Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #11
    Member Oqua's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sudostahp View Post
    I'm adamantly against any changes that restrict player freedoms. That includes restrictions on hunting areas and play styles, and I still feel that loot locking has done more damage to the community than it has benefited the community through balance. Project Gorgon is a sandbox in a sea of themepark MMOs, and the more that design aspect gets watered-down, the further it floats into a sea of mediocre competitors where it just gets lost. I wanted to get that out of the way up front, because I'm the first to admit that I'm heavily biased.

    but doesn't take into account the time to craft the rolls.

    1: Restrict player freedoms? If you look at your own supplied information even a camped panthers is on par with the low end money making strategies. This implies that player freedom is how you do panthers and not your freedom to pick other options.

    2: time to craft the rolls? Compared to carding cotton and for context I often use up 3.5 hours on my Flower Arranging buff to card a batch of cotton, where as with Rolls you can simply mash the craft button.

    3: it also does not take into account the massive work to make cotton “Profitable?” such as getting the gardening investment, learning Flower Arranging, getting the seeds, leveling Nature Appreciation etc.

    4: Given the state of the economy it is not wrong to say that the players who do panthers are able to toss out cash with no regard to its effect on the market, in an effort to power level any and all other aspects leaving the non-panther players to scramble for the scraps from the panther table.

    Conclusion: As a gardening/tailor I knew I was taking the low end of the making money strategy and I was ok with that. I told myself and others that it was removing as much RNG as possible, and removing the possibility that panthers would be camped etc.

    Now? I regret my choice to some extent after having seen the numbers laid out in such a manner. When I consider all the work I put in to “make money?” and look at the panthers even a worst case situation, not to mention the fringe benefits of making money by combat, I cant help but feel mislead. A lot of MMO have a “crafting” aspect, its usually just there, part of my draw to PG was the idea that crafting has a purpose and point but more so could compete with the combat enthusiasts as it stands I do not see that.

    For a setup+time investment panthers simply dominate and with that massive cash flow the fastest way to do any other skill is, do panthers throw cash at your problem.

  2. #12
    Member sudostahp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oqua View Post
    1: Restrict player freedoms? If you look at your own supplied information even a camped panthers is on par with the low end money making strategies. This implies that player freedom is how you do panthers and not your freedom to pick other options.
    You're absolutely right. Panthers are the most profitable activity in-game right now if you have them for yourself. The same is true for wolf cave. Skins are profitable. I'm fine with nerfing the value of skins in the interest of balance. I'd even say that I'm all for it. I just don't think that players shouldn't have the option to farm areas. We need more grinding options, but the value of skins is the real problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oqua View Post
    2: time to craft the rolls? Compared to carding cotton and for context I often use up 3.5 hours on my Flower Arranging buff to card a batch of cotton, where as with Rolls you can simply mash the craft button.
    This doesn't include the time to craft the rolls since it's not that much of a consideration. I'm totally in agreement that it's pretty inconsequential compared to something like carding cotton.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oqua View Post
    3: it also does not take into account the massive work to make cotton “Profitable?” such as getting the gardening investment, learning Flower Arranging, getting the seeds, leveling Nature Appreciation etc.
    You're right. This doesn't assuming gardening buffs, flower arrangement, or nature appreciation. This is a base level figure. Using other buffs to improve gardening increases time, but would also increase productivity. It does include getting seeds only in the sense that cotton self-replenishes, so that's baked in to the estimate based on how long it took me to grow a sample stack.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oqua View Post
    4: Given the state of the economy it is not wrong to say that the players who do panthers are able to toss out cash with no regard to its effect on the market, in an effort to power level any and all other aspects leaving the non-panther players to scramble for the scraps from the panther table.
    No doubt. The same is true for wolf cave. I'd wager that half of the councils in circulation come from one of two skills: surveying, or skinning. Both are very lucrative methods. I think that panthers and wolves are probably too viable for cash generation, and that the root problem is the skin value and the necessity of higher level solo content. Cotton is still one of the best ways for low-to-mid level players to make money. I don't think the solution is to put players with maxed skills and full gear to make the same amount, but I'm in agreement that the gap is currently too wide.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oqua View Post
    Conclusion: As a gardening/tailor I knew I was taking the low end of the making money strategy and I was ok with that. I told myself and others that it was removing as much RNG as possible, and removing the possibility that panthers would be camped etc.

    Now? I regret my choice to some extent after having seen the numbers laid out in such a manner. When I consider all the work I put in to “make money?” and look at the panthers even a worst case situation, not to mention the fringe benefits of making money by combat, I cant help but feel mislead. A lot of MMO have a “crafting” aspect, its usually just there, part of my draw to PG was the idea that crafting has a purpose and point but more so could compete with the combat enthusiasts as it stands I do not see that.

    For a setup+time investment panthers simply dominate and with that massive cash flow the fastest way to do any other skill is, do panthers throw cash at your problem.
    I think it would be interesting to see the numbers for "advanced gardeners" -- gardeners that use flower arrangement buffs, that have master carding, and can produce "value-added" goods for work-orders. Keep a log of your time and profits, I'd love to see how they stack up. I'm also curious as to the profit/hour of cotton + barley + corn. That might be a better measure of profitability for high-level players as opposed to just cotton as the baseline.

  3. #13
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    I also want to make it clear, because I might not have done so in my previous post, I am fine with a "best" if you have lets say 4 ways of making money efficiently in an ideal comparison it would be lets say out of 10. Method 1: 5 Method 2: 5.2 Method 3: 4.7 Method 4:6 then Method 4 would be the "best" and that's ok I just don't think as was stated above it should be a gap that is so large, where you are comparing a 9 to a 4.

    The more I play and the more information I give out to people I more my answers seem to circle back to panthers as a solution to all problems. Trouble leveling alchemy for Battle Chem.....Panther money. Getting snacks that are easy to get en mass.....Panther money etc.

  4. #14
    Senior Member INXS's Avatar
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    Panthers are what makes this game sorta broken. High number of skins, good number of trophy hides and stomach, it's a diamond mine! People sell skins off, make mega cash on stomach then set up a player vendor with x amount of trophy skins and x amount of work orders just to squeeze more money out. This kind of return for kill should be on a formidable critter out in the Gazluk range. Only thing i suggest is beef up the defense on panthers, want those goodies then better fight for them, they are in a corner of the map,maybe some bad batch experiment from Lomas and slap down a revised Panthers thats going to need more than 2 shot kill.

  5. #15
    Member fellentier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oqua View Post
    1: Restrict player freedoms? If you look at your own supplied information even a camped panthers is on par with the low end money making strategies. This implies that player freedom is how you do panthers and not your freedom to pick other options.

    2: time to craft the rolls? Compared to carding cotton and for context I often use up 3.5 hours on my Flower Arranging buff to card a batch of cotton, where as with Rolls you can simply mash the craft button.

    3: it also does not take into account the massive work to make cotton “Profitable?” such as getting the gardening investment, learning Flower Arranging, getting the seeds, leveling Nature Appreciation etc.

    4: Given the state of the economy it is not wrong to say that the players who do panthers are able to toss out cash with no regard to its effect on the market, in an effort to power level any and all other aspects leaving the non-panther players to scramble for the scraps from the panther table.

    Conclusion: As a gardening/tailor I knew I was taking the low end of the making money strategy and I was ok with that. I told myself and others that it was removing as much RNG as possible, and removing the possibility that panthers would be camped etc.

    Now? I regret my choice to some extent after having seen the numbers laid out in such a manner. When I consider all the work I put in to “make money?” and look at the panthers even a worst case situation, not to mention the fringe benefits of making money by combat, I cant help but feel mislead. A lot of MMO have a “crafting” aspect, its usually just there, part of my draw to PG was the idea that crafting has a purpose and point but more so could compete with the combat enthusiasts as it stands I do not see that.

    For a setup+time investment panthers simply dominate and with that massive cash flow the fastest way to do any other skill is, do panthers throw cash at your problem.
    I would also like to note that I left out the large sum of money in my initial post that you make as subsidiary drops unrelated to skins as I see this as a skinning problem more then a panther problem. Truethfully, the numbers on the graph show an inferior rate of kill progression compared the the hover lycan necro build that i made.

    Jewelry that they drop is substantial profit.
    Stomachs are substantial profit.
    Even teeth are quite a lot of profit. On skins alone,maybe 10 hours with my build to make the 800k~ but with all of the other products I could easily push that to 1.3m in that 10hr period.

    I didn't want to try to manipulate the problem fr the view point I was making, professions, but if you are looking at panthers Wholeistically, the numbers provided above are not entirely accurate.

  6. #16
    Junior Member Mechant's Avatar
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    I didn't read the entire thing but if panthers are too OP then limit some of the NPC to have reduced price for skins and problem solved.

  7. #17
    Member sudostahp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fellentier View Post
    I would also like to note that I left out the large sum of money in my initial post that you make as subsidiary drops unrelated to skins as I see this as a skinning problem more then a panther problem. Truethfully, the numbers on the graph show an inferior rate of kill progression compared the the hover lycan necro build that i made.

    Jewelry that they drop is substantial profit.
    Stomachs are substantial profit.
    Even teeth are quite a lot of profit. On skins alone,maybe 10 hours with my build to make the 800k~ but with all of the other products I could easily push that to 1.3m in that 10hr period.

    I didn't want to try to manipulate the problem fr the view point I was making, professions, but if you are looking at panthers Wholeistically, the numbers provided above are not entirely accurate.
    I left out the stomachs I had looted since it didn't make much of a difference. I had looted three stomachs during the cycle. See below for how that affects things. I also left out any extraneous drops since jewelry doesn't stack, so it's an inefficient waste of space. The teeth and tails are going to be even less significant. There's no way that 1) you're clearing the full spawn in less than 4:40 with a lycan necro build, and 2) there's no way that you could make double what the numbers I show in the same period, even including jewelry, teeth, and tails. There will be some variance in builds and RNG, so this is only a sample, but I stand by my figures and I'll put up 100k for evidence to the contrary. 130,000 councils/hour is simply hyperbolic.

    Last edited by sudostahp; 04-06-2018 at 05:56 AM.

  8. #18
    Member fellentier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sudostahp View Post
    I left out the stomachs I had looted since it didn't make much of a difference. I had looted three stomachs during the cycle. See below for how that affects things. I also left out any extraneous drops since jewelry doesn't stack, so it's an inefficient waste of space. The teeth and tails are going to be even less significant. There's no way that 1) you're clearing the full spawn in less than 4:40 with a lycan necro build, and 2) there's no way that you could make double what the numbers I show in the same period, even including jewelry, teeth, and tails. There will be some variance in builds and RNG, so this is only a sample, but I stand by my figures and I'll put up 100k for evidence to the contrary. 130,000 councils/hour is simply hyperbolic.

    I didn't write 19 pages because I felt like it. I don't make posts to bullshit because I can. I spent three months finding a way to grind kur panthers as fast as possible, then wrote my post. You can disagree if you prefer, but to simply state defacto "there's no way" doesn't change reality.

    Utilizing and maximizing profits are the way to reach the highest potential gains. If you understand flight routes, NPC paths, and have proper teleportation bound you can make use of every drop. Obviously tails are worthless, I didn't mention them. Stomachs though make a substantial value over the course of a 100 hour period. Just because you had bad luck in your small test cycle doesn't make them inert. Please consider holistic data, don't attempt to skew it to gaining a personal vendetta to prove a point.

    Teeth ARE a large vendor profit as at a 200 per drop and a high drop chance they add a significant small value. The reason you can't seem to understand the amassing of profit is because you are attempting to find something that is simple and easy. I am stating under perfect grinding (not timing, but knowledge based) circumstances, you can attain massive profits. Most players won't achieve this, true. But to those who take the time to learn the ins and outs of every possible profit venue, they will find a very lucrative business far beyond what you stated.

    I don't want to discredit what you said for general usage, because that is a well written post that has it's merits. But for the sake of the overall maximum potential, I would like to point to the capacity that the location has.

    Please though, I would like to note < THIS ISN'T THE DIRECTION THAT I WAS TAKING ORIGINALLY > The point was to talk about the over powered nature of skinning. It IS overpowered in every way. The current drops from panthers I believe are quite balanced and with productive changes to the values of skins would make the location quite reasonable. The reason I took so long to write the entire post is because I believe all of the factors I listed effect the persistence of the grinding location.

    Please do not take what I am saying out of context.

    I also want to say this...

    I made the build for my own profit because I didn't know how profitable it was before I actually tried it. Nobody told me about it, but I was trying to find my own unique way --- I hadn't played for almost two years after I started three years ago, but wanted to find something new. Back in the day it was farming sunvale faeries, then it got nerfed. Then I moved to Japan. I started playing a few months ago and went en route to find something that would be amazing to do. After reseraching for a while I found panthers to be a unique source. I originally thought they'd drop lemons, not stomachs (that's what they used to drop).

    After research and finding out the fastest way possible to kill them I came to my hover necro lycan build. I didn't make this post to boast, I kept all of that out because i'm not trying to describe a way to make money. I made this post to HELP MAKE THE GAME BETTER. That's why there aren't charts and analysis of why you can make l33t cash here. I just, simply, want to make the game a better game. I don't feel compelled to explain in absolute analysis why I did the way I did and how much I made, because I honestly don't want to make that public, I want to see this game become better withotu everyone rushing to abuse the latest mechanic. So please, forgive me of what you consider " 130,000 councils/hour is simply hyperbolic" but I have found out how to achieve this, but I won't be sharing it. Not because I want it for myself, but because I want the problem fixed.
    Last edited by fellentier; 04-06-2018 at 07:27 AM.

  9. #19
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    I'm going to disagree with your opinion that skinning is the problem, not panthers. You made a perfect build for doing panthers. Panthers have a high population, and a good spot to do AOE with room to run. You spend hours and hours doing it.

    Skinning isn't the problem. It's the combination of things resulting in a cash cow that many people build towards. You've found a way to maximize it and after months of doing it feel it's a problem.

    I agree, because if one way to make money is many times greater than anything else, it should be toned down. But do it with a scalpel, and not a large brush. You want to change an entire skill that is not OP for everyone else, just the people farming panthers with AOE builds.

  10. #20
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    It wouldn't be so difficult to trigger dense spawns on player engagement, would it?

    So if there's one player engaging the panthers, they respawn slowly, two, a little quicker, and so on; increasing the density of mobs based upon players engaging with them?

    That would save server power (not tracking so many panthers while players are elsewhere) and helping bring up the engagement of the second or third player trying to play in the zone?

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