Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #11
    Administrator Silvonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrwarp View Post
    Questions -

    1) Is there any way to reduce the size of the buttons in this dialog? It just seems they are way too big. This is with dialog size at 14.

    2) Is there any way to shrink the lines in this dialog? Again they feel too big and clunky.

    3) This one is more out of curiosity. I understand that there was a game-breaking issue in the current (old) UI that would not allow you to drop directly to the character select screen on logout. Has this been toyed with in the new UI yet? Or is this something that can't be touched until we're in the new UI full time? I hope that the issue can be corrected because having to enter your password 12 times to transfer items between 2 of your characters tends to get a bit old.

    4) Is there a way to turn off the 'You' that hovers over your arrow in the mini map? It was kinda cute for about 15 minutes while I chuckled at the "You are here" concept of it, but it's old now.
    You should take some time, if you haven't already, to experiment with all the settings as that should be part of the testing experience anyway.

    You won't be able to modify every single piece of the UI as to keep the overall aesthetics and design choices in place.

    As to whether you can do something, if you've looked into it carefully and can't find the option then it's not there.

  2. #12
    Junior Member chill's Avatar
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    Amazing job on those updates. Lots of great changes and everything is so much smoother. The new ability organization is a lot easier to view and use. I like the combat bar ability tooltips being placed in the upper left again. The monster health bars are great.

    Bug?/Cosmetic: The Chat Window doesn't "override" other windows even which I click it or press the chat hotkey ... so I have to manually exit and move whatever other window is covering it in order to fully view and interact with chat.

    Cosmetic: Armor (in inventory) tooltips for purple/yellow items still gets cut off a little bit at the bottom of the screen and the side of the screen (when comparing items) since they are so large. Not sure if moving the tooltips similar to abilities would work or make sense ? UPDATE: Tweaking the GUI scale options helped this a lot, not perfect but much better and usable
    Last edited by chill; 11-20-2017 at 03:58 PM.

  3. #13
    Senior Member mrwarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silvonis View Post
    You should take some time, if you haven't already, to experiment with all the settings as that should be part of the testing experience anyway.

    You won't be able to modify every single piece of the UI as to keep the overall aesthetics and design choices in place.

    As to whether you can do something, if you've looked into it carefully and can't find the option then it's not there.

    Perhaps my questions were taken out of context....I will try to clarify. Really what I was asking was on questions 1, 2 and 4 was can this get fixed? I don't expect there to be a slider for every single aspect of the UI, and in that case it needs to be fixed on the dev's end. While there are portions of the UI that are well balanced in size, there are other portions of the UI (as pointed out in questions 1 and 2) that are very out of proportion in size. They look like they've been hit with the Gajus curse...the body is fine but the head is too damn big. In those areas the curse needs to be removed...it makes it look clunky. It does not matter to me whether I can do it via slider adjustment or if it is hard coded, it needs to be adjusted regardless.

    Question 3 was a specific question looking for a specific answer. I shouldn't need to make it more clear than that.

    I was never good at sugar coating so I'll strip it off of question 4 completely - We did not need the 'You' in the current (old) UI to figure out that arrow was us and do not need it now...I find it not necessary.

    I hope this clears everything up.
    Last edited by mrwarp; 11-20-2017 at 09:35 AM.

  4. #14
    Senior Member ShieldBreaker's Avatar
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    Bug: I can't seem to find any buff or indicator that tells me I have run out of food buff, even though I am starving basically.

    Feedback: Entering amount on it's a deal top section, doesn't auto-update the total amounts, you have to hit enter to see the new total. If it just ran the calc every time there was a change in the quantity input box, that would be nicer. As it is now you can put in your amount you want and click the buy button, but the total is shown as the original total. Pretty sure the amount purchased and payment are right. One time only ended up with the original default purchase of only one item, haven't been able to replicate this, may have hit one of the adjust quantity buttons or something.

    Feedback: combat bar ability tooltips being placed overtop the player-avatar window. Unlike chill, I am not thrilled with this placement. It blocks me from seeing my stat bars beside my player-avatar window. Had to turn on orbs to be able to see my bars in combat. Maybe option to not show ability tooltips during combat might be an improvement. Who has time to check the tooltips during combat, really.

    Feedback Addition on Combat bar ability tooltips: if you move the player-avatar window to the lower half of the screen the tool tip appears well above the player-avatar window not blocking any part of it. If the tooltip was adjusted to not block the player-avatar window when in the top half of the screen that would work as well. Just lower the top of the tooltip enough that it is well below the player-avatar window.
    Last edited by ShieldBreaker; 11-20-2017 at 09:22 AM.

  5. #15
    Junior Member chill's Avatar
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    Bug/Cosmetic: Updated previous suggestion ... seeing the enemy health bars of all mobs (even rats,pigs,chickens) is good .. I just think there is a bug/wonky thing where the enemy health bars are showing up a second or two BEFORE the monster names show up when you are running around (i guess it's a distance thing).

    Bug/Cosmetic: The chat window keeps jumping to new messages so it's hard to scroll up and see old messages.

    Orb suggestion removed

    Previous chat click suggestion removed -- had chat box in a weird place

    The UI keeps getting better and better the more you play with it!
    Last edited by chill; 11-20-2017 at 09:44 AM.

  6. #16
    Member Erthiel's Avatar
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    Suggestion / Bug: In previous UI, storage icons sizes scaled together with inventory icons. Now they do not scale at all. I would suggest the icons in storage and in shops be scaled to the same size as the inventory icons.

    Suggestion: Change the colour of the font for the chat tabs (All, Global, ...) and for the health/armour/power and names. Now it is sort of light brown. I would suggest a colour with more contrast (black/white/ maybe just a darker shade of this brown). Don't get me wrong it's a nice colour, however I am finding it difficult to read on much of the background. As the character moves the background changes all the time even to lighter colours during the day.

    Just a thing I noticed: I am playing on a retina MacbookPro and I am playing at a quarter of my native resolution (1280x800 instead of 2560/1600). It can't handle any more, however this causes the text to be slightly blurrier. Is there any way to separate the resolution of the new UI from the actual game? I have no idea how this works but it would be great if it were possible.

    Suggestion: Effect Icon row: Would it be possible to append changes / new icons to the end? Adding icons to the beginning makes the entire row shift which I find distracting. Some of the more permanent like cleanliness and food can be permanently first. I don't mind. Also running icon should be last because that one appears and disappears too often. Or like in previous UI separate these completely.

    Suggestion: Skill scroll list from which we select skills in Recipe Window is only half the height of the window for me. And actually does not scale with how I stretch the window. It should maybe be the same height as the actual recipe list.

    Bug: The text at the top of the training window where I can buy abilities does not scale with rest of the dialogue text with an NPC.

    Bug: The actual text input row in the Chat is very small. And by small I mean hight and text size. It's the same size as the tabs. If it's not scaled to the size of the text in chat at least make it slightly bigger. I have trouble reading what I am writing.

    Some of the above might be the result of how I scale my UI so screenshot for reference: https://imgur.com/a/YrJSz
    Last edited by Erthiel; 11-20-2017 at 10:35 AM.

  7. #17
    Junior Member chill's Avatar
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    Suggestion/Cosmetic: Like Erthiel said, the Skill Selector dropdown menu for Recipes is still pretty small and requires a lot of scrolling to get to some skills.

    Cosmetic/Buggy: When you select yourself, the 2nd window shows your info again ... so essentially 2 copies of the health/power/armor bar.

    Cosmetic/Suggestion: When you buy 1 item in a shop by clicking the big red button next to the item, it pauses and takes you back to the top of the list. So if you want to buy a few items by clicking without typing in the amount, I can't keep clicking repeatedly anymore - I have to now scroll back and forth. If it's intended I'll prob just get used to it. UPDATE: I think this is only happening on the "Buy Used" tab not the new tab
    Last edited by chill; 11-20-2017 at 11:31 AM.

  8. #18
    Member xerandus's Avatar
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    Bug: Last night I had set the inventory icon size to 40 and saved that. Today I fired up the game and the inventory icons were back at the default 48.


    Bug: On some recipes (I am looking at the one for Dry Gin (Drinkable Cask)) the checkbox and wording for "Auto-Repeat Recipe" obscures the last line of the recipe.
    Last edited by xerandus; 11-20-2017 at 12:30 PM.

  9. #19
    Member xerandus's Avatar
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    Bug: In the Skills and Abilities window, Toxic Flesh 8 is listed on a line of its own quite separate from Toxic Flesh 1-7
    Bug: The four Gazluk Keep special abilities that I have listed are under Death Trooper's Battle Cry on my window. That might have been the first one I learned and the other three are just lumped in with them. Also I could swear I had trained all seven of them, but don't see Treachery Trooper's Battle Cry, Necromancer's Mutter or Gazluk Officer's Battle Cry.

  10. #20
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    Crash: Used a mushroom circle in Serbule to teleport to NPC cave in Gazluk. Red bar got to 50% with a message of "Loading additional assets..." and there is it stuck. No network activity to speak of so it isn't downloading anything. I killed the process using Task Manager, relaunched and I loaded back to be stuck in the same place. Can't play unless I switch to an alt.

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