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Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Senior Member alleryn's Avatar
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    Hardcore mode and teleportation

    I feel like i may have read something similar recently, but i can't seem to find it. If this is a duplicate thread, please link and accept my apologies.

    I tried out hardcore mode yesterday and i really liked it. Having gear damaged really does make it so you don't want to die, as it's an inconvenience to repair it, though quite doable in most situations (and probably almost all situations with help).

    However, i've come to depend so much on Enter the Light that i can't really see playing very much in hardcore mode. I'm quite a few levels away from Recall Heart's Home, but even that seems pretty resource-intensive as a replacement.

    Having no good way to get around other than dying is a major deterrent to hardcore mode.

    To anyone who plays on hardcore mode: how do you deal with this?

    To the devs/anyone who want to chime in: is there any consideration to giving hardcore users a free/low-cost teleport to Serbule?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Easylivin's Avatar
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    Recall Beginnings (Hardcore) (L 0)

  3. #3
    Senior Member alleryn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Easylivin View Post
    Recall Beginnings (Hardcore) (L 0)
    Your point being? This really does very little to help movement around the world in the way Enter the Light does, unless i'm using it wrong.
    Last edited by alleryn; 02-07-2017 at 07:26 PM.

  4. #4
    Junior Member tofugunk's Avatar
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    I've played hardcore for about a year now so I might have some helpful insights.

    First of all, abuse crates. You can just put all/most of your gear in a crate then enter the light and you'll be fine. Just carry around some mats for the crates and most of your broken gear problems will be fixed while also gaining you some sweet sweet xp in the process. Similarly, you could always just die near/on the teleportation destination for an easy repair. I assume you'll just be going to serb to manage inventory/buy things anyways so you wont need your gear for that. Also, having teleportation WoP's help a lot when you die in the middle of nowhere/dungeon or whatever so thats also another strat you can use.

    In my case, I don't bother with any of that fancy stuff i just wrote down and just fly everywhere or abuse my guild tp/regular tp. Most places don't take too long to get to and there's always the ship in Rahu to get me back to Serb.(most of the time)

    actually ignore the crates part. just ship your shit into the universal storage and you're homefree.
    Last edited by tofugunk; 02-07-2017 at 10:43 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member alleryn's Avatar
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    A lot of good ideas.

    What's universal storage?

    I can't fly and my guild doesn't do quests as far as i can tell, so some of those options aren't available to me, but dying on the teleporter isn't bad.

    Still don't feel like i have enough options though. Like right now my circle is bound to sun vale. I'm trying to raise favor with some NPCs there to unlock some skills from The_Wombat and others. But i also have things to do in Kur, Ilmari and Rahu. I guess maybe i need to be more centered on one area at a time if i want to do hardcore mode.

    Oh well. Maybe i can activate it when i go to do a dungeon for the excitement or something. I just kinda wish i could leave it on, since i get lazy and wish i cared more about dying, but the travel limitations make it feel impractical for me.
    Last edited by alleryn; 02-08-2017 at 12:25 AM.

  6. #6
    Junior Member pilotfisherman's Avatar
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    @alleryn, I think I have heard universal storage also referred to as council storage. This is the glowing green container with little obelisk things found near Hulon in Serbule, Hogan's Keep, the North West in Kur and near the Meditation pillar in Rahu. Storage crates would also be universal in the same way. The contents are the same regardless of where you interface with that kind of object.

    This thread reminds me of a question I asked myself recently. Is it intentional that the portal from Wanda's Sewer into Serbule's Inn is tallied as a teleport when determining which location is assigned to Heart's Home? The button on the portal plainly says Teleport, so I don't know. If it is intentional, is it so that by nature, someone who dies far less often than another who blood-ports frequently, is by default, going to be in a better position to conduct their teleportation habits in a way that maximizes the usefulness of Heart's Home? The way Heart's Home works now, it feels like a throw-away recipe if you are in the habit of blood-porting.
    Last edited by pilotfisherman; 02-08-2017 at 06:19 AM. Reason: crates

  7. #7
    Senior Member Easylivin's Avatar
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    sigil scripting

  8. #8
    Junior Member tofugunk's Avatar
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    IMO having your teleport on somewhere as isolated as sunvale is pretty impractical if you wanna play hardcore mode. It aleady so close to serbule and theres a teleport pad right next to the wombat and all those other peeps to get outta there. Your teleport should be in the furthest zone you have to walk to or somewhere difficult to get to on your own. I, personally have my teleport on the kur inns because of the lack of spawn points near them and because kur is the crossroad between ilmari, guzlak and elti. Theres still a bunch of walking/flying to be done but its cut down by a lot. Having bird form helped me a lot with travel so I recommend you grind for it asap

  9. #9
    Senior Member alleryn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tofugunk View Post
    Having bird form helped me a lot with travel so I recommend you grind for it asap
    Thanks, but not planning to become a druid. Is there another way to unlock bird form?

    Don't really want to spend 200 councils every time i want to go back to Sun Vale. I just arrived for the first time so have plenty of work orders there and am trying to donate wooden equipment to the Wombat so i can unlock crude staves and use up the stacks of maple wood that are cluttering my storage, so i'm making a lot of visits.

    Edit: w00t! 100th post!
    Last edited by alleryn; 02-08-2017 at 05:00 PM.

  10. #10
    Member ShubiMaja's Avatar
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    What's the point of playing hardcore if you have a spell that lets you get around easily. If you want to get around easily for a cost you can try using recall stones and lvl 1 words of power (crab + salt) Also at a higher level you will get an additional teleportation save spot.

    To those putting their stuff in a box and suiciding: shame on you.

    Edit: As mentioned Sigil scripting is a way too. But its unreliable because it can choose a place randomly

    Edit: My favorite way to get around is to set my home in Rahu and use the boat to go different places depending on the day (the destination changes)
    Last edited by ShubiMaja; 02-08-2017 at 05:55 PM.

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