Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #31
    Junior Member lilibat's Avatar
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    Full disclosure, I haven't read every post in this thread.

    Rez in this game is weird because it isn't class locked. In most MMOs it is and that's how it's gated. The closest similar situation I have recent experience with is FFXIV where several classes get a rez, only some can be used in combat. Anyone can use a phoenix down out of combat but you can only carry one.

    The thing about PG, and it is a problem for me because I alway play dedicated healers in MMOs, is... there are no dedicated healers in PG. It has to be gated somehow. The question whether the current gates in the game are really working. As far as I have seen, PG isn't meant to be like most modern MMOs. It's not supposed to be easy or convenient. The devs have to balance that more hardcore/old school feel with the impatience gamers have from playing other easier MMOs. The problem is with it being more DPS oriented it's really hard to capture that old school feel for me. I'm still working on the thinking that you need tank/healer/CC/DPS/DPS/support from my EQ days because those are still the best memories I have, but I digress. Roles really aren't defined here, so no one class has rez. That means it has to really be limited if the devs want the feel of real challenge, death being meaningful, (in this case a mixed blessing), and making players work for things.

    From when I was playing regularly: Most players don't seem to want to do the lower level dungeons without a babysitter. There doesn't seem to be much point and it does end up just being an exercise in frustration if you try. Is this what the devs want? For the lower level dungeons to be an experience of being mentored or do they want lower levels to group and run them on their own? If the latter I just never saw that happening. In fact I never saw entirely level appropriate groups till maybe wolf caves in Kur being talked about. That's fine for alpha or beta but once the full scope of levels is opened up, and you no longer have so many higher level people with nothing to do is this really viable? Do we even really know how well appropriate level groups can take crypts or goblin caves? I don't think the question about the accessibility of rez can really be answered till people are forced to go through things at appropriate levels.

    Maybe I am wrong and have missed some data here. I am just going on what I have seen. My 2cp, etc.

  2. #32
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilibat View Post
    Rez in this game is weird because it isn't class locked. In most MMOs it is and that's how it's gated. The closest similar situation I have recent experience with is FFXIV where several classes get a rez, only some can be used in combat. Anyone can use a phoenix down out of combat but you can only carry one.
    Having a resurrection item that can only be carried in limited quantities could actually be a really good option to limit the number of rezzes on a dungeon run. If that's what we want to do.

    Another limiting possibility could be to just put a really long cooldown on the rez - say something like 30-60 minutes before the rez can be used again. Higher levels of resuscitate could have a shorter cooldown or other bonuses. (I don't have the currently available rez, so I'm not sure about its cooldown and whether it works in combat.)

    Slightly off-topic: I think part of the reason there aren't a lot of lower-level groups is that it can be just hard to actually find a complete group at that level since our playerbase isn't that big and most players tend to be at the current max level. You are correct that it's pretty hard to guess how these dungeons work at level when almost nobody is actually doing them that way.

    Quote Originally Posted by alleryn View Post
    To play devil's advocate, this might continue the trend towards dps>all. The more death is a non-issue, the more attractive a group full of glass cannons becomes.

    I know the role-structure is still up-in-the-air, but if we want a system where 'unkillable' tanks or rage reducing/placation specialists are valuable party members, keeping downsides to death may be desirable. Just a thought.
    I'm going to say no to that one, just because all the games I've played that had specific group roles also had pretty easy rezzes available. As lilibat said, those rezzes are typically class-locked but we still didn't bring the healer because we needed rezzes - we brought the healer because without the additional healing, nobody at all in the group would live through the fight. Those games also had some other, minor, penalties to dying, so maybe there's an additional discouragement there too but I've really never seen a group go all dps just because there are rezzes available. Having to stop after combat to rez everyone is still somewhat inefficient compared to just not dying to begin with.

  3. #33
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    Why does it have to be gated?

  4. #34
    Member FURY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crissa View Post
    Why does it have to be gated?
    Every item that is worth something should have some kind of work associated to get said item, else it ceases to be worth anything as everyone can get it at any time at little apparent cost.

    Rez in this game is weird because it isn't class locked. In most MMOs it is and that's how it's gated. The closest similar situation I have recent experience with is FFXIV where several classes get a rez, only some can be used in combat.
    The bard skill has a group rez.

    Now to the main point, that seems to be going in circles at this point I might add, Resurrection. Soo, Death. Its a tough thing, but players have penalties when they die. They get sent back to the start of whatever zone they are in. Rez'ing a player circumvents this by letting the player NOT respawn at the start but at the place of their death, great no downsides!!! Not so much, death is a limiter on player actions. It forces them to quit when they reach their limit and gives the player something to work toward for next time... "i'll be sure that i have enough armor/hp/power to survive khyrulak's rhinos". Taking this away, by giving a rez skill to low level players, devalues time spent PREPARING for dungeons. Not to mention that a low level rez skill would trivialize most of the low level dungeons(and most are doable solo) and their bosses.

    So yeh, getting cursed and dying at the bosses feet while he laughs at you isn't 'fun', its a challenge to the player. It is so that they have a (temporary, mostly) reminder that they have work to do if they want their character to progress. And that is part of the fun, overcoming obstacles, removing the obstacles makes the goal(the loot) meaningless. Not gear isn't that noteworthy at lower levels, but its better to not start a slippery slope.

    So while I think that more ways to rez would be cool(will have to see what the Bard brings to the table), I think that any new rez skills should still take the same amount of effort that the current rez's take to obtain.

    Suggestion then...
    The ways to rez currently are: Eternal Greens (boss drop, or 32 guild credits(can only use on yourself)), Guild rez (100 guild credits), lvl 50 First Aid Resuscitate, lvl 50 Bard rez, they all take a bit of work to get to. Hmm, maybe a boss drop that had a time limit to use? Or something that would make it really hard to use in combat like 'sacrifice 75% of your hp to rez a player at 10% hp", even then there would need to be some way to limit the uses, like not stacking in inventory or something maybe.

    Anyway, I'm not of the opinion that new players need a rez readily available to them exclusively. But maybe a rez that ONLY they would want to use, because they don't have anything better. They have to give something if they want to take something.

  5. #35
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    Well, in that you can't do anything while you're dead is kinda a big downside to dying.

    I don't happen to think 'you get screwed out of whatever loot/event you were working towards' is a very fun penalty.

  6. #36
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Doing some serious piecemeal quoting here, I hope you don't mind.

    Quote Originally Posted by FURY View Post
    Soo, Death. Its a tough thing, but players have penalties when they die. They get sent back to the start of whatever zone they are in. Rez'ing a player circumvents this by letting the player NOT respawn at the start but at the place of their death, great no downsides!!! Not so much, death is a limiter on player actions. It forces them to quit when they reach their limit and gives the player something to work toward for next time... "i'll be sure that i have enough armor/hp/power to survive khyrulak's rhinos".
    Sort of yes. If you are playing in a group though, and everyone in the group but one player survives an encounter, it seems a bit unreasonable to cause the group to die at that point because its players are separated now and don't want to start over from scratch. That's not just a limit on the actions of the player who died, that's a limit on the group's actions and in my opinion "the group" did beat the encounter and should not be penalized in this way.

    Not to mention that a low level rez skill would trivialize most of the low level dungeons(and most are doable solo) and their bosses.
    This is a bit off-track but which low level dungeons have you solo'd at level? It's well possible I just suck at playing, but the only lower level dungeon that comes to my mind right now as "solo" is the Eltibule Crypt. Oh, and the cave in South Serbule. In all the other ones, the mob density and respawn rate is just too high for me to go far if I'm at the same level as the mobs.

    It's true that many of the lower level dungeons are a bit smaller and it would be easier for a group to clear back to the entrance, so a rez may not be strictly needed. Still, there's the Serbule Crypt which all by itself justifies a rez ability, in my opinion.

    Anyway, I'm not of the opinion that new players need a rez readily available to them exclusively. But maybe a rez that ONLY they would want to use, because they don't have anything better. They have to give something if they want to take something.
    Yes, I could go for that. I mostly just don't like the thought of low-level groups breaking up in a long dungeon just because nobody's had the time to level first aid that high yet. Working towards things is fun, but getting to level 50 First Aid takes quite some time unless you want to spam-level it.

  7. #37
    Junior Member BobLocke's Avatar
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    Tie a rez to Dying and/or Compassion skill. If enough people mourn your death by viewing your grave ("enough" being based on Compassion, maybe boosted by leaving flowers?), you get a message asking you if you'd like to rise from your grave and warp back to where you died. Give it a cooldown that scales based on your Dying level.

    This started as a joke suggestion but the more thought I put into it, the more I grew to like it.

  8. #38
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobLocke View Post
    Tie a rez to Dying and/or Compassion skill. If enough people mourn your death by viewing your grave ("enough" being based on Compassion, maybe boosted by leaving flowers?), you get a message asking you if you'd like to rise from your grave and warp back to where you died. Give it a cooldown that scales based on your Dying level.

    This started as a joke suggestion but the more thought I put into it, the more I grew to like it.
    Hah, yes, I love it.

  9. #39
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    Like a summoning stone in WoW.

    Actually, I like it. Then if you're in a group, it'd work, but if you weren't, it wouldn't.

    I liked my idea of a Rez having a special refresh 'has killed an elite'.

  10. #40
    Member rastaah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobLocke View Post
    Tie a rez to Dying and/or Compassion skill. If enough people mourn your death by viewing your grave ("enough" being based on Compassion, maybe boosted by leaving flowers?), you get a message asking you if you'd like to rise from your grave and warp back to where you died. Give it a cooldown that scales based on your Dying level.

    This started as a joke suggestion but the more thought I put into it, the more I grew to like it.
    This is actually great and fits this games personality so well

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