At least for leatherworking, the leveling material cost is zero as long as you are willing to wait on work orders that match your current skill level. You still have to train the appropriate recipes, but given that medium to high level leather work orders make you thousands of councils per order, I don't think the training costs are a big concern.
Tailoring and toolcrafting are a bit more iffy since there are fewer work orders for them, but if you are willing to level slowly, they are not that expensive to level and the higher level work orders pay out quite a bit, even though their effort/reward ratio is less awesome than leatherworking's. Technically, you can also get an infinite supply of tailoring materials, as long as you are willing to spend the time to farm up the cotton yourself. (Possibly worth mentioning - I'm talking about leveling a skill as opposed to learning all available recipes. There a many lower level tailoring recipes I haven't learned yet and buying them all is definitely more in the fun money sink category.)
In my opinion, transmutation is a money maker just because it allows you to compress loot into fewer slots. The items themselves will sell for more than phlog, but if you are in the middle of a dungeon and out of room, phlog is better than not being able to pick up anything new.
Cooking ... I think it makes you money if you enjoy gardening. Since I don't like gardening that much, this was possibly not my best profit pick.

The cooking work orders pay ok if you consider the base costs of the materials, but it can take quite a bit of effort to get everything collected.