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I don't know, man, I can always find the monsters and stuff to forage, maybe it's the time of day I'm playin. If I want to farm wolves for skins and all the spots are not free, I'll go and farm some dinosaurs, no dinosaurs? There are always Snails. And everybody needs Snail Shells and Sinews for those work orders. There is no need to go to the extremes, there are always monsters in Gaz, outdoors, always. Yesterday I was in Gaz, Wolf's Cave in Gaz, Kur, Giant's Dungeon, etc and there always were monsters to kill and stuff to forage. Btw I was also mining in the Ilmari Desert and guess what.. Plenty of monsters there, granted the spawns are far from great, you have to run from monster to monster, but there were plenty of Manticores, Scorpions, Rakhasa, Grimalkins and Drakes + lemon trees and cactuses.
I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying, that from my personal experience it's very rare that I want to kill monsters and there are none in the game. Maybe, just maybe, it's not the lack of the spawns, but the fact that players only farm same 3-5 spots in the entire game? Makes sense though, you won't lvl 69-80 on panthers in Eltibule.
As far as the balance goes, well, it's a myth, no game is balanced, it doesn't exist. If you're gaming, you have to accept that rule. People are going to figure out the easiest/fastest/most overpowered way to play the game and do it. Years later patches come out with a nerf, buffs and reworks, but players just adjust to the next most powerful thing. It's not the PG, it's the way gaming works. So, I wouldn't worry much for the fine tune of the overall balance before the release of the game. Actually, all the "balancing" that took place so far, were the nerfs that took some fun out of the game.. Like most sprint speed bonus buffs only work out of combat.. and we still have no mounts.. just why, but well, whatever. Then the AOE nerf came in.. I don't care that much for AOE, but I saw people farming, clearing the entire respawn spots in Kur in under 2 minutes with fire and ice magic before.
So, the point is, the game is not ready yet, nothing is balanced, more nerfs, buffs and reworks will come, but it doesn't mean that we can't lvlup our crafts to 70+ atm, right?
P.S. Can't really blame people for willing to play the fastest/most efficient way though. Making the most out of your playing time or winning (if there is an option to win in the given game) is a natural need/goal for all the competetive players, and I would even say, for most organized adults. A perfect example of people playing the most efficient way possible are the mules/2nd and 3rd accounts just to store all that stuff and bypass the limited storage.