have completed so many classes I have to say that building only for lvl 60 gear mods could massively skew your results.

    I wouldn't expect anyone to be able to guess the highest combo for every skill combination in the game. You may want to revisit the case of ice/fire. Some time ago a friend of mine was grouping with Ranperre in GK and noted his incredible dps for that combination. My friend was using a 99% perfect BC/Fire build and noted that boss after boss Ranperre was schooling him in damage. I have no idea on the details; maybe Ranperre's build is only single target and does not have much AoE or control (which is normally something you specialize for with Ice).

    I believe you mentioned that you did not build for max dps? It is very likely that building ice/fire in this way makes for a glass cannon type that is not well suited for other content without support. The point remains that ice/fire can build for rather incredible single target damage.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarlaxle View Post
    Classes are different, and will sometimes do stuff other classes can't do or aren't as good as certain classes in certain areas. Doesn't make them overpowered.
    At least something you said (when cropped) contributes to the discussion. Priest heals and does all this other fancy stuff. Meanwhile mentalism on its own fails to heal well and has no fancy stuff. They both have epic attacks and can do some burst damage on longish cooldowns. Meanwhile priest also has a rez. Don't you think there is an issue with that?

    Priest has all this stuf AND more than mentalism; that does not seem right from a balance standpoint. As I said before I could understand this if priest had practically zero damage... but priest has really good damage too.

    Right now why would anyone pick mentalism over priest? It takes more effort to do less.

    *on a more personal note* - Is your intent to lock this thread and derail the discussion?
    Last edited by Golliathe; 04-22-2019 at 10:18 AM.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golliathe View Post
    I wouldn't expect anyone to be able to guess the highest combo for every skill combination in the game. You may want to revisit the case of ice/fire. Some time ago a friend of mine was grouping with Ranperre in GK and noted his incredible dps for that combination. My friend was using a 99% perfect BC/Fire build and noted that boss after boss Ranperre was schooling him in damage. I have no idea on the details; maybe Ranperre's build is only single target and does not have much AoE or control (which is normally something you specialize for with Ice).
    As far as I'm concerned, an aoe root on a 20s timer plus a mez is all the control a group should really need. Seriously, a 20s recast on tundra spikes is insane.

    That said, poulter isn't entirely wrong. If you're in a suboptimal GK group (as in one without a tank) you can probably only get in 3 hits before the mob is dead. Maybe four. Fire/ice depends on you getting off calefaction into flesh to fuel + ice lightning before being able to let loose with your core attacks. And this order is important, as the core bonus damage buffs from the latter two only last seven seconds. That's about a thousand damage in three attacks before being able to do real damage (2-3k on each super fireball and ice spear). So instead, in these groups, you need to adjust, preload flesh to fuel then go calefaction into your two core attacks. Not being able to get off a freeze solid (which resets ice spear) into a second ice spear. There are better combos for these kinds of suboptimal groups, such as fire/priest or archery with anything that has a good nice attack, both of which can get off more damage in 3-4 attacks than fire/ice. In optimal groups, fire/ice can just find the mob missed by the aoe pit and solo it.

    Where you really shine is on bosses, namely zuke. The issue with tank + aoe groups is usually these fights can last a little too long, since all your damage is aoe. Don't get me wrong, these fights are easy with a good tank, but if your tank screws up (or clutch decides to be an asshole) it can go tits up. Fire/ice provides tons of consistent single target dps, more than anything else I've done since hammer got nerfed (haven't touched spider).

  8. #28
    Senior Member Niph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golliathe View Post
    Just speaking for my myself, I'd appreciate if you stopped posting pages and pages of negativity, however well-documented, and instead answered Citan's question, as what's fun in playing Priest for you. Since he said that's the input he's looking for.

  9. #29
    Senior Member Golliathe's Avatar
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    Truncated version of original post (which was lost):

    Quote Originally Posted by Mbaums View Post
    The priest rez takes communication to keep up and if the tank goes down, you might not have the time to wait for the ability to be consumed, the party should probably rez him ASAP. The player has a lot less control over it compared the other resurrection abilities.

    The strongest part of the priest heals come from the mods that replenish the players armor. It’s such a game changer and if you actually want to help other classes heals, I’d say add more armor replenish mods.
    If you have ever tried playing a healer witout a rez you realize how much you suck along side one that has a rez. That's not right.

    Priest definitely has armor restoration and so does bard. I would love to see mentalism get some love here on that front. Having armor on the tank definitely matters and being able to give them armor back helps a ton.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mbaums View Post
    To mentalism:
    I have done suggestions asking for mentalism’s waves to all not share the same cool down. I have found that to be a little limiting, and this change would absolutely make mentalism more fun. It is not directly a healing boost but it is a sweet support buff. The middle ground option would be make the wave that the caster used have the regular 20 second cool down, but the other waves have a 5 second cool down. The pure-wave mentalist would be forfeiting so much damage /slots that I think it would be balanced without tweaking the mods. Another wild option would be make a basic attack reduce the wave re-use timer by 5 seconds. This would then put the min/maxer in the position of eating 5 slots to be the king of the waves (surfs up).
    I would love to see some adjustment to make mentalism less tedious in regards to wave cycling (read as take less effort and get more effort to be on par with other healers). And now a list of mutually exclusive options on how to make mentalism better:

    1. Add side bar passive ability so that activating a wave actives all mentalism waves on your bar (and puts them all on cooldown).

    This would give mental a "wow" factor that it is currently lacking. You could scale this ability as a level 20/40/60 unlock or whatever so you keep getting an extra wave with each unlock. This would allow for 4 waves + 2 heals. There is a natural limitation in that you cannot build for all the waves at the same time anyway (go an count all the mod options!)

    2. Add an active sidebar ability so that activing a wave makes the next wave have infinite duration (pay for it once with power/animation and it runs continually as long as there is power to sustain it and refreshes the effect effect with no animation or button press required).

    In short you have one wave auto casting so you can cycle one for free and be lazy. Or you could cycle two waves with one of them being automatic. This would probably be a difficult one to program but another possible solution to fix things.

    3. Make mental waves not have a linked cooldown.

    This would be super simple and make a lot more sense imho. The mentalism build for support would just cast each wave when it is off cooldown. And you have 2 heals to cast when you need them.

    Having the mentalism waves be linked for cooldown makes sense if they were amazing - but they aren't.

    Quote Originally Posted by Niph View Post
    Just speaking for my myself, I'd appreciate if you stopped posting pages and pages of negativity, however well-documented, and instead answered Citan's question, as what's fun in playing Priest for you. Since he said that's the input he's looking for.
    I wouldn't necessarily say my posts are negative. I am trying to achieve positive changes for the game as a whole. I want to see every class be cool in its own way and that most definitely isn't the case right now; I feel Citan needs to see that. I think it is one thing to say X is beter than Y; so Nerf X. Did I do that? I have tried to offer some realistic solutions to make healing more interesting overall. Some of those suggestions might be terrible in relation to the master plan Citan has for this game.

    I don't consider priest to be fun when you look at the other options. Priest is either a "complete" picture to which all the other support classes should be adjusted so they can compete with it OR priest is too damn good because it can do everything (damage, heal and has massive utility). Go play any 2 non support priests and then go play support+priest. Why would you ever play a non priest support healer once you have tried priest? In a real world comparison most people don't want to bother with jury duty because that pays less than their job. What is fun about playing a sub optimal combination?

    If all of the classes in this thread are meant to be full healing support options (maybe they aren't) they should be relatively equal in terms of being able to complete the task with some variations between to keep them interesting. Say you assign each class a # value for healing/prevention, damage and utility. It is not ok in my opinion to have one class have a total score of 18 when one of the other classes has a total score of 11. Maybe you disagree?

    I really don't want to see priest get nerfed into something not fun but I think it might do too much right now. I would love to see playing each of the heal oriented classes be fun and rewarding because each one has something cool and unique. The bottom line is that some of the heal classes feel like they are 3/5ths of a complete picture when compared to priest. If everything but priest gets positively massively adjusted then priest as it stands right now would totally make sense.
    Last edited by Golliathe; 04-22-2019 at 12:08 PM.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golliathe View Post
    Truncated version of original post (which was lost):

    If you have ever tried playing a healer witout a rez you realize how much you suck along side one that has a rez. That's not right.

    Priest definitely has armor restoration and so does bard. I would love to see mentalism get some love here on that front. Having armor on the tank definitely matters and being able to give them armor back helps a ton.

    I would love to see some adjustment to make mentalism less tedious in regards to wave cycling (read as take less effort and get more effort to be on par with other healers). And now a list of mutually exclusive options on how to make mentalism better:

    1. Add side bar passive ability so that activating a wave actives all mentalism waves on your bar (and puts them all on cooldown).

    This would give mental a "wow" factor that it is currently lacking. You could scale this ability as a level 20/40/60 unlock or whatever so you keep getting an extra wave with each unlock. This would allow for 4 waves + 2 heals. There is a natural limitation in that you cannot build for all the waves at the same time anyway (go an count all the mod options!)

    2. Add an active sidebar ability so that activing a wave makes the next wave have infinite duration (pay for it once with power/animation and it runs continually as long as there is power to sustain it and refreshes the effect effect with no animation or button press required).

    In short you have one wave auto casting so you can cycle one for free and be lazy. Or you could cycle two waves with one of them being automatic. This would probably be a difficult one to program but another possible solution to fix things.

    3. Make mental waves not have a linked cooldown.

    This would be super simple and make a lot more sense imho. The mentalism build for support would just cast each wave when it is off cooldown. And you have 2 heals to cast when you need them.

    Having the mentalism waves be linked for cooldown makes sense if they were amazing - but they aren't.

    I wouldn't necessarily say my posts are negative. I am trying to achieve positive changes for the game as a whole. I want to see every class be cool in its own way and that most definitely isn't the case right now; I feel Citan needs to see that. I think it is one thing to say X is beter than Y; so Nerf X. Did I do that? I have tried to offer some realistic solutions to make healing more interesting overall. Some of those suggestions might be terrible in relation to the master plan Citan has for this game.

    I don't consider priest to be fun when you look at the other options. Priest is either a "complete" picture to which all the other support classes should be adjusted so they can compete with it OR priest is too damn good because it can do everything (damage, heal and has massive utility). Go play any 2 non support priests and then go play support+priest. Why would you ever play a non priest support healer once you have tried priest? In a real world comparison most people don't want to bother with jury duty because that pays less than their job. What is fun about playing a sub optimal combination?

    If all of the classes in this thread are meant to be full healing support options (maybe they aren't) they should be relatively equal in terms of being able to complete the task with some variations between to keep them interesting. Say you assign each class a # value for healing/prevention, damage and utility. It is not ok in my opinion to have one class have a total score of 18 when one of the other classes has a total score of 11. Maybe you disagree?

    I really don't want to see priest get nerfed into something not fun but I think it might do too much right now. I would love to see playing each of the heal oriented classes be fun and rewarding because each one has something cool and unique. The bottom line is that some of the heal classes feel like they are 3/5ths of a complete picture when compared to priest. If everything but priest gets positively massively adjusted then priest as it stands right now would totally make sense.
    I believe your biggest flaw is comparing classes like bard, mentalism and battle chemist to that of priest because you think they are equally healers. Just because they have a few healing abilities does not mean they are healers. When you think bard or battle chemist do you really imagine they should have healing power equal to a priest class? They do other things Priest can't do. Buffs for one. I'm sure players of those classes without the bias you have can chime in more.

    Compare it to druid if you want to compare healers. I would rather have a druid healer in my group any day than a priest considering equal player skill. But they are close enough in power doing different things that neither of them needs to be nerfed. In pure group aoe healing power druid will run laps around priest.

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