Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #31
    Member snowe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhoenixDown View Post

    I started playing project gorgon few days ago. It was quite a struggle at the beginning, but finally I figured out what actually works. I hit a level comfortable to go to dungeons and oh my. Why there are high level players 3 times my hp AoEing everything before I get a chance to hit anything? Is it really that profitable to farm low level dungeons? I went to 2 and it's the same story in both of them.
    Reason 1: Self-Power Levelling A New Skill

    The game, as designed, does not encourage someone to learn two new skills at the same time if they've already mastered another. If you're L(70)/L(70) Sword/Psych and you want to learn, say, shield... you learn shield and power level it with L(25+N)/L(N) Sword/Shield. To make matters worse, there's no reason to even care about shield-skill drops (and the entire economy that comes with that) because your sword skill is carrying you and that L70 sword/psych armor is going to be better than anything you see drop until L50 at least (and likely higher).

    The Fix? The mods on armor should not affect your abilities if the abilities being used don't meet the requirements to equip the item. If I have a suit of L70/L70 Fire Magic / Shield armor, and I want to learn Psychology, the mods on that Fire Magic / Shield armor should not be active when Fire Magic / Psychology is active. This would encourage more gear sets, more use of lower level gear and nerf the comparative efficacy of self-power leveling one combat skill with another.

    The problem? Self power-leveling alt skills is not only detrimental to the game... but unfortunately very, very fun. Many who embrace the game and all its eccentricities would be upset by such a nerf.

    Reason 2: Farming

    Whether spider bits for tailoring and alchemy, goblin bits for phrenology and the goblin tongue, or mushroom folk for their heartshrooms, farming low level dungeons is a thing made easier by being a high level character. There's nothing that kicks the excitement of an adventure in the teeth like a group of level appropriate newbies clearing through Serbule Crypt, only to have one higher level a-hole run past, pull the room and AE the adds and boss alike from under them.

    The Fix? I think skill power levels should be dynamically capped in dungeons. If the dungeon is, say, a level 40 dungeon... and a L70 player runs in to AE farm it... have the skills on that L70 player's hotbar dynamically assume lower level variants no more than 15 levels higher than the intended level of the dungeon. I'm not married to 15 specifically, mind you, but the idea is that dungeons become less efficient farming places for higher level players.

    The problem? High level character's stomping low-level characters by farming their dungeon crawl out from under them is not only detrimental to the game... but unfortunately very, very fun for those high level players. Many who embrace the game and all its eccentricities would be upset by such a nerf.

  2. #32
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    Ugh, that would be horrible, @snowe. It's so difficult to find the right mods already! To have to completely denude to change armor... Ugh.

    How about sliding scale armor? That might work, but... We'd want to make sure that getting turned into a deer or a cow isn't a death sentence just because someone hasn't leveled their animal skill.

  3. #33
    Senior Member Sheawanna's Avatar
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    The simple and best fix to alleviate said problem is to have higher level mobs drop whats needed for those who need to farm those items . ice magic needs 25 fire to even learn which means going back to lower areas for the components to learn said spells . Why ? because we are level 1 ice . so its a difficult thing to do . with so many skills , and having to go back to lower areas . even if said higher person with said higher gear going to lower they are in fact only level 1 although they might survive better in the lower level then those at starting level , they still only have spells at current level . its not like level 70 farming level 10 areas in level 70 gear with level 70 skills .

  4. #34
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhoenixDown View Post
    I see your point however... I moved on to the next group mobs right now. Goblin dungeon. Still pretty crowded. When does that stop?
    On the upside there's plenty overworld mobs to kill, but loot is really bad. Mostly rings, amulets and junk for crafting/gifts.
    A good point about some overworld areas. If dungeons are the best place to get a broad range of loot, you'll want to go there, and not the large outside areas that drop mostly rings and necklaces. Some outdoor areas have compensations, in the form of foraging and no restrictions on movement. But for example, you need level 30 everything, you are better off in the goblin dungeon even crowded, than killing mobs outside for necklaces and rings.

  5. #35
    Senior Member kazeandi's Avatar
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    Kur/Gaz are the opposite of that idea - hunting outside requires preparation, whereas the dungeons and caves there provide warmth.

  6. #36
    Member Raviollius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crissa View Post
    How about sliding scale armor? That might work, but... We'd want to make sure that getting turned into a deer or a cow isn't a death sentence just because someone hasn't leveled their animal skill.
    Why? Assuming you mean having the mods of the higher-level skill capped to X ranks higher than the lower level one, this sounds like an amazing idea. Either the person-turned-into-animal go after an undeer/pig/etc elixir, or they level the animal form.

  7. #37
    Junior Member Leycian's Avatar
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    As far as I understand it, I believe the dev blog said everything is already setup on sub servers, which are all communicating with eachother, such as mobs are on their own sub server. So making instances as a sub server, like they already are, but simply adding a second and a little icon to choose between 2 sub servers / open instances for a dungeon should take at most a few days to code.

    This is in reference to the people saying it'd take months. So I don't think this would take much effort at all if they do decide to do it.

  8.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #38
    Administrator Silvonis's Avatar
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    We've talked about instances several times already, but outside of instanced housing and guild halls it's not going to happen. There are several reasons, but for one it's not in the game design and two it's not feasible based on the engine.

    We see people say things like 'it would only take a day' or 'it should only take a few weeks' and it's extremely frustrating because 99% of the time it's just not true. It's particularly untrue in this case as instances (separate channels or otherwise) would be a large undertaking and would take far more time than just a couple days or weeks.

    We appreciate the discussion, but after reading through the comments I thought that it was important to reemphasize our position.

  9. #39
    Member preechr's Avatar
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    Thank you!

  10. #40
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raviollius View Post
    Why? Assuming you mean having the mods of the higher-level skill capped to X ranks higher than the lower level one, this sounds like an amazing idea. Either the person-turned-into-animal go after an undeer/pig/etc elixir, or they level the animal form.
    Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

    Maybe there could be some sliding scale so that say, armor and health didn't dial back quite as fast as the skill level of bonuses, so that players in poof situations can adapt.

    PPS: Having done game design, it's surprising what will be an engine-breaking bug. I did a quick-build of a VR game with a friend and we had a puzzle which involved changing the player's size so they could fit through a door. Making the player shorter was hard-linked to several other variables, so it just exploded into horrible little bugs that we as not the engine coder, couldn't even attempt to work around. So much for quick build!
    Last edited by Crissa; 07-02-2018 at 01:07 AM.

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