Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #21
    Junior Member dymarr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by urgatorb8 View Post
    Wow, this is very smart. I hadn't thought about it this way. I may go this route instead of a straight turn in of stomachs.

    If someone can confirm if Charles in the tent's storage slots only store completed potions or if it can also store items that are used in Alchemy, that would be very helpful to me. With a 64 slot max capacity, I would assume you can store ingredients as well. Otherwise, who would need to store 64 different stacks of potions. Maybe I don't know yet what I don't know but.... If you can only store completed potions then I won't be in any hurry to gain his favor. It sounded attractive to me right now as I begin to level Alchemy and I can store ingredients for later need.
    I do a lot of gardening while I am watching movies or doing chores around the house. As such my gardening and cooking are pretty high, I think gardening was the first skill i pushed over 50 (because i swapped both combat skills at around 48). This might make me an outlier but Braigon (and most vendors that enjoy food gifts) go ABSOLUTELY NUTS for broccoli florets which are pretty easy to get, the main bottleneck (despite the skill levels required) is acquiring the butter. However just grabbing the 4 bottles of milk in Serbule when you log on and when you log off is usually enough to keep me overflowing in butter. I haven't NEEDED butter in a long time, but I am also pretty diligent about pulling on cow teats whenever I can.

    For an easier meal that provides slightly less rep you could use baked beets. Literally everything required for them can be bought in Serbule; seeds, water, salt, oil.

    These 2 dishes do nothing for people who enjoy meat based meals though (LOOKING AT YOU UKORGA!)

  2. #22
    Junior Member urgatorb8's Avatar
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    I'm not exactly sure how the items that are excluded are involved in executing Alchemy recipes yet. Are the exclusion items considered finished products or are they sub items that are typically used for other advanced Alchemy recipes? Basically, for me to want to expend the effort to unlock him, I would want to be able to store mushrooms and most of the other items (ingredients) that are flagged as being used in an Alchemy recipe. It sounds like the Wiki explanation above might indicate that is so but who knows.

  3. #23
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    I just ran a quick trial on Charles Thompson's storage.

    What I was NOT able to put in: parasol mushroom, blusher mushroom, fire dust, sulfur, nightmare flesh, empty bottle, bottle of water, expert volatile ink, healing potion omega, armor potion omega, power potion omega, strange dirt

    What I was able to put in: rage to heat potion, fire resistance potion, ferocity juice, deadly poisoned knife, Snapley's Venom Mk3 (NPC poison), myconian resistance lager, auk gur-horta, coldbite potion, weak acidic cleanser

    So, rather than "alchemy items", I'd describe his storage as most potions and poisons, regardless of whether they were made by a player alchemy recipe or not. Sadly, it doesn't look like he wants to store alchemy ingredients at all.

    Well, at least there's a reason I filled up less than a quarter of his storage...
    Last edited by Tagamogi; 07-12-2018 at 04:49 PM.

  4. #24
    Junior Member urgatorb8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tagamogi View Post
    I just ran a quick trial on Charles Thompson's storage.

    What I was NOT able to put in: parasol mushroom, blusher mushroom, fire dust, sulfur, nightmare flesh, empty bottle, bottle of water, expert volatile ink, healing potion omega, armor potion omega, power potion omega, strange dirt

    What I was able to put in: rage to heat potion, fire resistance potion, ferocity juice, deadly poisoned knife, Snapley's Venom Mk3 (NPC poison), myconian resistance lager, auk gur-horta, coldbite potion, weak acidic cleanser

    So, rather than "alchemy items", I'd describe his storage as most potions and poisons, regardless of whether they were made by a player alchemy recipe or not. Sadly, it doesn't look like he wants to store alchemy ingredients at all.

    Well, at least there's a reason I filled up less than a quarter of his storage...
    Thank you for this post - it's immensely helpful as it tells me not to bother with favoring him up. I have almost zero potions right now but was interested in stashing the ingredients I'll need later when I begin (in earnest) leveling up Alchemy.

    To the previous poster who suggested turning in oils instead of stomachs for Braignon favor. I did just that. I got the 5th stomach but instead I bought 15 or so crossing oils off of NPCs, and then farmed a few cave cheeses off rats in Eltibule. That seemed about enough to get the other 50 favor. Of course now I relize that even though I got the Butter recipe. To make it I need cloth item that is made using textile. The recipe for that is gated behind some minor favor with some other guy nearby so I need to schmooze him now. The inter-dependencies in this game is what makes it frustrating, yet endearing at the same time. Ugh!

    Anyone know a good place to farm Cotton? I've got about 10 over a few nights running around Eltibule but it seems real rare. I need a bunch more - any tips?

  5. #25
    Member preechr's Avatar
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    Once your gardening skill increases to 35 (?) you can turn those 10 into 10,000 with enough fertilizer and time, but until then, you're stuck with what you can find growing out of the ground, which is not much as you have noticed

  6. #26
    Junior Member dymarr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by urgatorb8 View Post
    Thank you for this post - it's immensely helpful as it tells me not to bother with favoring him up. I have almost zero potions right now but was interested in stashing the ingredients I'll need later when I begin (in earnest) leveling up Alchemy.

    To the previous poster who suggested turning in oils instead of stomachs for Braignon favor. I did just that. I got the 5th stomach but instead I bought 15 or so crossing oils off of NPCs, and then farmed a few cave cheeses off rats in Eltibule. That seemed about enough to get the other 50 favor. Of course now I relize that even though I got the Butter recipe. To make it I need cloth item that is made using textile. The recipe for that is gated behind some minor favor with some other guy nearby so I need to schmooze him now. The inter-dependencies in this game is what makes it frustrating, yet endearing at the same time. Ugh!

    Anyone know a good place to farm Cotton? I've got about 10 over a few nights running around Eltibule but it seems real rare. I need a bunch more - any tips?
    Gardening is by far the easiest way to get lots of cotton but since you just need it for the butter muslin I would suggest just buying some from another player. Its a low tier item for textile creation, it stacks above 50 (I'm carrying a stack of 68 I think) and it gets consumed 10% of the time you make butter. You could probably get a 10-stack for a few hundred councils and that will last you quite a while

  7. #27
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    I usually trade cotton for butter muslin, since it's not /that/ low a textile skill.

  8. #28
    Senior Member Eachna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by urgatorb8 View Post
    Thanks, guys. Last night I bought a Organ Knife for 700 council from a vendor stall. I went to Serbule Hills to do quests and slaughtered quite a few animals and ended up getting two more stomachs. One more to go. I've already been leveling cooking and gardening but thought cheese making would be a nice addition. Maybe I'll slow my roll on that front but I would like to be able to make butter.
    Congrats on the progress. Nothing wrong with unlocking cheesemaking now, just to have it off the personal "things to do" list.

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