Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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    Senior Member Sims's Avatar
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    Update Discussion: October 15, 2020

    The update notes are here: https://forum.projectgorgon.com/show...ctober-15-2020

    Discussion is in this thread! But please remember to report any bugs through the in-game reporting system so we can track them.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Glythe's Avatar
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    I have always been a huge fan of the live events for this game as they add a great deal of charm. It's really cool that you have added some 'end game' items to buy with those tokens.

    That being said I would like to ask you to reconsider the RNG aspect of gaining tokens (as explained briefly by Jack yesterday in game who said it was a chance event). I can understand the desire to limit how many tokens people get so that everyone doesn't have the two really cool items in a few months.

    Suggestion: Limit the events so they have an invisible buff cooldown? Change the reward pool so that if I go to the event and complete it then I get a token (assuming I have not gotten one recently before the cooldown for that event has refreshed).

    Question : Do you think the event would be more fun or less fun if the Treasure chest appeared for some people but not for others?

  3. #3
    Senior Member Ranperre's Avatar
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    Suggestion added in game too: Make bouquets useful. When you increased the stats recovered by combat refreshes (it was on the order of 2-3, right?), you didn't increase the combat refresh power bonus from flower bouquets. In order to give us a workaround for your power increases, please consider doubling or tripling the power refresh of bouquets.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Celerity's Avatar
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    Finished the halloween event now and really enjoyed it, had a lot of fun and formed lots of different groups to do all the different tasks, which I always prefer to solo content. Of course, the solo stuff was good too and the rewards felt worthwhile even for an end game player.

    Especially liked the hearts, the 5th heart felt like the first real challenging boss in the game, although I'm sure with a meta group it would still feel easy. Was a welcome surprise that the casual group we had with only 5 players, 2 of which were bats without gear, didn't just completely steamroll everything already. Instead we had to actually meditate/do calligraphy, buff up, unbat and get a 6th player which was nice to actually have some challenge for a change.

    The number of quests felt a bit overwhelming at first, but in the end I was glad there was so much to do. Not sure if/where it will stop but I could see it reaching a point in the future where there may be almost too many quests to do, at least, too many given at one time. I think it would be ok if there were longer quest chains.

    The new reusable storage box and portable fox vendor from the live event token vendor seem like really cool concepts. I often wondered what would have to be introduced to get my interest as an end game player, but these definitely have!

    I appreciate the faster boss respawns, too many times on the daily quests I would end up waiting ages for the respawns.

    I don't know how I feel about the increased power costs entirely, it's only minor for hammer but for mentalism the power is way up on the epic attack and even the normal attacks have comparable power usage to hammer now. Makes me feel 2 negative things:

    1. Almost seems pointless to go for low damage skill lines like mentalism now if the power usages are the same as the high damage skill lines
    2. I'm worried everyone is just forced into cloth armour at this point

    I already made the switch over to cloth myself after being an advocate of leather for years. Spring fairy was better for my build for damage, but also it just reached the point, even before the last patch that it simply wasn't viable to use leather for hammer at least, even when using flowers, the best food in the game, pineal juice, cranium lotion, max power mods and digestifs. In my opinion it's just not viable to use anything other than cloth anymore, except maybe if you're playing a pure support or pure tank role. But why a support would want anything other than cloth I'm not sure, so it could just be tanks. Of course you could always go for the power cost mods on your gear, but I think the difference between cloth and leather/metal/organic armour isn't anywhere near as significant as the difference between damage mods and power cost mods.

    I think it has impacted my damage a bit, but honestly not to any significant amount, especially on a 1 mob pull. I think it also has more of an impact in weaker groups. Strong groups have enough damage to nuke down however many mobs before running out of power and it's just slightly raised the damage threshold needed to do that, while making it worse for groups below the threshold. It has slowed down combat marginally though and maybe increased the need for flower or other max power buffs.
    Last edited by Celerity; 10-17-2020 at 09:23 AM.

  5.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #5
    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    I've talked about this before, but to catch people up, here's some background on where we are with high level balance.

    I'm moving small pieces of the balance equation around to try to make the game work better, like tweaking Power curves to help reinforce ability roles. Ultimately, though, the elephant in the room is that players can have way, WAY too many offensive treasure mods at once. Until I fix that problem, these other fixes will seem weird, because they aren't fixing the core problem.

    The core problem from a player's POV can be summed up as "I don't need to defend myself if I can finish combat in 4.1 seconds". This playstyle means you are more than willing to drop defense in order to hit the magic DPS level where everything is trivial. And if something is higher, you just die.

    This is very poor game design that gets worse and worse at high level, and I have to fix it, but I don't know the precise way to fix it. That's why I'm fixing small parts of the equation, seeing how it affects things, and trying to figure out the best approach. Ultimately the change will be a severe nerf, and I would like to get it right the first time.

    My knee-jerk idea was to just reduce the total number of treasure mods you can have on at once. But now I'm thinking maybe a new mechanic that forces players to take a certain % of defensive mods. (Say 40%.) I don't have a mechanic for that in mind, but one easy approach would be to make all the mods on certain slots (say chest, legs, necklace) be defense/survival. That's awkward for pure DPS skills, though, because their defense/survival mods would be crappy. But maybe that's fine. Actually that's probably for the best.

    Anyway, I realize nobody likes being nerfed, but I really don't have the ability to present fun and exciting battles to high-level players right now. I can present fun and exciting battles to the top 5% of players, sure. But everybody else will get wrecked, because the top few percent of players can deal, what, maybe 500% more damage than the average player with crap mods? That's really fun for advancement as a player because you can slowly see yourself getting MUCH more powerful. But it's just too big of a power differential for us to create content for, and you will quickly find the game un-fun because nothing is challenging. (Or else it would be un-fun up until the end, because everything would be balanced to be too hard until you finished your 70-mod treasure set.)

    It's my fault for letting the balance problem get out of hand, but I do have to fix it, and I will. Expect to see more small nerfs as I work things out, as well as at least one major nerf as I restructure the game to allow it to be balanceable and fun.

    There will be more info about that nerf before it comes, so you won't be blindsided by it. I'm not sure when it will happen because I don't know what it is. So far I haven't found an approach that makes me go "aha, that's it!" The closest solution I have is forcing certain slots to be defense/support mods, but that will be very weird for some combat skills. I'm still hopeful that there's a cleverer solution.

    (And, of course, rebalancing players means rebalancing monsters. Monster rebalancing is much, much easier than player rebalancing, though -- since monsters don't use mods! Monster balance can be changed around as much as needed to fit where player DPS ultimately ends up.)
    Last edited by Citan; 10-18-2020 at 08:27 AM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Aionlasting's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    I've talked about this before, but to catch people up, here's some background on where we are with high level balance.

    I'm moving small pieces of the balance equation around to try to make the game work better, like tweaking Power curves to help reinforce ability roles. Ultimately, though, the elephant in the room is that players can have way, WAY too many offensive treasure mods at once. Until I fix that problem, these other fixes will seem weird, because they aren't fixing the core problem.

    The core problem from a player's POV can be summed up as "I don't need to defend myself if I can finish combat in 4.1 seconds". This playstyle means you are more than willing to drop defense in order to hit the magic DPS level where everything is trivial. And if something is higher, you just die.

    This is very poor game design that gets worse and worse at high level, and I have to fix it, but I don't know the precise way to fix it. That's why I'm fixing small parts of the equation, seeing how it affects things, and trying to figure out the best approach. Ultimately the change will be a severe nerf, and I would like to get it right the first time.

    My knee-jerk idea was to just reduce the total number of treasure mods you can have on at once. But now I'm thinking maybe a new mechanic that forces players to take a certain % of defensive mods. (Say 40%.) I don't have a mechanic for that in mind, but one easy approach would be to make all the mods on certain slots (say chest, legs, necklace) be defense/survival. That's awkward for pure DPS skills, though, because their defense/survival mods would be crappy. But maybe that's fine. Actually that's probably for the best.

    Anyway, I realize nobody likes being nerfed, but I really don't have the ability to present fun and exciting battles to high-level players right now. I can present fun and exciting battles to the top 5% of players, sure. But everybody else will get wrecked, because the top few percent of players can deal, what, maybe 500% more damage than the average player with crap mods? That's really fun for advancement as a player because you can slowly see yourself getting MUCH more powerful. But it's just too big of a power differential for us to create content for, and you will quickly find the game un-fun because nothing is challenging. (Or else it would be un-fun up until the end, because everything would be balanced to be too hard until you finished your 70-mod treasure set.)

    It's my fault for letting the balance problem get out of hand, but I do have to fix it, and I will. Expect to see more small nerfs as I work things out, as well as at least one major nerf as I restructure the game to allow it to be balanceable and fun.

    (And, of course, rebalancing players means rebalancing monsters. Monster rebalancing is much, much easier than player rebalancing, though -- since monsters don't use mods! Monster balance can be changed around as much as needed to fit where player DPS ultimately ends up.)
    With all do respect sir...

    Why don't you start by fixing that atrocious idea that damage mitigation is based on CURRENT armor instead of MAXIMUM armor? That would eliminate that jerkiness in combat that occurs after the first or second hit when half your armor is gone and suddenly you're taking way more damage to your health because your ability to mitigate has been erased and also because half of the damage you take goes right to your health anyway (and now alot more as you're mitigating so much less due to half your armor being gone too).

    Your way to calculate how players take damage is absolutely strange. You need a constant mitigation not one that varies widely based on players current armor. Look at your shield mods too, the one that lowers the break point for mitigation, that one which states that instead of 25 armor points is 1 point of damage mitigated it gives you 20 points of armor mitigates 1 point of damage. That's a great mod but if you read it closely it states that its based on CURRENT armor ... and so current armor in combat fluctuates drastically and so tanks cannot be tanks and if health goes from full to 0 in 2.4 seconds.

    THEN once TANKS can actually BE TANKS, you can double or triple ELITE mob HP so combat can LAST and you don't have to worry about ridiculous nuke damage killing your group mobs instantly because now you have tanks who can take hits, healers who can heal, and dps that has to dps through alot more HP. If you just buff elite mob hp to make combat last longer, there is no tank who can survive the incoming damage long enough because of how wacky your mitigation formula is.

    Love the game citan.... but can you address this? Thanks.
    Last edited by Aionlasting; 10-18-2020 at 08:26 AM.

  7.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #7
    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    @Aionlasting - yeah, that's another smallish part of the equation I can work on. But I don't think it will ultimately prevent players from making ultra-death-nukes. It will just mean you need a really good tank in order to group up, and everybody else will be a paper-thin nuker. I don't think that fixes the fundamental issue of too much DPS.

    Same with other combat mechanics like Rage management. They need fixing, but they seem a little bit ancillary to the core issue.
    Last edited by Citan; 10-18-2020 at 08:39 AM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Niph's Avatar
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    It seems to me the fix would be to change the rarity of power-improving mechanics. If it takes 100h to get that 10% improvement (say, a yellow item that gives one more mod), then 5% of the population will have enough play time to get it and you have that problem. If the rarity is changed, say to 10h of play, a large percentage of the population can get it, and problem fixed. You balance for them.

    Problem is, of course, that very active players get bored since they can reach perfection pretty quickly, relatively speaking. You could keep them happy with more content, but that's probably not an option.

    My suggestion would be to reduce the number of mods, say to 4 top instead of the 6/7 you can get today (depending on slots), and make that goal reachable for most players. Then add these rare drops with a nice color on them (yellow!) that don't give one more mod, but a fixed boost. Make it 1% universal damage on main hand, and 1% to all healing on legs, whatever.

    Very active players can still hope for a set better than average, but don't throw away the balance too much.

    Being an extremely active player myself, I realize this would make the game less interesting, however you could compensate that by giving extra perks to these rare stuff. For example, the ability to dye them, or something different but cosmetic only. Or +1 inventory slot. Possibilities!

  9. #9
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    My point was that a minor power change, such as in this patch just forces people into the meta more (glass cannon dps with cloth) since the meta groups are completely unaffected by the change since they kill things too quickly for the power change to matter whilst non-meta groups are punished.

    I agree that something major needs to be changed if balance is something you want to care about. I'm just worried that the nerf might be too severe because some of the content can be challenging already in weaker groups, it's only when you have meta groups that everything is a breeze.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Aionlasting's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niph View Post
    It seems to me the fix would be to change the rarity of power-improving mechanics. If it takes 100h to get that 10% improvement (say, a yellow item that gives one more mod), then 5% of the population will have enough play time to get it and you have that problem. If the rarity is changed, say to 10h of play, a large percentage of the population can get it, and problem fixed. You balance for them.

    Problem is, of course, that very active players get bored since they can reach perfection pretty quickly, relatively speaking. You could keep them happy with more content, but that's probably not an option.

    My suggestion would be to reduce the number of mods, say to 4 top instead of the 6/7 you can get today (depending on slots), and make that goal reachable for most players. Then add these rare drops with a nice color on them (yellow!) that don't give one more mod, but a fixed boost. Make it 1% universal damage on main hand, and 1% to all healing on legs, whatever.

    Very active players can still hope for a set better than average, but don't throw away the balance too much.

    Being an extremely active player myself, I realize this would make the game less interesting, however you could compensate that by giving extra perks to these rare stuff. For example, the ability to dye them, or something different but cosmetic only. Or +1 inventory slot. Possibilities!
    I'm in favor of something to this extent.

    Yellow items could have unique affixes not present on any other quality type item. These could be randomly generated as well as with other mods, but again, only attainable on a legendary item drop.

    For example,

    A support class legendary affix not acquirable on any other rarity level could be something like "Increases all party members vigor by 50." (or w/e appropriate amount for the level range of the legendary item).

    Maybe a tank affix could be something like, "Reflect 2% of incoming damage back at the attacker."

    One for damage could be something like "All attacks have a 2% chance to critically hit."

    You could get really creative with affixes like these and since they can only be generated on legendary items and legendary items would be very rare , they wouldn't break game balance and also you could make it so that they are only a slight power increase but unique and interesting enough that players covet them and want to keep the hunt on for that perfect item.

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