Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Member DamageIncorp's Avatar
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    Just a few ideas / things I'd like to see.

    1. Guild credits are a form of earned currency and should not be specific to one guild and should remain with the character if they leave or are kicked from a guild...until the big wipe of course.

    2. As guilds get stronger in rank, perhaps they earn the ability to do additional guild quests or an extra one per week. A guild quest based out of Gaz would be sweet.

    3. Was thinking it would be cool if there was a way to convert between whey and sweet whey, unless these ingredients are intended as barriers of entry to levels of cheesemaking.

    Thank you for creating such an awesome community through an amazing game. It is no small accomplishment to have such a small team on such a wonderous and fabulous project. So Hazzah to you all

  2. #2
    Senior Member Daguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DamageIncorp View Post
    3. Was thinking it would be cool if there was a way to convert between whey and sweet whey, unless these ingredients are intended as barriers of entry to levels of cheesemaking.
    Agreed on your first two points, and for the third.... it can seem a little like going around your ass to reach your elbow sometimes, but there are cheese recipes that consume sweet whey to produce whey as a byproduct, and vice-versa I think....

  3. #3
    Member Kryshael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daguin View Post
    it can seem a little like going around your ass to reach your elbow sometimes
    I have to say....this made my day!!

    Thank you!

  4. #4
    Junior Member Mcnasty's Avatar
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    Guild's have been left untouched since release and could use many thing's,I would like to add a monthly gift pack for Guild master's to give to there deserving guildie's,Also some sort of a /age so a guild master can see his guild's player's info and guild actions better,Last time on line is not enough info for promotion.demotions as we all play diff hour's.

  5. #5
    Member Silkt's Avatar
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    As someone who plays from Asia (Thailand if looking for possible Asian server) my greatest troubles with this game are dot point below. That said I love the game have bought a package prior to Steam and now have 100 + after Steam, so the game is good but could be better.

    1. Too much wasted travel time, even in town.

    First either put all storage for a zone in 1 place, bookcases partly do this anyway but why can I access Ivlnn chest but not Davos. or let us craft from storage, why do I need to run from the inn to Marna because I forgot 1 ingredient. Why would someone build a garden without water, YES looking at you Therese (truly is my little sisters name except with an A so Theresa). I have no issues with the NPC Favour to unlock shopping items and purchase cash, but please make a central storage chest that increases from the level of my favour with zone npcs, so I only am running to 1 storage per zone.

    Travel between zones, the teleport level to obtain a 2nd portal or to access mushroom circles is way too high. 2md portal should come at about a players level to choose their mob leveling between Kur or Sunvale ( just dreaming to allow 1 portal to a zone and 1 portal to either Rahu or Redwing Casino) My opinion leave mushroom portal as a 3rd option for 70+.

    2. Dieing to unavoidable latency and having to travel from a spawn point instead of where I was,

    All portals etc between zones or from instances in zones should have a mob buffer around them, I understand the wish to make some entries hard to get to, but the gameplay gained by that is well and truly lost by players zoning out of a spot and dieing before the zoning has finishing, not sure if latency or graphics lag affects loading times. Why should I zone out of Yeti Cave or Presotbule Cave and die before I appear on the screen, please put a buffer around all zone or instance portal large enough for any player to need to move after zoning before they get aggro'd

    3. Travel is a tedious waste of time FULL STOP, speed movement out of combat up or allow teleport to the zone you want to be in. It's NOT a PvP where instant travel affects a battle for those not prepared, it's a PvE where short travel time to make a group boosts community.

    4. Storage & Inventory.

    I understand inventory management but base inventory is stupidly low or as a low level archer with 4 arrow types, 3 knives, armour and first aid kits meant to decide if we are going to kill mobs for loot, skins or meat because if we do all 3 we can kill mobs to the dungeon entrance then have to go back and empty our invent.

    You want all players with cooking and nature appreciation, that with first aid and armour patching are must haves, but you give early inventory and storage that make these a pain in the ass the work, not a nessecary time sink to progress. I have 3 characters, a single account guild and all toons in +20 invent shirt and pants and still trying to work out how I can make space without throwing away useful stuff. Yes I am a bit self sufficient but seeds for flowers wood etc needs to be keep at least to a stack to then be sold or crafted. There is so much base items in this game that are either used or wanted as a stack that the player inventory is too small.

    One suggestion would be to make the players base inventory everything they can forage as an Archer in Serbule Hills, I say archer because arrows take space and you learn it on starter island, the player then has inventory management choices on looting or foraging or surveying etc.

    RUNNING TO MULTIPLE STORAGE POINTS TO CRAFT TO OUTRIGHT FUCKED sorry the term but running around just to craft be it tanning tailor cheesemaking is shit.

    TLDR: Easier travel between zones helps grouping, less travel in town helps crafters, base inventory is to low for the numbers of items accesable to a new player

  6. #6
    Senior Member Daguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silkt View Post
    As someone who plays from Asia (Thailand if looking for possible Asian server) my greatest troubles with this game are dot point below. That said I love the game have bought a package prior to Steam and now have 100 + after Steam, so the game is good but could be better.

    1. Too much wasted travel time, even in town.

    First either put all storage for a zone in 1 place, bookcases partly do this anyway but why can I access Ivlnn chest but not Davos. or let us craft from storage, why do I need to run from the inn to Marna because I forgot 1 ingredient. Why would someone build a garden without water, YES looking at you Therese (truly is my little sisters name except with an A so Theresa). I have no issues with the NPC Favour to unlock shopping items and purchase cash, but please make a central storage chest that increases from the level of my favour with zone npcs, so I only am running to 1 storage per zone.

    Travel between zones, the teleport level to obtain a 2nd portal or to access mushroom circles is way too high. 2md portal should come at about a players level to choose their mob leveling between Kur or Sunvale ( just dreaming to allow 1 portal to a zone and 1 portal to either Rahu or Redwing Casino) My opinion leave mushroom portal as a 3rd option for 70+.

    2. Dieing to unavoidable latency and having to travel from a spawn point instead of where I was,

    All portals etc between zones or from instances in zones should have a mob buffer around them, I understand the wish to make some entries hard to get to, but the gameplay gained by that is well and truly lost by players zoning out of a spot and dieing before the zoning has finishing, not sure if latency or graphics lag affects loading times. Why should I zone out of Yeti Cave or Presotbule Cave and die before I appear on the screen, please put a buffer around all zone or instance portal large enough for any player to need to move after zoning before they get aggro'd

    3. Travel is a tedious waste of time FULL STOP, speed movement out of combat up or allow teleport to the zone you want to be in. It's NOT a PvP where instant travel affects a battle for those not prepared, it's a PvE where short travel time to make a group boosts community.

    4. Storage & Inventory.

    I understand inventory management but base inventory is stupidly low or as a low level archer with 4 arrow types, 3 knives, armour and first aid kits meant to decide if we are going to kill mobs for loot, skins or meat because if we do all 3 we can kill mobs to the dungeon entrance then have to go back and empty our invent.

    You want all players with cooking and nature appreciation, that with first aid and armour patching are must haves, but you give early inventory and storage that make these a pain in the ass the work, not a nessecary time sink to progress. I have 3 characters, a single account guild and all toons in +20 invent shirt and pants and still trying to work out how I can make space without throwing away useful stuff. Yes I am a bit self sufficient but seeds for flowers wood etc needs to be keep at least to a stack to then be sold or crafted. There is so much base items in this game that are either used or wanted as a stack that the player inventory is too small.

    One suggestion would be to make the players base inventory everything they can forage as an Archer in Serbule Hills, I say archer because arrows take space and you learn it on starter island, the player then has inventory management choices on looting or foraging or surveying etc.

    RUNNING TO MULTIPLE STORAGE POINTS TO CRAFT TO OUTRIGHT FUCKED sorry the term but running around just to craft be it tanning tailor cheesemaking is shit.

    TLDR: Easier travel between zones helps grouping, less travel in town helps crafters, base inventory is to low for the numbers of items accesable to a new player
    All of these suggestions would make the game easier, but I think most of them would detract from the "real feel" of the game world. Storage limitations, geographical travel challenges, need to use speed buffs, etc. are all part of the gameplay I appreciate. The only thing I agree with here are the portal buffer zones. Kind of sucks getting womped before loadout.

  7. #7
    Member DamageIncorp's Avatar
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    I also agree about the latency. It was so frustrating and made the game unplayable.
    I got so fed up, i bought a 2100 dollar gaming system. I know this is obviously not an option for most. The loadingzones need help.

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    Administrator Silvonis's Avatar
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    If you are loading into an area and are getting killed by mobs because they are spawning too close to that area, please send in a detailed bug report (include the mob name) because that's not intended.

    There is a distinction though and that's if the mobs were pulled to an area by a player. If that's the case, then it is unfortunate but not necessarily a design issue. You can tell the difference simply by the rate of occurrence, in other words: if it happens rarely or all the time.

  9. #9
    Banned spider91301's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silkt View Post
    As someone who plays from Asia (Thailand if looking for possible Asian server) my greatest troubles with this game are dot point below. That said I love the game have bought a package prior to Steam and now have 100 + after Steam, so the game is good but could be better.

    1. Too much wasted travel time, even in town.

    First either put all storage for a zone in 1 place, bookcases partly do this anyway but why can I access Ivlnn chest but not Davos. or let us craft from storage, why do I need to run from the inn to Marna because I forgot 1 ingredient. Why would someone build a garden without water, YES looking at you Therese (truly is my little sisters name except with an A so Theresa). I have no issues with the NPC Favour to unlock shopping items and purchase cash, but please make a central storage chest that increases from the level of my favour with zone npcs, so I only am running to 1 storage per zone.

    Travel between zones, the teleport level to obtain a 2nd portal or to access mushroom circles is way too high. 2md portal should come at about a players level to choose their mob leveling between Kur or Sunvale ( just dreaming to allow 1 portal to a zone and 1 portal to either Rahu or Redwing Casino) My opinion leave mushroom portal as a 3rd option for 70+.

    2. Dieing to unavoidable latency and having to travel from a spawn point instead of where I was,

    All portals etc between zones or from instances in zones should have a mob buffer around them, I understand the wish to make some entries hard to get to, but the gameplay gained by that is well and truly lost by players zoning out of a spot and dieing before the zoning has finishing, not sure if latency or graphics lag affects loading times. Why should I zone out of Yeti Cave or Presotbule Cave and die before I appear on the screen, please put a buffer around all zone or instance portal large enough for any player to need to move after zoning before they get aggro'd

    3. Travel is a tedious waste of time FULL STOP, speed movement out of combat up or allow teleport to the zone you want to be in. It's NOT a PvP where instant travel affects a battle for those not prepared, it's a PvE where short travel time to make a group boosts community.

    4. Storage & Inventory.

    I understand inventory management but base inventory is stupidly low or as a low level archer with 4 arrow types, 3 knives, armour and first aid kits meant to decide if we are going to kill mobs for loot, skins or meat because if we do all 3 we can kill mobs to the dungeon entrance then have to go back and empty our invent.

    You want all players with cooking and nature appreciation, that with first aid and armour patching are must haves, but you give early inventory and storage that make these a pain in the ass the work, not a nessecary time sink to progress. I have 3 characters, a single account guild and all toons in +20 invent shirt and pants and still trying to work out how I can make space without throwing away useful stuff. Yes I am a bit self sufficient but seeds for flowers wood etc needs to be keep at least to a stack to then be sold or crafted. There is so much base items in this game that are either used or wanted as a stack that the player inventory is too small.

    One suggestion would be to make the players base inventory everything they can forage as an Archer in Serbule Hills, I say archer because arrows take space and you learn it on starter island, the player then has inventory management choices on looting or foraging or surveying etc.

    RUNNING TO MULTIPLE STORAGE POINTS TO CRAFT TO OUTRIGHT FUCKED sorry the term but running around just to craft be it tanning tailor cheesemaking is shit.

    TLDR: Easier travel between zones helps grouping, less travel in town helps crafters, base inventory is to low for the numbers of items accesable to a new player
    I mean theres way to make your life a hell of alot easier take 5 stacks of amethyst and recall home a bunch of time then die and enter the light and go to rahu and set your home there when you have to teleport to serb just use heart home want to go to illmari or kurr or new prestons just go backwords from rahu or set alternate circle bind by gazkeep and then teleport their when you want to skip illmari easier to travel backwords ingame due to the geography of the maps and the legions of fodder mobs you have to run through to get there also I use generic white mods shamanic infusion and with my stats that alone is a 6.5 generic speed buff mod added on to the shield and battle chemistry speed buff which is like +22 speed plus mutant toes and the generic mods that dont have a cooldown and combat doesnt fk up the generic and shamanic infusion speed buffs so all together thats a 28.5 speed buff but 6.5 of that doesnt have a cooldown and a stupid rat cant stop me by slowing me down even if my abiltiyies on shield and battle chemistry are on cooldown I made that setup for speed no combat it gets me to places and the best part is the speed buff is not dependent on mods that increase speed when using a certain skill like fire magic because those will be eventually nerfed basicly I ghetto made a poor mans speed buff setup and am still using it also its good when I'm collecting spruce gather the fkers in a pile bc freezem and collect wood all those fkers can do is watch and if that doesnt work and I cant gatherem all just run spam click switch load out and killem till nothing is left usually though its a pain in the ass all in all storage isnt much of a issue for all I use is rahu serb and serb hills and the others are not being used
    Last edited by spider91301; 09-10-2018 at 12:52 PM.

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