I've spent weekend sorting an alt so I could delete it to get back to the 4 character limit.
There is no simple way to pass above 8 items unless you multibox 2 accounts or drop all and then pick up all which is 2 clicks and a drag per item. I'm lazy doing that 40 times is a pain. I have now got rid of most of my metal legacy armor by investing it in favor at Tarion for 2 of my alts. Dread to think of lost revenue to my main must of cost well over 50 k for those extra slots.
Also used another account to guild my 3 alts together to share the guild storage's in serb must of cost another 60k or so for about 40 slots to share there. I can't multibox in serb 4fps is terrible for me, sewer worked fine.
I now have 3 alts with 40 pockets each plus Marna and Joeh on 3 and Tadian on 2 of them.
Load times are an issue for me now with a good 2 minutes to log out and in with another character plus upto 2 minutes changing zones, south serb seems worst for me I think.
These storage alts are now no where near half full, I've barely been playing of late the mess they were in was one of the reasons though there are many others not game related.
I think some of the problem for me is a good item is worth at best 1.5k which is nothing to many players so I tend to keep lots for possible use later. Plus I don't like selling from alts as passing money back is a pain using consignment.
I'm sure many will perhaps feel that it's dumb to of collected all this crap over the 4 or 5 yrs it's been going on, but I've played every skill set to lvl50plus and got all the trade skills to good lvls with the exception of a few. Every trade skill seems to add at least another 20 or 30 items to keep somewhere or another.
I guess it's tough for dev I know they want to force traffic by spread vendors and storages etc, but at same time if every flower you pick means a trip to elt, or every skin you take means your going to kur, soon it becomes a chore. Sure you can focus on 1 thing but that is not optimal. If your passing stuff you'll need in few days it seems stupid to leave it.
Where is my horse,saddlebags and house?
Feel both would help. I'll be too old to ride and bedridden at this rate![]()