How could I possibly panic, this is great to hear!
I'll be sure to help on the steam forums where I can with questions I'm sure people will have. You're baby is finally grown up...not graduated highschool yet, but at least they're in the running!
We all know this will come with people offering their critiques of the alpha as if it's a final product, so we should all be ready to leave reviews! I'm sure everyone at Elder Game, LLC is braced for it, but was as a community should be prepared as well.
Let us embrace ignorance with understanding and patience. Let us not hate people who want PG to be a free-to-play model, but rather explain the perks of a game which you purchase. Let us not explain how/why this could should (or should not) be more like warcraft, but instead point out the joys of it's uniqueness.
And above all else, let us encourage people to explore the world and seek joy in it's discovery, rather than telling them exactly why they should only play a damage build using X and Y skills because everything else is inferior by 14.3 dps and only nubs who don't want group invites would choose to not wear chest armor for RP purposes.