Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.
The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
Per dev blog:
The changes to Lycanthropy are more in-depth. Werewolves are capable of dealing too much damage right now, so this update is a nerf to werewolves.
I want to see numbers to explain how lycan currently does too much damage when compared to what other skills do such as archery.
I didnt have anything to say about the last nerf because the damage was too high. We aren't talking about if the last nerf should of happened we are talking about the next planned nerf on top of it.
People keep bringing up pre nerf lycan damage like the last nerf never happened. Another nerf at current damage levels makes no sense.
- Werewolves will be fine. The updated version improves sustainability, removes annoyances, improves Trauma builds (and tosses out weird remnants like that one Piercing attack). It opens up new options besides the one dumb overpowered build everybody's using.
If your opinion is that the skill isn't overpowered anymore, we'll have to disagree. It's still overpowered in the most extreme setups. (If you aren't using the most extreme setups, then the change won't be as dramatic, but it'll still be a nerf.) Also, comparing one overpowered skill to another overpowered skill really doesn't help your case. Other skills with gigantic burst-damage numbers will also be getting nerfed over time.
With great respect for all that you are doing, and not interested in starting a flame war, I have to take exception to this point.
If Lycanthropy is OP in extreme setups, then adjust the extreme setup. There is no need to nerf an entire class for some rare combination of items that they may never be able to acquire. This is especially true if all weapons and armor will go "poof" later. You have used legacy in the past to balance setups with other classes.
I will happily discuss this in detail through private email if you wish.
I think the player base needs to Relax a bit. Things happen and change over time. You will get used to it. It is how games are made. Make changes you the devs say make sense. Bringing up things that are not related to the blog or the next patch just takes away from what they are trying to do for us. Be thankful
I think the player base needs to Relax a bit. Things happen and change over time. You will get used to it. It is how games are made. Make changes you the devs say make sense. Bringing up things that are not related to the blog or the next patch just takes away from what they are trying to do for us. Be thankful
They asked for the feedback. They should be thankful that we give feedback and money to help them develop the game. I run my own business and I would never expect my customers to be thankful to me for the pleasure of being allowed to give me money.
That doesnt make any sense to me Lycan is a permanent choice with permanent downsides while archery doesnt. Archery already does far more damage than lycan with zero permanent downsides.
It's also not a matter of the one skill but the possible combinations with other skills that makes archery even stronger. Lycan has a very limited number of skills to combine with.
Archery has two main problems:
1. Arrows cost inventory space
2. Making arrows uses up a valuable resource (aka spruce costs money to use)
Both aspects cost you money in the long run.
The only thing really broken about archery is that you can use it to solo in Gazluk. I assume that is on the list of things Citan wants to remove from the game. You have so many options here it's not even funny. You can fight a target at range and wait for it to attack you. When it close you can snare it so that its movement becomes near zero. This gives you plenty of time to backup and fight the mob while getting hit only a few times (even more problematic than root). You can mez that target if it still isnt dead (but load it up with dots first so it still can't attack back!) or if your damage is really high you wont need that so you save mez for adds. This setup is currently more powerful than it seems because of a very broken/bugged armor piece.
As for lycan losing pierce.... why did it have pierce? Wolf isn't saber tooth wolf. I knew wolf was broken because I had seen people solo content in ways that was just wrong (like some 4 legs one shotting the scion in wolf cave). Looking back I was waiting for the lycan wolf from so long ago; it was clear to me because there were so many abusive things that are finally getting fixed.
I have faith in that the developer is talking to us and has said he is fixing wolf next patch (and if not like the man said it will be eventually)
Wolf/priest became a popular choice because both of those classes were beyond OP compared to other options. Not to call out another class for the chopping lock but priest has too many good things and not enough bad things to make it balanced. As to not hijack the thread I'll make a new one.
I disagree about this game not having solo 50 content. The front of Kur tower is solo 50 content (and even gives you 45-50 loot). Maybe you didn't want it to be or didn't build it that way but that's how most people use it. The mushroom dungeon is solo 50 content. Wait What? You heard me.... that dungeon is fantastic to level up lvl 50+ skills (and even better for a split level 25/50 power level session). Maybe this is a problem with the game but killing low level things super fast can often get you more xp than fighting on level things. If you manipulate this by having one skill capped you can raise the other skill stupidly fast. The area past the fog is good solo content for lvl 50 characters in the goblin dungeon. For this one I have no idea what level you intended it to be but you can really level up yourself, or a friend to be power leveled quite fast here in lvl 50 skills/gear.
I'm half being serious and half joking here because what ends up happening is I sorta feel bad if I monopolize some of these zones when people are trying to use them @ appropriate level. I would argue that the game needs an area targeted for level 70 solo characters without really annoying environmental effects more than it needs a new level 50 solo area. Two well geared players leveling up a new class (what else do lvl 70 characters do) can make it so no one else can get much out of Kur tower. One player can do the same for the mushroom dungeon @ lvl 50 or a little lower. The goblin dungeon has enough room for about 4 fast clearing people.
In short: It's beneficial for well geared players to farm in low areas - thus creating a problem for people wanting to use appropriate level areas.
It will be cool for lvl 50 characters to have a new area designed just for them. New areas are a huge yay overall!
I have 2 hopes for this content
1) you allow two players to join maps, maybe 3 maps becomes a map for 2 people (via changes/additions down the line). I own a ton of games on steam that I play with one friend and when that friend isn't on I almost never play those games. As you are trying to make it for yourself in PG getting to level 50 it feels like one of those kinds of games (and really stops the day you don a max enchanted armor set so you can go stomp everything that isnt Gazluk keep).
2) Could we have some graves for corpse talking in these dungeons? It would be so nice to have at least one outlet for corpses to teach 50-70 type skills.
I think you kind of got it right golliathe,
Even now at lvl 70 when training a lvl 60 skill its often much easier to smash kur tower, or the elementals in goblin than it is to go where the effort is more yet the exp is less.
Which is fun for us , but honestly how long can it continue it's better we have other options so the newer folk can have there dungeons back.
With regard to archery there is another drawback though late game you'll probably not notice if you have levelled other stuff. Endurance raises on you being hit, if you play a range skill as your starting skill set it will lag behind and you'll miss out on some of the benefits.
It is strange how folks say archery is great now, to me I'll always miss the hook pull that did not aggro other mobs, I used to love pulling out rak mages to smash them. Rather than have them peppering me whilst I deal with the masses now.
My bow is dusty though now.
The Spider Xbow Harness still appears broken, It never drops and I can't find the recipe anywhere. So that probably needs fixing
I love the changes to shadow feint. Sounds like it will be really fun coming up with new fighting strategies.
As far as the extreme Lycan builds are concerned: What if you changed the bonus damage on skulk to Armor damage? Then we can merge pouncing rend with skulk. Doing armor damage would still be really useful and it would potentially limit the ability to one shot kill the higher level bosses.
Someone on this thread asked why Sanguine Fangs does piercing damage. The reason is because wolf canine teeth are designed to pierce in order to hold onto prey. The molars are designed to crush while the incisors are meant to shear. So having Sanguine Fangs deal piercing damage while regular Bite deal crushing damage makes sense.
@Golliathe a lumber arrangement and some lumber booze i can gather about 80-100 spruce in one food cycle in Gaz, easy. I'm sitting on 300-400 elegant fletchings, around 80-100 of: copper ore, arrowheads, acid cleans needed for arrows. I'ts very low maintenance only draw back with archery is the time you have to wait for arrow shafts to dry.......
I disagree about this game not having solo 50 content. The front of Kur tower is solo 50 content (and even gives you 45-50 loot). Maybe you didn't want it to be or didn't build it that way but that's how most people use it. The mushroom dungeon is solo 50 content. Wait What? You heard me.... that dungeon is fantastic to level up lvl 50+ skills (and even better for a split level 25/50 power level session). Maybe this is a problem with the game but killing low level things super fast can often get you more xp than fighting on level things. If you manipulate this by having one skill capped you can raise the other skill stupidly fast. The area past the fog is good solo content for lvl 50 characters in the goblin dungeon. For this one I have no idea what level you intended it to be but you can really level up yourself, or a friend to be power leveled quite fast here in lvl 50 skills/gear.
I disagree on the disagreement... um, you know what I mean. I hope. In my opinion, if something should be considered a level 50 zone, it needs to commonly drop level 50 gear. So, to me, not the mushroom cave, not the goblin dungeon, and I wouldn't really put Kur Tower into that category either since the vast majority of the loot I get there is lower than level 50.
My usual lazy leveling path is goblin dungeon > Kur Tower > Gazluk Caves. I've been moving to Gazluk in the high 50s when Kur becomes way too easy, which means that I can't actually use the gear that drops in the cave and usually also that I'm using some amazing level 35 ring in Gazluk that I picked up in Kur and was unable to replace. Those leftover pieces of 35 gear don't hurt my ability to do the Gazluk Caves but it just feels a bit embarrassing.
I get what you are saying about the lower level places still being great xp, but I think gear is an important consideration, in particular if someone's leveling up for the first time.
I I would argue that the game needs an area targeted for level 70 solo characters without really annoying environmental effects more than it needs a new level 50 solo area.
What's wrong with the Gazluk Caves? I've been happily dragging my alts out to them without any winter gear or fire or blankets whatsoever (but with speed buffs and mushroom circle bind in New Prestonbule). To me, they are a totally awesome place to solo, if maybe more level 65ish than strictly 70. I might very eventually like a solo area that drops level 70 gear rather than 60-65 but since I don't really play at max level anyway it's not been a concern for me.
Two well geared players leveling up a new class (what else do lvl 70 characters do)
Level up two new skills at once because leveling is fun? Ok, I appear to be a minority here.
It will be cool for lvl 50 characters to have a new area designed just for them. New areas are a huge yay overall!
I have 2 hopes for this content
1) you allow two players to join maps, maybe 3 maps becomes a map for 2 people (via changes/additions down the line). I own a ton of games on steam that I play with one friend and when that friend isn't on I almost never play those games. As you are trying to make it for yourself in PG getting to level 50 it feels like one of those kinds of games (and really stops the day you don a max enchanted armor set so you can go stomp everything that isnt Gazluk keep).
I'm really looking forward to the War Caches too. I would like the ability to bring in other people, but I can also see that turn into either more complaints ("why can I bring one friend but not two?") or a faceroll situation ("after I invited my five friends, this solo dungeon became way too easy").
I think eventually we'll see more level 50s content - maybe a big open dungeon that doesn't need a group like Lab, or maybe the Ilmari desert will get revamped to have more outdoor content. ( I guess Ilmari currently meets my definition of a level 50 zone, it's just that the mobs are spread out so far, it's really not a place I'd try and level since I'd spend far more time running than fighting.)
Once we have more open level 50 stuff, the War Caches being solo may not be an issue at all.
2) Could we have some graves for corpse talking in these dungeons? It would be so nice to have at least one outlet for corpses to teach 50-70 type skills.
Ooh, I'd love corpse talking to go higher than 50, wherever the graves are. ( Well, ok, wherever the graves are other than a level 70 group zone.) Corpse talking is my favorite skill.