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While I would certainly agree that the inventory reduction sounds incredibly harsh, and maybe more annoying than advanced/challenging, the perks of being Fae do read like they should come at a pretty hefty price.
Spit-balling a few ideas here...
• Perhaps the inventory restrictions should be tied to armor choice? For example, wearing a metal chest/legs could reduce inventory by 5 each, while helm/gloves/boots reduce it by 2. Similarly, leather could be -2 for chest/legs, -1 for helm, -0 for gloves/boots (critically, this would give -5 for wearing a 3-pc Winter set.)
• A more complex iteration of this mechanic might include assigning a different "encumbrance" value to each armor type in each slot. In addition to inventory reductions, hitting certain thresholds would give you cumulative debuffs. For example, using the numbers from above, flight could be disabled at a value of 6+ (any combination of 3-pc metal, or any metal while wearing 3pc-Leather.)
• Instead of outright reducing inventory space, what if using any of the last 16 slots could enable a limited form of Encumbrance? No flight, no fast travel... but, instead of a movement penalty, maybe more combat-oriented debuffs? No evasion/nimble, longer cooldown for Combat Refresh, a stacking "exhaustion" debuff to reduce effectiveness until you "catch your breath," etc...