Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Junior Member Badnesso's Avatar
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    Game Moderator Suggestions

    Currently Project Gorgon is home to mostly a mature adult audience so you don't typically have to worry about ticket spamming or any other number of possibly immature actions. I know I'm stating the obvious but this game is about to be steam rolled with the most toxic gaming community ever. This issue is literally going to be an all day every day event. I remember early on in Asherons Call they had moderators running around in game characters and there was always someone available to answer a ticket. Maybe bringing back some of these oldschool methods would make great for steam launch? I think it would be neat to see "special" moderator characters in game helping players. Anyways just a thought on the proactive

  2. #2
    Member rastaah's Avatar
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    The Text MUD I played had GM's that came down in 'real bodies' too and also they had a lockout cell where you sat with the rulebook.

    Perhaps people who do these things to the poor Dev's can be put in a jail cell with a rule book and the particular rules highlighted Would prevent a perma ban and at the same time let them relearn some important manners and rules.

    Not sure rehashing this is a good thing though......but those are my 3 cents on how I'd personally handle people who either are kids or act like them.

    There is no reason to spam to have a curse lifted. Put in a ticket, wait. Go do something else while you are waiting. end of story.

    So for that I would put the guy who was doing that in his jail cell with rule highlighted

    "If you are cursed and feel it was due to a disconnect that was not your fault please submit a ticket and patiently wait for a Dev or GM to become available to help you out. If you insist on spamming either bug system or general chat you will be banned for 1 day at first. If you persist then 3 days. If done again 1 week. (then after that have to decide if you even want them in your game'

    Anyway....might work

    Oh, another good thing we had in Dragonrealms and I think Gemstone too was 'thumping' whereby elder players can thump someone and make them so they can't talk in game LOL. Loved that.

    You had to earn the thump ability by being a good player/mature but it sure helped to stop some people who were bad.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Khaylara's Avatar
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    Generally moderators are paid staff, srand acts as mod atm but I doubt they can afford to hire someone to police the game. I don't know how they got the cash to keep the server up tbh. The right thing to do is to self police, exclude the bad seeds and try not to get into arguments If they do the early access soon I'm sure srand and Silvonis will become temporarily more active.

    Reminder-small indie game, no money to hire staff, they would probably rather hire an artist or a coder than a person to moderate the game chat

  4. #4
    Senior Member alleryn's Avatar
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    I doubt it would be difficult to find one or more volunteers from the community to moderate the chat if it seemed necessary.

  5.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #5
    Administrator Silvonis's Avatar
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    We are currently in alpha and sometimes people forget that the reason they are in the game is to test various gameplay features and functions. If you encounter an issue, you submit a detailed description and move on. We are an indie production and have limited resource and we don't need testers who are actively causing issues either with the ticket system, in chat, or even on the forums. This is not a released game and you are a tester, it should be viewed as a privilege rather than a right and sometimes people come into this expecting it to function as it is a AAA released game - which it is not. Even those aforementioned AAA released games have queues for their ticket system.

    TL;DR: You are testing an indie game that is in development and if you cause trouble then we reserve the right to remove you as a tester. You agree to the EULA and Code of Conduct and we expect everyone to abide by the terms in which they have agreed.

  6. #6
    Member ANT3RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silvonis View Post
    We are currently in alpha and sometimes people forget that the reason they are in the game is to test various gameplay features and functions. If you encounter an issue, you submit a detailed description and move on. We are an indie production and have limited resource and we don't need testers who are actively causing issues either with the ticket system, in chat, or even on the forums. This is not a released game and you are a tester, it should be viewed as a privilege rather than a right and sometimes people come into this expecting it to function as it is a AAA released game - which it is not. Even those aforementioned AAA released games have queues for their ticket system.

    TL;DR: You are testing an indie game that is in development and if you cause trouble then we reserve the right to remove you as a tester. You agree to the EULA and Code of Conduct and we expect everyone to abide by the terms in which they have agreed.
    How do I give a +1 or some form of credit to replies like this? I'm not sure its possible on these forums. Think Reddit credit/score system.

    This reply is gold. Thank you for your ongoing dedication Silvonis et al.

    I was online when the wanker was being a giant turd in global chat. We all know who he is and we all have an opinion about him and his demeanor in game. The term entitled elitist prick comes to mind. Reminds me of Darktide.

    Everyone on server was on side when they agreed he was out of line and cheered on when the ban hammer hit. He is exactly that 'toxic Steam community' he refers to. People need to stop being fuckwits and berate and belittle devs in game just because they got their knickers in a twist not understanding a known game mechanic or finding a bug or glitch.

    Lets get on with it and make this thing work. We all have some form of vested interest in this project (no pun intended). I for one am super excited to be part of this Alpha.

    A curse is a curse of course of course...the famous Mr Ed.

  7. #7
    Member rastaah's Avatar
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    ANT3RA you get as many stars as Silvonis lol, yours was spot on too!!

    I agree on all counts and I am just happy to be here and if they ever do volunteers like DR and GS did I am here if needed (though fine to just play my heart out too)

    Anyways, they did the right thing and booted em' (though I'd get so much more satisfaction to see them locked in jail with a rule book for 3 days lol, every time signing in...stuck in that room , no interface except that rule book (so can't report only log out if they are sick of it, cant talk, can't spam , cant submit ticket) ahhh I am evil! mwhahaha.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Easylivin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rastaah View Post
    ANT3RA you get as many stars as Silvonis lol, yours was spot on too!!

    I agree on all counts and I am just happy to be here and if they ever do volunteers like DR and GS did I am here if needed (though fine to just play my heart out too)

    Anyways, they did the right thing and booted em' (though I'd get so much more satisfaction to see them locked in jail with a rule book for 3 days lol, every time signing in...stuck in that room , no interface except that rule book (so can't report only log out if they are sick of it, cant talk, can't spam , cant submit ticket) ahhh I am evil! mwhahaha.
    The room is a fun idea. Maybe a dungeon "prison" where they can only talk in nearby and they make glass bottles all day.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Hood's Avatar
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    @Silvonis , whatever happened to the Guide program? No rewards, no real power would be something the community might be okay with.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    It takes alot of people to have someone available at all times. It's expensive, it's considered real work, and the developers could get in trouble if they created a system they got value out of without paying the moderators actual wages.

    That said, it is nice to have actual people to talk to, a transparent system to engage in. My spouse, a Linden developer on Second Life, has some fun stories of showing up and using the orbital laser to remove a troll's penis(es).

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