Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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Thread: Good Afternoon
  1. #1
    Senior Member INXS's Avatar
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    Good Afternoon

    Hello all hope you all having a safe and healthy time in this difficult period we are facing.

    On to matters. At times I find biased and nonconstructive posts/replies on the boards. I come to the boards to get informed and see certain things from a different perspective as there is so much to learn in this game. When I do comment it's from my own personal experience in the skill/s and or abilities that I have experience in to discuss.
    Recently, in some situations, I have noticed that when people are discussing skills/abilities they are speaking from a third party. I truly hope that when you are talking about what a skill that you have those skills maxed and have a full set of modded yellows to guarantee what you are claiming to be true. If you don't please don't post unfounded and untried matters on how you were told a ability/skill is. In the end it is just hearsay and unfounded. It ends up being unhelpful for the most part.

    You are not going to see me post/reply to someone talking about Bard Skill, Animal Handling or Necromancy because I have never bothered to raise those skills and therefore I don't have the expertise to comment on them. So please take a minute and think about what you are going to comment on a post instead of inundating the boards with comments that may be misleading.

    Devs thank you for the great and constant work you do. It is much appreciated !

  2. #2
    Junior Member Mirromorka's Avatar
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    Great post . And i totally agree here.

    You can not make statments on something you dont have at 80 and have spent at least 90+ hours fighting with,
    modding, living with that class you find all the good things and trials and errors.

    You spend months gearing up fighting diffrent scenerios with your class perfecting it ,
    Then sometimes on forum you can meet someone who has only lvl 60-70 with the class and wants to tell you whats right and wrong and many times its wrong.

    I do not try to give advice on something i have only tested to lvl 70 and not played the class in diffrent maps for many hours with diffrent sets of gear.

    Please post only statments on class you have tested well and find yourself sure you have the knowledge of playing that skill for long time.
    Accurate info is what we need on the forum thats why its here .


  3. #3
    Senior Member Aionlasting's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by INXS View Post
    Hello all hope you all having a safe and healthy time in this difficult period we are facing.

    On to matters. At times I find biased and nonconstructive posts/replies on the boards. I come to the boards to get informed and see certain things from a different perspective as there is so much to learn in this game. When I do comment it's from my own personal experience in the skill/s and or abilities that I have experience in to discuss.
    Recently, in some situations, I have noticed that when people are discussing skills/abilities they are speaking from a third party. I truly hope that when you are talking about what a skill that you have those skills maxed and have a full set of modded yellows to guarantee what you are claiming to be true. If you don't please don't post unfounded and untried matters on how you were told a ability/skill is. In the end it is just hearsay and unfounded. It ends up being unhelpful for the most part.

    You are not going to see me post/reply to someone talking about Bard Skill, Animal Handling or Necromancy because I have never bothered to raise those skills and therefore I don't have the expertise to comment on them. So please take a minute and think about what you are going to comment on a post instead of inundating the boards with comments that may be misleading.

    Devs thank you for the great and constant work you do. It is much appreciated !
    Out of curiosity, the game is not designed around players having full set of modded yellow gear. So this raises the question of why someone has to have a full set of modded yellows to have valid concerns, criticisms, perspectives, on the subject at hand?

    I get your entire post is your perspective/opinion of how things should be but its left me scratching my head.

    I suppose I should add that I disagree with you on the "requirements" if we can call them that, to contribute to a discussion. Let each person weigh the merits of an opinion without binding those who wish to contribute to a discussion with arbitrary rules.

    We are the poorer as a whole when we silence the contribution of others even if we may deem those contributions to be little or close to none. The more thoughts and ideas the more we can all be exposed and think about what it is we know and believe.

    I feel as a community we are enriched by more discussion and not less of it. Its okay if not everyone is an expert. The perspective is still important because experts aren't the only ones who make up the community.

    Kindly offered.

    tldr; skill and gear quality should not be a requirement for contribution to a discussion.
    Last edited by Aionlasting; 04-04-2020 at 12:19 PM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Coglin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aionlasting View Post
    Out of curiosity, the game is not designed around players having full set of modded yellow gear. So this raises the question of why someone has to have a full set of modded yellows to have valid concerns, criticisms, perspectives, on the subject at hand?
    Because people have made claims suggesting or even demanding need or changes to classes they have no experience in. They have done so with no obvious first hand knowledge of a combat skill combination. It is often very clear they are making demands, accusations, or claims based on "what they heard" second hand, or what they may have seen as a bystander without context. Part of the context they often fail to consider is that the players build they are making comments on are in full, crafter, yellow max-enchanted, with a 7th mod added through augmentation, in a game, as you pointed out, that is balanced and designed around red enchanted gear.

  5. #5
    Junior Member Mirromorka's Avatar
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    Your right Aionlasting anyone can have opinions and arguments,
    but theres just some few ,
    that make harsh statements that this skill is like that and this is bad and this is op and more and more but they havent played it.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Aionlasting's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coglin View Post
    Because people have made claims suggesting or even demanding need or changes to classes they have no experience in. They have done so with no obvious first hand knowledge of a combat skill combination. It is often very clear they are making demands, accusations, or claims based on "what they heard" second hand, or what they may have seen as a bystander without context. Part of the context they often fail to consider is that the players build they are making comments on are in full, crafter, yellow max-enchanted, with a 7th mod added through augmentation, in a game, as you pointed out, that is balanced and designed around red enchanted gear.
    That may be true but if that is the case won't such poor arguments be exposed by the facts? Why do we need to start constraining who can join in on a discussion because some contributions are invalid or poor at best? Let each individual weight the merits of the argument on their own and let those who wish to expose or validate a contribution do so.

    Furthermore, do we believe the development team to be so inept that they must be shielded from people who do those things? I think Citan is intelligent enough to discern the difference between valid and invalid crticism.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Coglin's Avatar
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    I do not know who you believe you are arguing against here. I was purely answering your question.

    No one is suggesting folks are not allowed to share their opinion. But I find INXS suggestion that folks should only use informed opinions to claim there is an issue as perfectly reasonable. I feel it is more reasonable to expect the inexperienced to ask questions as well as reasonable to expect the inexperienced to avoid making unreasonable demands when they are knowingly ignorant to the details and intricacies of a build and class combination.

  8. #8
    Junior Member Towers's Avatar
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    Good Afternoon

    I agree with the fact that a certain amount of playtime knowledge is required to Create a post on one in-game aspect or another.
    This of course does not stop anyone from asking questions or discussing.

    It is to easy for a blind man to say that the sky is pink just because his friend Bob told him it was.

    That kind of commenting is not helpful and should be deterred.


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    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    I don't think trying to gatekeep opinions based on play time makes a lot of sense, because it's hard to know where the cutoff should be for feedback. In general, if someone has a first-hand opinion about a skill, I want to hear it, even if its ill-informed, because that can still tell me something. And the amount of playtime is really not a good indicator of how in-depth someone's experience is, either. But that doesn't mean their feedback is bad.

    A few years ago I remember getting feedback from an avid Druid player, who gave very detailed info on all the pros and cons of every ability, but when it came to the Healing Sanctuary ability, their only feedback was "it doesn't have listed heal amounts, so I've never bothered with it." But in fact Healing Sanctuary was even more powerful then than it is now (for then-max-level content). For a healing druid to ignore it was... crazy! In the end, my biggest takeaway from that multi-page list of feedback was: I really needed to get some numbers displayed for Healing Sanctuary. (Which I did, as soon as I could.) If even a die-hard Druid player wasn't going to bother experimenting, I couldn't expect more casual players to do so. It reinforced that I need to get as much info on the in-game ability popup as I can.

    So that was very useful feedback. And feedback that only a long-term player could have given me. And feedback that they didn't exactly intend to give me. And feedback that, if we got it now, would get attacked by other players because they obviously don't know the skill as well as they think they do.

    That's the danger in gate-keeping. I don't have a good way of protecting this sort of very valuable feedback, feedback that's objectively WRONG but still subjectively PRECIOUS because it represents what lots of players may be thinking, and needs to be addressed in-game somehow.

    So I don't want to do anything that would intimidate other players into not posting feedback. If you have first-hand experience with a skill and want to share it, I want to hear it. Hopefully we can create a culture where we can respect that feedback for what it is, rather than worry about the exact "correctness" of said feedback.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Coglin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    if someone has a first-hand opinion about a skill, I want to hear it
    I cannot speak for anyone else, but that was my point. I do not feel anyone is gate keeping. No one is suggesting anyone is not allowed or not welcome to post anything. It seems to me that the consensus here is that a poster is wasting their and everyone else's time by posting opinions without first hand knowledge, thus defining them as uninformed. No one seems to suggest the uninformed post are not allowed or even unwelcome. It seems everyone simply feels they are unconstructive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    . If you have first-hand experience with a skill and want to share it, I want to hear it.
    I agree. I want people with first hand experience having good discussion. The issue is that as of late there has been a culture of poster with obviously no experience at all in a class or build suggesting and demanding changes. The issue in my opinion, is that the feedback from those inexperienced posters is essentially exclusively negative. That is the issue as I see it.
    Last edited by Coglin; 04-04-2020 at 05:47 PM.

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