Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #1
    Moderator srand's Avatar
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    All About the VIP Membership Program - Questions & Discussion

    There's a new dev blog, all about the new VIP Membership program. You can read it here.

    And this is the place for questions and discussion. We're very excited about this! So ask/discuss away.
    Last edited by Citan; 05-22-2021 at 02:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member Avoret's Avatar
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    Are there any plans for changes with surveying and current third party tools?
    Those without VIP will be at a massive disadvantage.

  3. #3
    Senior Member mrwarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avoret View Post
    Are there any plans for changes with surveying and current third party tools?
    Those without VIP will be at a massive disadvantage.
    Can you please explain how that is a massive disadvantage? It takes a few more minutes to complete a batch of surveys...surely that's not it?
    -ADMIN- Jackencola
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  4.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #4
    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    I also wouldn't call it a "massive" disadvantage, we're talking about a single skill amongst a hundred, but to answer the question we haven't really decided anything new there yet, but we're discussing it.

    We'd always planned for chat logs to be part of VIP. But you'll note that "chat logs" isn't included in the VIP features blog post... because we're still weighing the pros and cons of changing something that players have already gotten used to having for free.

  5. #5
    Member PezOfDoom's Avatar
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    VIP Tokens: These tokens are in-game items that can be consumed by a player to claim 30 days of VIP membership time. The tokens themselves can be used on your own account or given to others. VIP tokens can come from various sources in-game.
    I am curious the sources of these VIP tokens that are in-game...

    Are you planning to use it as a way to remove councils from the economy (example: players could buy from an NPC for a large amount of councils)?
    Is there a rare drop chance off certain Monsters?
    If I gather really rare materials, can I craft one?

    I assume not since it's supposed to be used like patreon...but the way you phrased it....maybe not if you are thinking there are non-monetary ways that players support the development of the game.
    Last edited by PezOfDoom; 05-22-2021 at 04:31 PM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member mrwarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PezOfDoom View Post
    I am curious the sources of these VIP tokens that are in-game...

    Are you planning to use it as a way to remove councils from the economy n (example: players could buy from an NPC for a large amount of councils)?
    Is there a rare drop chance off certain Monsters?
    If I gather really rare materials, can I craft one?
    VIP Tokens have been available in the game for quite some time now. They have been given out as prizes for a few contests, they can be won in the casino Match-3 games and they are also a standard prize during the MEGA Raffles which are held twice per year. The next one is due next month!
    -ADMIN- Jackencola
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  7. #7
    Member PezOfDoom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrwarp View Post
    VIP Tokens have been available in the game for quite some time now. They have been given out as prizes for a few contests, they can be won in the casino Match-3 games and they are also a standard prize during the MEGA Raffles which are held twice per year. The next one is due next month!
    Ah, so no plans at this point to reward first bug discoveries with a token. Gotcha

  8.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #8
    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    You can also win VIP tokens in the more expensive match-3 game in the casino. The odds are... not good... but it's possible It's basically so rare as to be an Easter egg though.

    Behind the scenes, VIP tokens were added as a sort of prototype: we wanted to ensure that we could give out VIP time through game items, and VIP tokens are the "implementation detail." We think they make great rare rewards, but we aren't currently imagining that you'd be able to buy them for in-game currency.

  9. #9
    Junior Member Shaz's Avatar
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    Will we be able to use spaces in toon names? Or still one line text

  10.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #10
    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    No plans to change what names are allowed. If we ever do allow multi-word names it probably wouldn't be a VIP-specific feature, and it would probably not be part of your "real" name anyway. For instance if you marry a human NPC, perhaps you could take their last name. You would be shown to others with both names, like "Bob Newhart", but people would still just /tell Bob hi.

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