What skills/build are you guys using, and how is it working out?
I use Sword/Unarmed, but I'm thinking of switching to AH/Bard.
I mostly use a sustain build (all of my lowest power costing moves rather than my most damaging ones, coupled with some power regen mods) that focuses on DOTs (hacking blade and debilitating blow in particular have six 84 damage DOT mods between the two, a few other skills like headbutt have 1 or 2) and rage control (from Bodyslam to Infurating Blow, more than half my attacks reduce rage). I also use Sigil Scripting to help keep myself alive over the course of some of the longer battles, as well as Willpower Gel and various food products.
One thing that I would like to be able to do but can't is AoE. I also have no way to stun, so ghosts and the like are really annoying to face.
Power Level: Can easily solo Wolf Caves, can solo Striga Steward, can't solo Manticores, have a lot of trouble with Beetles in Labs.