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I want to state that the purpose of this thread wasn't to talk about the strength of Shield vs Unarmed, but instead the value of flat mitigation and percentage based mitigation. Shield still has great utility skills like Take the Lead, Fight me You Fools, Elemental ward, etc. The issue is that you will NEVER find a reasonable situation at end game where Shield's +12 physical mitigation mod will be better than Unarmed's 18% mitigation. I wanted to use this as an example to show how important it is to have percentage based mitigation to tank at end game, especially with the inclusion of enemy crits, and how it limits building a tank build. I just used these two mods as an example because they're passive effects, but the disparity between flat and percentage mitigation is still present on non-passive sources as well.
If you want to talk about the strength of Shield vs Unarmed in a tanking scenario, the issue is obvious if you talk about tanking certain damage types.
If we're talking tanking physical damage, Shield is unviable for tanking physical attacks from level 70 elites. Even if the Shield user somehow stacks 1500 armor and every physical mitigation mod, they will only reduce damage by 115 (With 50% upkeep). Level 70 elites are capable of hitting over 900 physical damage, so it is unreasonable to use shield to tank physical damage. Unarmed on the other hand can reduce that damage by 162 with a single 18% mod, and by stacking more can reduce the damage much further.
On the other hand, if you're talking about elemental damage, Unarmed has nothing to reduce elemental damage so it is unviable to tank elemental damage with Unarmed. Shield doesn't normally have elemental mitigation, but Elemental Ward gives 100% mitigation to elemental attacks for 10 seconds, so therefore Shield can tank elemental mobs significantly better. I wouldn't really call this a real tank build to mitigate elemental damage since the moment elemental ward wears off you die just as fast as anyone else, but elemental resistances are incredibly rare and/or limited in general so this still makes Shield very valuable.
Now of course, you're probably thinking "Wait a minute, you're supposed to run two skills at once. Why not run another skill to deal with the other damage type?" And that's exactly my point. Tank skills are only good at dealing with damage types that they have percentage based mitigation for. The thing is, percentage based mitigation is very rare. If you're thinking about playing Unarmed as a tank, you want something to negate elemental damage for your second skill since unarmed doesn't offer elemental resistances. Your choices are very limited, and Shield is the only one that's actually reliable. If you were building around Shield you would have the same issue, which is why most people bring up Staff when talking about Shield for Staff's physical damage immunity (Although physical percentage mitigation is thankfully more common so it's not as bad as Unarmed's situation).
Of course, that's just skimming the top of the issue. In reality there are many additional layers under making a good tank build, with certain buffs/mods, etc being necessities in order to create a good tank. In fact, for the longest time many people considered building a tank build pointless, just because it was so restrictive to make a good one that most people didn't have experience with a "Real" tank build, only a player using Staff/Shield juggling immunity.
I bring all of this up just because I want the devs to help make building a tank build just a little bit more flexible, because currently as someone who loves to play tank, I don't feel like I have any real choices (Although it is still kinda fun figuring all this out). Recently the devs have been giving a bit more leniency to tanking... but by giving supports more options like Priest, not by helping out the tanks themselves. Not that priest isn't cool of course, but it would be nice if players who wanted to build tanky had some more options too.