Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #51
    Senior Member kazeandi's Avatar
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    As for ways to make combat more engaging besides add kite/mez would probably "IMO" be more damage nerf across the board(the world is to easy to solo and needs more danger to me) and make boss mobs (especially in dungeons) power moves more devastating to make rage management a higher priority. Also saving achieving extra lvls for battle skills at launch for when you hit the 100 cap or only allow so many as you lvl will make people less OP while going threw the lower lvl group dungeons.
    The world isn't "too easy to solo and needs more danger". The enemy strength vs the characters are just fine.
    Of course, if you go to Eltibule at lvl 30 and Kur at 50, things might feel that way.
    If you're a veteran who knows what abilities to get mods for, or even which of the abilities in a skill work best together, the game becomes a lot easier. But it's not the case initially.

    It doesn't have much to do with how much players deal either, those numbers only have to be in balance among the skills. What needs to be done is more mob HP, while lowering mob damage output. And that's only for elite mobs and some bosses in dungeons.
    Solo content outdoors is just fine. The classes with their cooldowns work well.

    Making a build that can defeat a hard opponent is awesome and fun, making a build that can beat said opponent then losing anyways because you simply lose the dps check isn't much fun. Also once you get all your shiny new stuff combat becomes tedious and boring in it's current form. Then the inventory management after combat is also tedious, then a few vendors run out of cash so you have to travel halfway across the world to sell stuff and that's tedious, then you level up a skill but oh guess what....you need favor and cash for the unlock, more tedium...it's just too much, combat is one of the main places where it could be spiced up.
    This is the main problem in this game, everything is such a pain in the ass, and sometimes for no good reason. I don't think nerfing damage is the best way to get it right.
    - Getting rid of the "total respawn" mechanic is a good way, make mobs come back one by one.
    - The shout mechanics are nice for some mobs, but for others, I don't know why they're even there. Wolves hunt in packs, but panthers? Social aggro should be restricted to social mobs, not to everything of the same sort or sometimes, everything in range.
    - Dragging fights out by raising mob HP, while simultaneously lowering power costs of all abilities would make fights longer (and therefore more prone to mistakes, which makes them more difficult by default). You can then either tone mob damage down or shorten heal cooldowns.

    In fights right now, it's not a lack of balance that ruins it, it's that you have to rush forward, respawns breathing down your neck, a lack of a proper resurrection spell and at lower levels (the 20s would be nice, to support grouping for dungeons at appropriate levels). Pets rushing in and pulling additional mobs is a pain.

    The shout mechanic also doesn't make sense in some situations. Like when you want to pull, say, the mob in the middle first for strategic reasons, but can't get it to aggro by proximity without pulling something else, too, so you mez the mob that's in the way - now the mob shouts and they all come. Mez puts a mob to sleep and shouldn't lead to a shout, only damage should.

    Then we have mob spawn design problems, like the first intersection in Wolf Cave, with a stream of mobs patrolling through, which is the most difficult part of the dungeon right at the start. Another example would be Kur Tower, where you have those large packs of zombies, melee skeletons and skeleton mages. Once you break through those places, it gets easier, when I'd anticipate a dungeon to start easy and then gradually get harder. Right now it's, if you can do the entrance, you're fine for all the trash.

  2. #52
    Member ErDrick's Avatar
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    @srand I know you guys read our feedback, it's the first thing I tout about you as a development team to anyone whom I recommend this game to, it's where you really shine. It's also 100% of the reason I even bothered going through the trouble of typing it out. I have a question for you though.

    Do you guys still have a test server available like you used to?

    What I would like to test:

    Copy 6 characters from live to that server, send them to Gazluk Keep. Increase elite mob health in Gazluk keep by 1000%, decrease their outgoing damage by 50%. Change respawn mechanics to single ( one at a time based on when they were killed...certain mobs could still multi-spawn, such as the guys that only have 2k health and don't 4 shot you) See how that plays out and use it as a baseline. I think that would be pretty damn close to solving a lot of issues with group combat...but may need some numbers tweaking, only way to know would be to actually be able to try it.

    If that's too difficult to code zone-wide a smaller 1 hallway dungeon with similar mobs would also work...I don't know if either of those are even possible anymore but I'll never know if I don't ask right? Worst case scenario we could just gather 6 people in a random place and have you chain spawn a new mob you make just for this purpose I'd imagine....doesn't matter what it looks like, they could be 200k health chickens for all I care.

    Couple random thoughts only loosely related:

    We need a summon group member skill, for when you are an hour deep in a dungeon and 2 people have to leave but the other 4 would like to continue..something like a reverse teleport that only works on group members in the same zone with a very long cooldown( 30 minutes or so). Having it cast upon you would also trigger your own cooldown to prevent 1 person chain-summoning a whole group by themselves though.

    We need "safe spots" every so often in all dungeons, there needs to be places where everyone can safely take 5 without it being a disaster, preferably at 30 minute intervals...just one empty room.

    When you mesmerize a monster, it needs to be invulnerable to all damage for at least 5 seconds so it isn't instantly broken, most people do not even load a mesmerize ability anymore for group play because it is 99% useless....I am not exaggerating when I say this. ( Another solution to that is social macros like everquest had, where you can tie a line of text to the activation of an ability " mezzing (target) , you break it you tank it" etc. But that would require the new UI to have that functionality).

    Finally I would like to thank the people who took the time to respond and add their own thoughts to this important issue of group combat. Incidentally some other good points were made by them as well.
    Last edited by ErDrick; 09-01-2017 at 07:32 PM.

  3.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #53
    Administrator Silvonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErDrick View Post

    Do you guys still have a test server available like you used to?
    The only test server is our current 'main' server. We no longer have the secondary test server, but it may make a return in the future.

  4. #54
    Senior Member Niph's Avatar
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    I Tested the altar of Tast, in Gazluk City. It correctly rejects non-HC players with a message saying you must be in hardcore mode to use the altar. Once HC, I could use it, and it gave me the buffer (Tast's Boon, +5% to Max Health and Max Power). Then I died (in GK, not very smart but I managed to get back to my tomb) and sure enough the buff was gone.

    However, if you return as HC to get the buff again, then turn off hardcore mode in Serbule, the buff stays. I'm not sure if intended or not, but worth mentioning. Serbule is just one word of power away...

  5.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #55
    Moderator srand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErDrick View Post
    (P.S. - I have mentioned all of this and more in feedbacks in-game, but I don't know what you have or haven't read, also I have more room here)
    It's handy to have in-game feedback reports - makes it easier for us to compile everything in a form we can track and check off as we make changes. But you should always feel free to post here in addition or instead, because there is a lot more space here, better formatting, and you can also get other players' input.

    Quote Originally Posted by Niph View Post
    I have updated my parser to version 288 (search this board for "Json Parser").

    Quote Originally Posted by Unruly View Post
    When is a new ui going to be introduced? Surely it's going to be the biggest source of bugs/fixes? Or are you planning on going to Steam w/ the current UI?
    We plan to launch the new UI before Steam. We're working hard on it internally and hope to have it out very soon now. (I can tell you from experience that it's not quite playable yet.)

    Quote Originally Posted by kazeandi View Post
    This looks like a P2P-typical scheme to make players buy inventory upgrades - only that there's no such cash shop (yet?):
    Do you mean play-to-win? We will never be P2W; Citan has an abhorrence of that style of game. The optional subscription will give you access to some special things, and if I am remembering correctly there will be a cash shop as well, but we are very much talking about things that aren't necessary to 'win' - cosmetic items, convenience items.

    Quote Originally Posted by FURY View Post
    For those of you that wish to continue the discussion on combat as a whole. https://forum.projectgorgon.com/show...nd-Under-Tuned
    Great idea! It can be tricky to sort out several detailed conversations in these discussion threads. (We want the discussion! And this is a fine place to do it! But when one set of feedback gets really detailed, sorting out it and having it all in one place can really help us keep up! But we will manage either way! And that is too many exclamations!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Niph View Post
    I Tested the altar of Tast, in Gazluk City.
    We got your in-game report! Thanks, Niph. I know we don't have a lot of hardcore players yet, so it's handy that you tested it out.
    Last edited by srand; 09-03-2017 at 08:42 AM. Reason: Messed up multi-quote. :/

  6. #56
    Senior Member Niph's Avatar
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    I don't know if it happened after the patch or the hotfix, but Gazluk Keep seems much darker now.

  7. #57
    Senior Member kazeandi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by srand View Post
    Do you mean play-to-win? We will never be P2W; Citan has an abhorrence of that style of game. The optional subscription will give you access to some special things, and if I am remembering correctly there will be a cash shop as well, but we are very much talking about things that aren't necessary to 'win' - cosmetic items, convenience items.
    What's a "convenience" item? 5 inventory slots for $20?

  8. #58
    Member Roekai's Avatar
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    cash shop =/

  9. #59
    Member Atis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by srand View Post
    Do you mean play-to-win? We will never be P2W; Citan has an abhorrence of that style of game. The optional subscription will give you access to some special things, and if I am remembering correctly there will be a cash shop as well, but we are very much talking about things that aren't necessary to 'win' - cosmetic items, convenience items.
    P2W items always go as convenience. It's sure convenient to have 2x storage space in a game where storage is easily the most useful thing, that can save you hours of time every week. Or slots on hotkey bars. Or extra teleport binds. Or...
    Citan might want to rethink that "convenience" part.

  10. #60
    Senior Member drivendawn's Avatar
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    To me p2w is buying gear or weapons or even things that give direct access to getting those items.

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