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World of Warcraft garrisons was not housing, it can't be compared to that because it was an expansion purchased content of whatever era in the story it was, you didn't get access to it for just owning the game, there was no house of yours or pets or real gardening or any of the features PG has and intends to have.
WoW has always fallen short of potential on everything after Wotlk, they add cool things but then remove or fail to add the cool and it just becomes a thing.
Blizzard is always rushing out its projects in glorious bugged glitchy messes of patch hotfix after another with content not even being added because they didn't have the time or whatever their inevitable excuse was.. what was the last one? china won't let them say.
Now if you wanted to talk housing in games where it was actual housing and was good then no everything you have said is wrong.
There are a handful of games i can think of with housing in games and it was amazing and fun until they cash-shopped the shit out of it and made things only available via microtransactions and daily idiot buffs with silly things with wife/husband/pet boons with weekly lockouts, and that's not mentioning the forced need to do it and being like a solo only thing.
But then you have games where they didn't and it was great and it still goes on today, ultima online is still going and is a subscription game unless you play the free servers, i think UO Outlands is the latest best free one on the market lately with real ocean piracy and taming and all the crazy housing and fun.
I think Albion Online's housing was ok, they made some silly restrictions on how to access and travel and what you could and couldnt do on the housing plots and the crafting issues, but friending people and guild houses and visiting others was pretty cool with how people decorated their stuff.
There are a few more games i'd like to mention that made housing fun and a few that made housing a chore and annoying but i don't think i need to, we just want the fun, it's a game, i dont login to grind to do a job to hit a daily or tickle a skeleton with my necro super powers of mute while my pets glitch out in the ground and stare off into the endless void wondering why theyre here at all.
But hey the 20 people who want wings and be a fae.. are gunna get their wish, the rest of us are just like ... dwarf dwarf dwarf oi oi oi.