Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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    Member SassySusie's Avatar
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    Testing of the world boss event held by Jack

    So I brought this to the forum because I was totally ignored by Jack 3 times in the game. 2 were private messages and 1 time in global. But anyhow during the testing of the world bosses on the last fight with Hot Flash I was ported out of Hogans Keep into Gazluk. I am not even bound to Gazluk so this was very confusing to me what had happened. Please explain this to me, are there portal storms in this game now too? But its just not announced?

    Just curious to see if I get ignored here too, but an explanation would be awesome and appreciated.

  2. #2
    Senior Member mrwarp's Avatar
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    This profile is private.

    When running events, we sometimes take action to minimize the amount of looting that players can do if they aren't generally participating in the event. This encourages participation, and reduces resentment from other players. You just happened to get caught in one of those methods. When we do live events such as these, we are pretty free-form with the rules and do what we can to maintain a fun and fair event experience.

    I am sorry that you felt ignored. As it always is at the end of these events, I am completely swamped in tells regarding feedback, bugs, glitches, thank yous and suggestions. It takes time to sort through all of that and get everyone taken care of, especially when it involves fixing a glitch that occured during the event. By the time I could reply to you, you'd logged off. In the future if you're unable to stay online until I can respond to you, remember that you can use an in-game or e-mail support ticket to request information.
    -ADMIN- Jackencola
    -GUIDE- Rummencola

  3. #3
    Member SassySusie's Avatar
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    For the record I was involved with every boss by the way, up until Hot Flash. I did not even loot the first hot flash that came out. But I was down there pulling the bosses around with apprehend for the fun of it having a bunch of laughs. As soon as they would die I would go back to the top of the wall where there was no lag. Sounds like you have a problem with me personally is why you ported me out of Hogans Keep. Deny it all you want but since this shit can happen I will never drop another dollar into this game. If an admin has the right to just port you out of the area when he pleases... well fuck that.

    It's really funny that you only chose me to do this too, There were plenty others sitting on the wall during a a lot of the fights.

    What is the use of logging into a game when an admin can just fuck with you when ever they want to? You have no idea what was going in my real life at that point of the hot flash fight... I mean come on so much sitting around for long periods of time waiting for the next spawn, of course something is going to come up.

    Are you trying to chase off all the players that have been around a long time? Or just a certain few of us? But like I said whats the use of logging in anymore if an admin is just going to mess with the character I am playing.
    Last edited by SassySusie; 03-15-2020 at 08:47 AM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Glythe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrwarp View Post
    When running events, we sometimes take action to minimize the amount of looting that players can do if they aren't generally participating in the event. This encourages participation, and reduces resentment from other players. You just happened to get caught in one of those methods.
    In past I have seen a lot of people just kind of afk at some of these events and participate in the content 'when it gets interesting/rewarding'. I was half asleep duing the event as there was a bit of downtime between some of the action. I know someone in my group had to step away for a moment and it easily could have been them that had been teleported away.

    Maybe the afk teleport tuning tool needs a slight modulation? That event ran long enough for many people's food to run out and there was a good bit of downtime between events (naturally so as it was a test run to get the real event running smooth next month). Those conditions can make humans need to take care of bio needs.

    Slightly off topic but I would like to mention as well while we are talking about a world boss rush.... can you change the loot pool for George?
    His drops are level 30 but the monster does a non burst attack aoe death touch. His body count was easily higher than every boss except the final level 80 boss you spawned. George is not a fun fight due to the AoE push spam and aoe death touch. Now that nimble boots will not protect against the AoE the only working protection is death avoidance (tested and working) or possibly nimble pants. Any way you want to slice it... you have tuned George so that he is well beyond level 30 loot drops and has been that way for over a year (which is why I leave town as do many others I know when you spawn him in serb).

  5. #5
    Member SassySusie's Avatar
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    Oh sorry I would like to add one more thing, you said it was about the loot, well let me inform you I was in Fae Realm farming with two of my friends when my friend who just recently came back to the game said "I would like to go see what this is about that Jack is posting about in chat". Okay so we stopped farming to go to Hogans keep. Now with that being said you really think the loot that the bosses were dropping in Hogans was better than Fae Realm.... ya not even close. The only thing I looted there was Kraken tendrils, all the other things were a waste of time.

    Personally I would of rather been anywhere but there at the moment but I was there hanging out with a couple of friends and having some good laughs with the deaths etc.... so I am still trying to wrap my mind around how you think this is right to just portal someone out when they are enjoying the company of friends.

    In the 4 years I have played this game I have NEVER heard of this happening to anyone else, so are you telling me I am the first? Or am I just the first to question it?

  6. #6
    Senior Member BetaNotus's Avatar
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    Figured I should chime in, but one of my alts was teleported to Gazluk as well during the event. I was up on the rocks outside the Keep taking screenshots of the event, and found myself in Gazluk without any warning. I had not looted, or even damaged any of the spawns. At first I thought it was something I had did, but apparently not.

    If such a system is to ever be used again, I'd certainly recommend at minimum a pop-up alert for soon-to-be-teleported players warning them of what might happen. Additionally, I feel that porting people into Gazluk is downright ridiculous. The alt I was using has a highest combat level of around 16, and it took a half hour to get that character from Gazluk -> Kur -> Eltibule -> Serbule. I'm glad I was using my lycan for this, if I had been a player using an Agent character or in Hardcore mode, I could see myself exceptionally unhappy.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Sheawanna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BetaNotus View Post
    Figured I should chime in, but one of my alts was teleported to Gazluk as well during the event. I was up on the rocks outside the Keep taking screenshots of the event, and found myself in Gazluk without any warning. I had not looted, or even damaged any of the spawns. At first I thought it was something I had did, but apparently not.

    If such a system is to ever be used again, I'd certainly recommend at minimum a pop-up alert for soon-to-be-teleported players warning them of what might happen. Additionally, I feel that porting people into Gazluk is downright ridiculous. The alt I was using has a highest combat level of around 16, and it took a half hour to get that character from Gazluk -> Kur -> Eltibule -> Serbule. I'm glad I was using my lycan for this, if I had been a player using an Agent character or in Hardcore mode, I could see myself exceptionally unhappy.
    I agree , perhaps porting them to serbule hills , just in case they are lower lvl .

  8.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #8
    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    We have to walk a fine line here. We've heard resentment from players in the past about ninja-looting during free-form events. It can really spoil the event for people and it can even create a negative impression of the entire game community. I don't want a few bad eggs making these events less fun.

    On the other hand, we can't perfectly tell who is helping "enough" and who isn't. Live events are chaotic and messy enough as it is, and sometimes we'll get it wrong. But I still suspect we should TRY to stop ninja-looting, rather than turn a blind eye to it.

    So even though we get it wrong sometimes, we'll keep trying to improve our methods and tools for live events, to make them more fair and fun for everyone. It'll take time and experimentation, which is why we test. Thank you for helping us test these events, and for letting us know how the events are working for you.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Sheawanna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    We have to walk a fine line here. We've heard resentment from players in the past about ninja-looting during free-form events. It can really spoil the event for people and it can even create a negative impression of the entire game community. I don't want a few bad eggs making these events less fun.

    On the other hand, we can't perfectly tell who is helping "enough" and who isn't. Live events are chaotic and messy enough as it is, and sometimes we'll get it wrong. But I still suspect we should TRY to stop ninja-looting, rather than turn a blind eye to it.

    So even though we get it wrong sometimes, we'll keep trying to improve our methods and tools for live events, to make them more fair and fun for everyone. It'll take time and experimentation, which is why we test. Thank you for helping us test these events, and for letting us know how the events are working for you.
    Personally I think everyone does a fine job .. like I said perhaps serbule hills better place . if in fact its due to involvement then still get ported , if its due to frps and ability to go on well serbule is close enough yet easy for low skill players . ( notice I said l said low skill players . cause in reality most that might be skilled higher might have a low skill elsewhere . but as for event thought it went fine although do agree George sucks :P

  10. #10
    Junior Member Silence's Avatar
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    I thought loot was personalized? Its been a while since i have grouped, but i seem to recall Manticores dropping loot for all... long long long ago? What if im killing bosses in a group... is loot shared, what about the mods?

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