Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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    Junior Member Glacialstream's Avatar
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    New Beast Form Ideas.

    So; there are a great many different beast forms already in game. There are the creepier beats like spiders and bats. There are the less intimidating ones such as cows, pigs, deers, etc. The things that have interested me so much about this game however are the permanent decision based forms. Druids and lycans to be exact. It is an incredible thing to just be an animal whenever you want to as a druid and fly around and as a lycan to just transform with drawbacks being associated with each of course. This idea could be expanded though, and the recent halloween event gave me an idea. Why not add a Dragon beast form? This would be one of the most incredible forms in the game. You could pledge yourself to a god of fire, or maybe it is a lost power from an unknown god that was killed long ago from a broken shrine. It could be similar to Battle Chemistry in terms of needing certain skills raised to even get it. It seems like it could go so far in depth, maybe having a high fire combat skill affects certain aspects on the dragon skill. It could even be made to where the higher the skill is the bigger your dragon form becomes or perhaps the color of your scales change. Of course flight would be possible in this form, and there could be various damage types involved in this form such as crushing, fire, piercing, and the list goes on. The drawbacks of this form could be similar to the druids. Perhaps from time to time they are required to do acts for this god they got their power from. Perhaps you permanently take extra damage from certain types of damage such as electricity or cold. It just seems like this beast form would sync perfectly in this game and dragons are iconic creatures of fantasy and are usually nothing but positive additions in games such as this one. This is just one idea I have had of a few. You guys have any ideas or care to give your opinion on my idea?

  2. #2
    Junior Member jaspen's Avatar
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    You mention dragons being an iconic fantasy creatures and you are right. This comment is based on that alone and not with PGs world. With that said, when games start letting players be dragons, I think it cheapens what a dragon is in that typical sense. They are usually rare, powerful and ancient, not abundant creatures standing around a well auctioning, dancing and reading poetry in an inn.

    I understand someone's desire to play them but in doing so I think it destroys what they are or stand for.

  3. #3
    Junior Member Glacialstream's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaspen View Post
    You mention dragons being an iconic fantasy creatures and you are right. This comment is based on that alone and not with PGs world. With that said, when games start letting players be dragons, I think it cheapens what a dragon is in that typical sense. They are usually rare, powerful and ancient, not abundant creatures standing around a well auctioning, dancing and reading poetry in an inn.

    I understand someone's desire to play them but in doing so I think it destroys what they are or stand for.
    I understand what you are saying. You are correct in PG being different from other games as well. This was just an idea however and perhaps it can be changed and turned differently. It could be an incredibly difficult skill to obtain making them very rare and few of them. It could be a thing like the bunny juice which to my knowledge was a one day thing or a limited timed event. It could even be a dragon-like creature. Born of fire and with the simple goal to destroy as their god commands them to do. There have been many different depictions of dragons in many different cultures in many different ways. From being wise magical creatures, to being seemingly bloodthirsty beasts. I for one must say I disagree with you. However they want to depict what a dragon would be in their game is how it is. No where else do you see elves with an insatiable sex drive that this game has ingrained in it. Dragons or dragon like creatures dancing at serbule well does not seem too far fetched.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    I always hate the idea that letting players access to a creature or race 'cheapens' it.

    Dragons in Horizons were awesome, but I didn't want to play one. But the amount of work that they needed was nearly an entire game unto themselves...

  5. #5
    Junior Member Tiamat's Avatar
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    Dragon form would be temporary if added in at all, according to Eric, some two years and five months ago:

    If you can be a dragon, it'd be a temporary form. Dragons are so large that they would need their own towns, and would have the whole "cows can't talk to NPCs" problem at an entirely different scale. I know there was that one game that let you play as a dragon, did they let you be full size ones, though? I mean, dragons in the Project: Gorgon world are bigger than most of the houses in Serbule...

  6. #6
    Senior Member Oxlazr's Avatar
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    Probably worth mentioning that being a dragon wouldn't really be a "curse" - though I know of several games that pull it off reasonably well. My main concern is that dragon form would dwarf other animal forms, plus it'd be difficult to imagine a dragon wandering around in Serbule Crypts.

    Overall, I don't particularly mind what animal forms pop up, but I think the whole animal curse thing really needs some mechanical reworks for it ever to be more than a gimmick, and that should probably be addressed first.

    It's pretty plain to see that Project Gorgon's abilities have some limitations - for example, you can have a movement speed buff, but you can't have a typical "Warrior Charge" ability that many games have. In that regard, it feels like the game could almost work as a turn-based system - the point is that literally any animal form could theoretically work within Project Gorgon because they don't require specific animations for fancy attacks.

    Regardless, I figure foxes and horses are probably a fairly reasonable option.

  7. #7
    Senior Member ShieldBreaker's Avatar
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    I recast my vote for Fae Bee Form


    I didn't think bunny would work as a form, but it is the form I have the most fun with. It is hard to say what could work and what wouldn't, Citan could change his mind. But basically I'm thinking that in the end if we had a dragon form it would end up being on par with a rabbit of the same level, more or less. So it probably be disappointing cause you wouldn't feel overpowered.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    Yes, you could be a very, very large dragon in Horizons.

    It required a ton of crafting, special quests, raid-like mechanics and rituals.

    Very cool. I just played a cat.

  9. #9
    Junior Member Glacialstream's Avatar
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    Personally, I just would like some kind of reptilian form in general. Maybe dragons are bit too much sure; very large as per what Citan said. Its just an idea though. Other than a turtle. a Turtle is rather boring. Dragon came in my mind mainly because they are unique in the aspect of it could be the only beat form with an alternative to using fire magic by literally breathing fire and stuff and recieve bonuses in fire magic. Basically, a beast that could fly and still have a form of magical attack. A magical beast so to speak. Also if it was added I would hope it wasnt overpowered. Just being dragon-like creature would be cool, just like being a wolf is cool. I also thought about the "curse" aspect of it by saying it could be like druid where you choose it and turn human and beast at your own whim. Did not think about the size issue in my idea. Again it just an idea really, and this post is really made to discuss any and all ideas and opinions on them. Anyone have other beast forms that you think would be cool to see in game?

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    Moderator srand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glacialstream View Post
    a Turtle is rather boring.
    Pfft. Speak for yourself. I want to be a mata-mata.

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