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Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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Thread: Crafting
  1. #1
    Member MorKazim's Avatar
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    I would like to talk about crafting.

    1st. the crafting prices
    Many times when you create an item the price of the final product is much lower than the price of the components.
    In this example:
    Shoddy Combat Staff (25) -> Oak Wood x1 (10 you can find it everywhere) + Rough Tannin Powder x1 (7 in vendor) + Basic Caustic Ink x1 (15, don’t remember the vendor price) = 32 at least while the final product cost 25.
    The crafting item price should be a combination of the component price + the time (skill) of the creator. The final items cost should be greater than the total price of the components.
    Is this correct and wanted or is something that needs fixing?

    2nd. Crafting
    Last night I started making Crude Clubs. I made about 150. (Crude Club is one of the items that the final product costs more than the components). 150 all the same Crude Clubs. It was boring.
    The item crafting should be a more random procedure for the final product.
    I made 150 Crude Clubs that basically are garbage. No one will buy them. (tt fodder). Perhaps the crafting should be more like the new brewing system. Make items that some are better and some worse and some exceptional.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Senior Member INXS's Avatar
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    I think the reason for final product being cheaper is to avoid using the system to make money.

  3. #3
    Junior Member jaspen's Avatar
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    You are creating mundane items. Try making enchanted versions and you will achieve what you are asking for as far as items with variable stats. With that said, enchanted items cost far more if you don't farm the gems yourself.

  4. #4
    Member MorKazim's Avatar
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    Thank you for the reply.

    If that is the case then it is a bad system. If “final product being cheaper is to avoid using the system to make money”. A crafter crafts to make money. He spends his time for this reason. Almost all the crafting recipes cost more than the final product. In this case the only reason to craft anything is to increase the crafting level. And this for what to get a high crafting level to craft a random item that no one will buy as the loot items are more and probably better?

    Also even if I craft magic items the cost goes to the sky:
    Shoddy Combat Staff (25) -> Oak Wood x1 (10 you can find it everywhere) + Rough Tannin Powder x1 (7 in vendor) + Basic Caustic Ink x1 (15, don’t remember the vendor price) = 32 at least while the final product cost 25.
    Shoddy Combat Staff (Enchanted) -> Oak Wood x1 (10 you can find it everywhere) + Rough Tannin Powder x1 (7 in vendor) + Basic Caustic Ink x1 (15, don’t remember the vendor price) + 2 crystals (vendor price 200) = 232 at least while the final product cost 25. With result average 50…
    Thank you.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MorKazim View Post
    A crafter crafts to make money. He spends his time for this reason.
    Nah, I craft to be able to make cool shiny stuff. Money is obviously always welcome, but I don't need to make money on every single recipe.

    Silly comments about motivation aside, I had actually assumed that what you reported was an unintended bug. We are supposed to report work orders that underpay, and there was also a recent long post about cooking ( https://forum.projectgorgon.com/show...ooking+recipes ) that got quite a bit of dev attention, although admittedly cooking had more problems than just the recipes not paying well. So, it seems that completed crafting recipes being worth less than their components would be in a similar category? Maybe oak wood is common enough now that it's reasonable to have the basic recipe lose a bit of money so people can't just spam combines, but the enchanted version really needs to take the price of the gems into consideration, imo.

    Specific recipes aside, I think carpenty is generally in a nice spot. The items you craft can be used for favor turn ins that usually can't be completed using raw wood, and the furniture carpentry work orders in Serbule and Sun Vale pay out very nicely. I'll admit I haven't found any use for unenchanted clubs yet though...

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    Moderator srand's Avatar
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    Please do let us know the details for any recipe that you think really isn't worth it! Many of them are almost certainly bugs we'd like to get fixed. You can send those details in through an in-game report so we can file and track them.

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