Where does one find this, and can it be used without other skills? I want to work my way up alchemy with bone powder.
Where does one find this, and can it be used without other skills? I want to work my way up alchemy with bone powder.
toolcrafters can make multipurpose knifes and they're selling them at the stalls in serbule keep for like 900 councils
Last edited by Karamasha; 06-23-2018 at 06:26 PM.
NPC in Rahu and NPC in Kur tower sell skull extractor tools.
Question: does the multipurpose tool allow one to "skin" and "butcher". In other words does it allow me to save a space in my inventory currently occupied by my skinning knife and butchering knife? Does it also replace any other tools I might have?
Currently, I have a bunch of my very precious and limited inventory space taken up by the following:
Knife for skinning
Knife for butchering
Shovel for digging
Saw for harvesting wood
Several food items (meal and snack)
First Aid Kit
Armor Repair Kit
Power Potion
Lord knows what other implements I may need to carry with me as I progress.
I've only been playing PG for about 5 days but the inventory systems are my single biggest frustrations with the game so far. Loving most everything else but dang, the unnecessary challenges and frustration due to the inventory system are having me pull my hair out (and I don't have much to begin with). I'm a pack rat by nature so this conflicts me. Thanks in advance for the answer about the multipurpose tool - also if there are any other systems or tricks that can be used to calm my OCD pack rat nature
I know some storage space increases with Favor but the different places needed to access it, the limited sizes, and the restrictions on what can be stored in them seems like a frustrating game mechanic rather than a challenging one to me.
Happy hunting...
Yes, the multipurpose knife allows skinning and butchering, but does not have a skill bonus so you're less likely to get organs or trophy skins.
There's specific knives for different purposes; I bank my multipurpose knife and carry an Amazing Skinning and an Organ Knife. I have about a dozen other things, too. It's an inventory pain ^-^
But you may get better results as a newbie by focusing on one skill at a time.
Thanks, all. Yes, I do also carry an autopsy kit. Thanks for bringing up the bonuses. I REALLY need a butchering knife with bonuses for organs as I really want to complete the quest for 5 stomachs so I can start cheese making. I've slaughtered a bajillion appropriate animals and only have 2 so far. Can these "Amazing" type tools be used by anyone at any level or are they restricted? Also is there an NPC who sells these or do I have to find a player selling one? I'm guessing they aren't cheap. Being 5 days into PG, I'm not exactly loaded LOL. Maybe there are lesser ones but still better than what I have now. I'll check the vendors once I log in.
It takes a long time before butchering consistently nets you organs. That's a high-level thing.
Honestly, I'd suggest you hold off on cheesemaking just yet... Stock up on stomaches you find in your travels and maybe focus on regular cooking and gardening
You can get butter pretty easily, which is useful in some cooking, but making cheese, brewing and farming mushrooms are among the crafting skills usually considered "advanced," meaning expensive and requiring some rare ingredients and input from other crafting skills
Anyone can use the higher level tools, and player stalls usually sell them for less than you'd find them going for in NPC used tabs
Thanks, guys. Last night I bought a Organ Knife for 700 council from a vendor stall. I went to Serbule Hills to do quests and slaughtered quite a few animals and ended up getting two more stomachs. One more to go. I've already been leveling cooking and gardening but thought cheese making would be a nice addition. Maybe I'll slow my roll on that front but I would like to be able to make butter. I have a quest to deliver a butter and also see it is used in some recipes. I think it's a level 4 recipe but I can't get it until I get Comfortable with that one lady and she needs 5 stomachs to do so unless I give her a bunch of favor items which, as you may have guessed, are cheese/dairy related. I should get there soon.
As for non-combat related skills, I've been working on Cooking, Gardening, Fishing, Harvesting, Butchering mostly. But I really need to begin figuring out Alchemy because I desire to use Battle Chemistry at some point and figured it might be a good idea to begin the drive to level 50 Alchemy which I understand is a prerequisite. Alchemy seems confusing compared to Cooking. The recipe acquisition seems funky but maybe I'm missing something.
Enjoying the game so far![]()