Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #21
    Member Yaksnot's Avatar
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    Two really quick points:

    1) dimensional folder potion: it stacks and its cheap / easy to make -gives you additional storage space for 1 hour. super easy solution.

    2) I completely agree with a better way to sort items that are in your bag instead of a sort button at the bottom. hello over 100 slots and I get a sort button...hmmk.

    I am hoping its part of the GUI update, but there are alot of little things like this that I am hoping is part of the GUI update so I know its not possible for them all to happen. It is Alpha or whatever so personally I love that people are bringing ideas to the table.

    ...speaking of which please god make fishing...more >< lol


  2. #22
    Senior Member Khaylara's Avatar
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    @Yertle-I agree it has to be a limitation of sorts. Not debating that part, I'm annoyed by the fact that EVERYTHING is literally dumped in my backpack like there's no tomorrow. Gear that should have its own slots, spare gear, arrows, tools, food etc is unorganized and splattered all over my inventory space. Many things stack randomly only to 5, 10 or don't stack at all. That's made more difficult by the icons (the free unity ones i'm guessing). I throw 20 wool cause i'm out of space to butcher then i discover that I had a slot taken by 1 rib bone which I thought was a craniometer. The more inventory space i have, the more it gets taken by a new random thing that doesn't stack (like honey). I'd rather have less inventory slots but more organized.
    What drives me nuts first and foremost is the lack of inventory organization of any sort. The solution is either separate tabs or vials pouches, quivers, toolbelts etc. so I don't have to sift through 200 slots to find my beachside blends or a carrot seed.

    I've been creating threads about inventory and storage pretty much since I started playing PG. I think there's a plan behind this (or at least devs said so),maybe it's house storage, maybe saddlebags, I just hope it gets more organized and manageable. Again, it's not the size of the inventory that bothers me, I have max inventory and storage, it's about how chaotic they are and how much they take out of my actual game time. With hundreds upon hundreds of storage slots spread on all maps I can't make notes for every stack of gallbladders or cat eyes I store, it becomes inventory and storage simulator that way.
    Please forget the "you don't have to keep everything" part, the game punishes you if you're not a hoarder. I sold or threw all the guano from the halloween event and when I needed it for fire magic research I was lucky to get 7 from a more cautious guildie who hoarded them. We threw the parts that are involved in shamanic infusion leveling cause they "weren't for anything yet" then people who wanted to level that craft paid 150-200 councils a piece.
    Also if that went unnoticed, when you have say 26 femurs in your inventory and you take 10 out of storage they don't stack. The player has to manually stack them even after the Sort button is pressed. Since sometimes I forget to do that when getting items from storage or transfer chest I oftentimes lose 5-6 slots taken by this bug (i'm assuming it's a bug).

    As it was mentioned already, hoping parts of this are solved by the new GUI but I'm not confident that will solve more than maybe gear pieces getting their own slots (which is good but only a small part of the problem). What sounds like a worry for me is that people make more and more mules to cope with the issue and that's not the best solution.
    Last edited by Khaylara; 03-28-2017 at 05:25 PM.

  3. #23
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cratoh View Post
    I've all sorts of skills maxed, loads and loads of storage, a storage guild tons of mules. I still hate the fact that so much of the active inventory is taken up with crap
    I meant to reply to this:
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragone View Post
    Not much help but would be right if anything you got equipped it shouldn't be in your backpack!
    What I don't like is pretty much what Khaylara just said: I spend more time trying to manage my inventory than I do the rest of the game.

  4. #24
    Senior Member Eachna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hood View Post
    What kind of problems would unlimited, account-shared bank space solve?

    What kind of problems would it create?
    You might try answering you own questions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Greyfyn View Post

    Once you've opened up and used all this storage and figured out that you don't need everything you carry, perhaps reevaluate. You may have the same answer, but possibly not. Most people in the game apparently hoard. That does make storage pretty tight. But NOT hoarding also has advantages as well, including not fretting over inventory space. Citan has more than once told everyone to sell their stuff!
    You can keep insisting that the storage problems in-game are because everyone else except you and your coterie of friends are hoarders, but that doesn't make it true.

    The bank is too small and extra bank slots cost too many councils.

    The NPC storage in-game isn't laid out well.

    Using storage outside of your bags is awkward because you have to run to the physical location to access it.

    Without reading the wiki it's impossible to know where the NPCs are that have storage. Unlocking the favor of every NPC you meet to try to discover the storage through play is wildly expensive.

    Banks are available on all (or most) large zone maps, but dedicated storage for NPCs on different maps isn't linked (by that I mean all the "alchemy" storage in-game on NPCs isn't linked).

    Say someone is storing their alchemy mats with the Serbule alchemy NPC. And they're questing in Rahu. When they want to dump their alchemy mats they have to run/teleport back to Serbule. To go back to questing they have to run/teleport back to Rahu. It becomes worse when they have mats stored in different cities. I might spend an hour or two questing and then go to drop off all my mats. It can take me half an hour to make the rounds between all the NPCs that hold my stuff. I'm not just running a lap around one city or another. I'm going between cities, and teleporting around (and for the city where I don't have a teleport I'm running through other zones). If I'm not supposed to do this - if I'm not supposed to use the storage on these NPCs - then why is it in game? If I am supposed to use it, why isn't it convenient?

    A lot of storage is in awkward places. The Myconian caves. The sewers. The starter island. I won't be any more specific than that but it's not reasonable to expect players to treat the storage slots tucked into odd corners of the game as useful and functional for daily play. It's fun to find and unlock them, but once they're unlocked they should be accessible.

    Some NPCs don't store items used in their dedicated recipe trees. Alchemy NPCs don't store fish, although fish are used in several alchemy recipes. Even if you use the dedicated storage, when it comes time to craft stuff, you probably have to run between multiple NPCs to get the materials for your recipes.

    tl;dr - Just because something exists in game doesn't mean it's designed well or it's practical to use.
    Last edited by Eachna; 04-07-2017 at 08:00 PM. Reason: typos

  5. #25
    Senior Member Eachna's Avatar
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    @Lendari, thanks for taking the time to post the graphic of your inventory with the color bars. It helps communicate the tight inventory limits very clearly.

    Quote Originally Posted by cheaptoad View Post
    I find it a bit annoying that gear/armor I'm wearing is in my inventory. So, it's in my bag AND on my body?
    Weirder, it's in your bag but it doesn't count as items you're carrying for the purposes of quests.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crissa View Post
    I would add, I rarely use potions mostly because I can't find them in combat. My alternate bar is already filled with my repeatable heals like first aid and dig deep.
    Anything that can be clicked on and used in your backpack should be able to be loaded into a special toolbar on your screen for players who want the clickies up to use.

    There should be multiple bars so you can arrange them the way you like. Some people might want to put all their "potions" in one bar, while someone else might want to put all their "healing consumables" in one bar. And if you don't want to do either, you don't put anything in the bars and you have a clean HUD with no distractions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Khaylara View Post
    Many things stack randomly only to 5, 10 or don't stack at all. That's made more difficult by the icons (the free unity ones i'm guessing). I'd rather have less inventory slots but more organized.
    I agree. Part of the stacking problems comes from crafting being neglected and not getting a pass. I found posts on the old forums from Citan saying he had different intentions for stacking at different points and never took the time to align everything.

    Quote Originally Posted by Khaylara View Post
    I like the game a lot and i put up with it hoping for an improvement soon but it's the most frustrating, time sinking, annoying feature this game has in my books. I constantly throw/sell things I know I need but I can't be stuffed traveling for 20 minutes to store them in their proper storage.
    Also agree. There's a lot of stuff I look at in-game and I think "Well, that looks like half a system and I'm sure it'll be nicer later." I'll write a suggest message about ways I'd like to see it improved and maybe a comment or two on the forums and then go back to playing. There's a lot of half-done stuff that's easy to ignore because I don't expect polish in alpha.

    I can't ignore storage. It's a basic system and it touches *everything* I do. It's even more fundamental than combat. You can play without killing stuff (sort of ). You can't play without holding stuff somewhere.

  6. #26
    Senior Member Hood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eachna View Post
    You might try answering you own questions.

    I suppose if I wanted to do that, I would have. You might try not telling me how to post.
    Last edited by Hood; 04-08-2017 at 01:28 AM.

  7. #27
    Junior Member Caustic's Avatar
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    There is going to be a change for inventory, been due for a while. I reserve judgment until after that.
    I actually agree that inventory should be an issue. But also think there needs to be ways to increase it like with favour and buying extra slots. The idea of the game is not generally to be able to hoard everything, you are supposed to make decisions. Later on in the game you generally know what is useful and what you dont loot.

    Some forms of organisation would be nice. I really dont want to have a spreadsheet to track where all my stuff is. (I do tend to only have certain items in certain places)

    I really dont want this to turn into a game where everything is given to you at the start.

  8. #28
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    I have one thing I don't understand 'temporary inventory space' What good does it do? Its for an hour, i guess enough time to run to a vendor? Because if it vanishes where does your stuff go? lol

  9. #29
    Senior Member Eachna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hood View Post
    I suppose if I wanted to do that, I would have. You might try not telling me how to post.
    It must be very hard being so grumpy.

    Have a smile: http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/66891...i-am-the-night
    Last edited by Eachna; 04-08-2017 at 08:50 PM. Reason: rephrase

  10. #30
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rastaah View Post
    I have one thing I don't understand 'temporary inventory space' What good does it do? Its for an hour, i guess enough time to run to a vendor? Because if it vanishes where does your stuff go? lol
    When a storage space changes size, you can still take things out, you just can't put them in. And some things, which force you to take too many items, can also push you over capacity.

    So if you change the number of pockets you have, you don't drop anything, you can only access the first n items. And you can't add things until number if items is below n.

    Strangely satisfying, honestly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eachna View Post
    No one asked for "unlimited account-wide bank storage". So there's not a lot of point in responding to the rhetorical cost of features no one is asking for.
    I have! I would really like this ^-^

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