Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Junior Member HenryCase's Avatar
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    Functional use-ability

    I have played to level 60 and I have a few suggestions.

    Specifically, some of the skills are not practically useable because required elements are not common enough. For instance, does anyone regularly use any alchemy items they create? I use protection from cold some times. That's it. There are potions I might create, but the required items drop too infrequently to make it worthwhile.

    The same is true of teleportation. It is not my fantasy to spend five minutes running to get some place. There has to be a practical way to teleport. But the drops are too rare to use teleportation to alternate places a regular part of game play

    I might be missing something on how to acquire items to use; but my suggestion would be to have an NPC sell rare drops


  2. #2
    Senior Member Tsugumori's Avatar
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    I can think of a good few abilities and recipes that I don't use very often as I don't see much of a use, but it really is a 'to each their own' case here. For the most part PG is what you make of it.

    In reference to what you have mentioned, I quite often use alchemy. The lv 50 cauldron recipe is fun for town gatherings to start, not to mention the craftable pvp punch. On from that you have craftables that are required for certain work orders - it may not always be worth as the payout sometimes is less than fair but still.. Alchemy has a very diverse range of things to craft, so to answer your question - Yeah, I myself would use alchemy recipes often enough.

    In regards to teleportation, I am torn. While I would like to get the status of Teleportation Denier, I find that tp'ing around is just far faster and efficient. I honestly don't know what you mean when you say about 'infrequent' and 'rare drops', its as if you're surprised? This is always a thing in games... harder to attain things. The rarer drops are mainly used in the higher tier tp spells anyway, you can always just use the basic recall just fine. If you think amethysts are rare then you haven't gone surveying much, try it out for a few days and you should get more than you need (and then some).

    All that aside, some players would sell you the materials needed if you asked about. (It probably won't be cheap!) As far as the NPC selling the materials goes, thats a big aul -1 from me, if NPCs sold rare drops like that, they should also sell xp pots for skills.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    I've never teleported on my own, despite doing the quest to learn the skill. It just seemed to expensive to ever use so I never got in the habit.

    Alchemy... Well, some I use, like nature and poison resistance, but that's because they're easy to replace. Other potions have begun to accumulate because I only have six side-bar positions so I never remember to use them.

    I really wish some abilities would let us 'stack' different things on them. Like putting 'dig deep' atop a pile of power potions. They're the same ability, taking up space. Or a combat ability and a non-combat ability which would switch when we're in combat. (like milking/grazing/know direction/etc).

    I do have some that switch between my running outfit and my combat outfit, but it's clumsy and I have to remember to save each time I add an item to the sidebar. Is there a key to save sets?

  4. #4
    Senior Member Niph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crissa View Post
    I do have some that switch between my running outfit and my combat outfit, but it's clumsy and I have to remember to save each time I add an item to the sidebar. Is there a key to save sets?
    As far as I know, you can set a key to load, but not to save.

  5. #5
    Junior Member HenryCase's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsugumori View Post
    I can think of a good few abilities and recipes that I don't use very often as I don't see much of a use, but it really is a 'to each their own' case here. For the most part PG is what you make of it.

    In reference to what you have mentioned, I quite often use alchemy. The lv 50 cauldron recipe is fun for town gatherings to start, not to mention the craftable pvp punch. On from that you have craftables that are required for certain work orders - it may not always be worth as the payout sometimes is less than fair but still.. Alchemy has a very diverse range of things to craft, so to answer your question - Yeah, I myself would use alchemy recipes often enough.

    In regards to teleportation, I am torn. While I would like to get the status of Teleportation Denier, I find that tp'ing around is just far faster and efficient. I honestly don't know what you mean when you say about 'infrequent' and 'rare drops', its as if you're surprised? This is always a thing in games... harder to attain things. The rarer drops are mainly used in the higher tier tp spells anyway, you can always just use the basic recall just fine. If you think amethysts are rare then you haven't gone surveying much, try it out for a few days and you should get more than you need (and then some).

    All that aside, some players would sell you the materials needed if you asked about. (It probably won't be cheap!) As far as the NPC selling the materials goes, thats a big aul -1 from me, if NPCs sold rare drops like that, they should also sell xp pots for skills.

    My issue is with teleportation is that to recall to a second portal you need a relatively rare item. I don't think it should be that rare to be able to teleport. Running isn't fun. I like the game dynamic of having to find things and be clever - but forced running isn't anyone's fantasy role play goal.

    I don't want every rare item easy to buy from an NOC - but teleporting should be much easier or free

  6. #6
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HenryCase View Post
    ...but forced running isn't anyone's fantasy role play goal.
    Well, I did link my exercise bicycle to gathering quests in WoW once...

  7. #7
    Junior Member HenryCase's Avatar
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    Really excellent idea

  8. #8
    Senior Member Tsugumori's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crissa View Post
    I do have some that switch between my running outfit and my combat outfit, but it's clumsy and I have to remember to save each time I add an item to the sidebar. Is there a key to save sets?
    The loadouts option essentially takes a 'screencap' of what you're running on your bars and what equipment you're wearing. In the persona tab iirc is where you save your loadouts for quick switching. I think you have 2/3 slots by default maybe? You get another one every time you get a combat skill to 50.

    Quote Originally Posted by HenryCase View Post
    My issue is with teleportation is that to recall to a second portal you need a relatively rare item. I don't think it should be that rare to be able to teleport. Running isn't fun. I like the game dynamic of having to find things and be clever - but forced running isn't anyone's fantasy role play goal.

    I don't want every rare item easy to buy from an NOC - but teleporting should be much easier or free
    I get that mate, just saying that teleporting is easy. Higher tiers not so much but at lower levels its fine, (lower level recipes that is). Have your recall some place you're travelling to often. I had mine on Ilmari for a long time as it was closest to kur AND Rahu when I'd be travelling from serb/elt/SV.

    If you can't fund the higher tiers, just make do. Teleporting couldn't really be free seeing as its a skill. I do get where you're coming from but maybe brainstorm different catalysts and pitch those that might make tp-ing about more user friendly.

  9. #9
    Junior Member HenryCase's Avatar
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    I could accept a more common catalyst. I really think readily available teleporting is a necessary game mechanic. It will only be a small group who will accept lots of running because they didn't loot a stencil

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