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I don't think it will happen until 2020 at the earliest and realistically perhaps 2021 even. The development pace is simply too slow for everything they want to add for full release.
So look over the past year of development, as a prime example this lvl 40 hub they've been working on for 3 months. Now consider what they want for full release, 30 more lvls and the skills, orc, fairy, and dwarf zones, various dungeons they have to do, content that has to be tweaked, extra classes like vampire and weather witching, a weather system and graphics overhaul, and whatever else I missed.
I really hope they'll focus on VIP and cash shop though.. immediately.. then perhaps reconsider the games base price since $40 pushes away a lot of potential buyers, maybe $20. Alternatively they could turn anagoge into a trial. Either way I think they should focus on generating income and perhaps creating a studio and hiring some developers, then 1 year might be a realistic goal.