Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #21
    Senior Member ProfessorCat's Avatar
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    I had the same issue last night. I was running into a building in Rahu, and the moment I went to click the NPC i was heading for, my mouse went straight into the center of the screen. I could move it maybe 50 pixels or so, and it would rubber band right back to the center. Not sure if it was linked, but it seemed to happen at the same time I got within ear shot of the drummer NPC in rahu, and a player jamming with him.

    Resetting the client seemed to resolve the issue. I have never experienced this before in game, or out of game.

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    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    Hmm. Well, I'm still stumped, so please bear with me -- gonna be a little long-winded and try to explain what's going on and what will help me track this down!

    This must be caused by not leaving mouselook mode cleanly.

    I've double-checked the code, and there's only one time when we ask Unity to put the game into "stuck in the center" mode: when you right-click your mouse while the cursor is over the game world (not over a UI window), and drag the mouse a bit, you enter mouse-look mode. That hides the mouse cursor, and sticks the mouse in the center of the screen. Each frame we detect how much the invisible mouse cursor has moved from the center, and we pan the camera by that much. Then Unity snaps the mouse back to the center and we do it again the next frame. That's how mouselook mode is implemented in Unity games.

    When you let go of the right mouse button, it unhides and unsticks the mouse.

    The previous bug was actually a Unity bug: sometimes Unity failed to notify us when you let go of the right mouse button. So the fix was to constantly poll the mouse every frame, and if the mouse button had mysteriously been released, we un-stuck the mouse. (We already had code that did this exact thing, but it only un-HID the mouse cursor, it didn't un-stick it. That's why you could see the cursor but not get it out of the middle of the screen.)

    That hack seemed to fix the problem. Incidentally Unity fixed this bug in a patch a few weeks ago -- but I'd already added the code to constantly check, and we'll just leave that in forever in case Unity screws up again.

    So we have code in the game right now that CONSTANTLY tries to fix this condition... but apparently there's a scenario where it still doesn't work. I can't really come up with a reliable scenario where it could break, either. It seems impossible. But obviously it isn't.

    Does entering mouselook mode and exiting it again fix it?

    If your mouse cursor is stuck in the center of the screen, you should be able to fix it 100% of the time by right-clicking IN THE WORLD (not overtop a GUI screen), moving the mouse a bit so that the camera pans, and then letting go of the right mouse button. That should fix it reliably. But the problem is that if you have a GUI window in the center of the screen when your mouse gets stuck (like a corpse window), you can't do it: you can't click outside of a GUI window, because your mouse is stuck overtop a GUI window! But any other time, that should fix it.

    So, for anyone experiencing this bug: can you enter mouse-look mode, then leave mouse-look mode, and the mouse is still stuck in the center of the screen? Or, perhaps, can you not even enter mouselook mode at all while this is happening? Or does it only ever happen when a GUI window is in the dead center of your screen?

    Invisible boxes

    Now, there's one additional variable: there are actually invisible GUI windows overtop selectable entities in the world. (That's how you can click on monsters and items and stuff in the world.) But these boxes don't normally count as UI windows. After all, you can enter mouselook mode even when the mouse is overtop a monster. But we're looking for a weird scenario, so maybe they're involved.

    The reason I'm suspicious of these invisible boxes is that we recently added an optimization: when there are shit-tons of selectable things on the screen (more than 15), the invisible boxes are slower to reposition themselves -- they update every few frames instead of every single frame. That helps performance a lot. But if your framerate is low, maybe the optimization is buggy somehow: maybe a window gets stuck taking over the whole screen or something. Lots of "maybes" in any scenario I come up with, but... <shrug> maybe it's buggy.

    Another reason I'm suspicious: the bug seems to happen when there's lots of stuff on-screen, judging by the anecdotes so far... and that further points the blame at this optimization.

    That's why I'd like anyone affected by this bug to add the word NoSlowBoxes to their special settings window. This turns off the optimization! It would be really helpful to know if NoSlowBoxes fixes the issue or not. If so, then I have a much better idea of where to look. If not, then I can look elsewhere.

    External app interference?

    Brainstorming other ways this could happen, maybe there's another program interfering somehow: maybe a popup from a chat app, or the Steam overlay screen itself. Something like that. When this happens, are you in full-screen mode? Are other programs taking focus from the game around the time it happens? I'm looking for any clues that might help track this down.

    I know this stuff is tedious, and I'm sorry it's interfering with your gaming! I'm hoping the answers to these questions will give me a clue about what's happening.

  3. #23
    Senior Member ProfessorCat's Avatar
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    When I experienced the issue, as I tried to move my mouse, it would flash a box around the center, as if I had an object selected. My thought was I was stuck on a chair gui window, but there was never an option to "sit" like most chairs have.

    Also. We'll be here for you tomorrow! Go enjoy your Anniversary! Couldn't be more happy with the progress you and the team have made. Steam is live! Love is in the air! Time to celebrate!

  4. #24
    Member PezOfDoom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    Hmm. Well, I'm still stumped, so please bear with me -- gonna be a little long-winded and try to explain what's going on and what will help me track this down!

    External app interference?

    Brainstorming other ways this could happen, maybe there's another program interfering somehow: maybe a popup from a chat app, or the Steam overlay screen itself. Something like that. When this happens, are you in full-screen mode? Are other programs taking focus from the game around the time it happens? I'm looking for any clues that might help track this down.

    I know this stuff is tedious, and I'm sorry it's interfering with your gaming! I'm hoping the answers to these questions will give me a clue about what's happening.
    1. Happy belated Anniversary!

    2. This may be something external. Another cursor-couldn't-move-properly happened to me again tonight; I was using mouse look to rotate my view of a pile of corpses I was trying to loot through and I managed to get it stuck where it wouldn't allow me to move too far away from the center screen but it didn't rubber band the cursor back to the center (so maybe a different issue). Instead it was acting as if the mouse cursor was in a smaller window that I just couldn't see. Tried to pan-look around per your suggested fix earlier, but that didn't work.

    I didn't want to exit the game without testing some other ideas, so I alt+tabbed out of the game and back to my desktop. Crazy thing is the mouse was still acting the same way outside the game. Whatever was limiting the mouse from moving finally let up when I managed to get it to open a different app; in this scenario it was google chrome.

    Side note: keyboard commands work fine.

    Could it be something with the Steam Overlay? Even if it was, I don't see why the cursor would be locked to the same behavior after minimizing project gorgon until I brought up another app.

    I'll try a bunch of testing tomorrow to see if I can recreate it in any method. The two times it's happened to me I was doing a lot of different things at once (moving, using mouselook to change my angle, usually right after exiting a map or loot window.)

  5. #25
    Junior Member Break's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    I've double-checked the code, and there's only one time when we ask Unity to put the game into "stuck in the center" mode: when you right-click your mouse while the cursor is over the game world (not over a UI window), and drag the mouse a bit, you enter mouse-look mode. That hides the mouse cursor, and sticks the mouse in the center of the screen. Each frame we detect how much the invisible mouse cursor has moved from the center, and we pan the camera by that much. Then Unity snaps the mouse back to the center and we do it again the next frame. That's how mouselook mode is implemented in Unity games.

    When you let go of the right mouse button, it unhides and unsticks the mouse.
    Not sure if I'm the only one who feels this way, but I find it very frustrating that the mouse will always move to the center of the screen after using mouselook. Ideally the cursor would unhide at the location that was clicked. It's also annoying when I'm trying to right click an object in the world to walk to/interact with it and I accidentally move my mouse slightly, it switches to mouselook and my cursor is nowhere near the thing I was trying to click.

  6. #26
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    So spent an hour dinking around with various movement / looting / windows / screen moving and I could not recreate the issue. How vexing.

  7. #27
    Member HardRock's Avatar
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    It hasn't been nearly as bad lately for me so I think the slow boxes helped. I was unable to enter mouselook mode when the bug was active, I had to spin my character in a circle or move them around a bit and loot from a different angle.

  8. #28
    Junior Member Sam's Avatar
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    I'm getting this bug all the time. Not sure what causes it yet.

  9. #29
    Junior Member Kaliyuga's Avatar
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    Is there a fix for this problem yet?
    Just started playing and i really like the game so far, but having my mouse stuck to the center of the screen everytime i want to move the camera is really annoying.

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    Administrator Silvonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaliyuga View Post
    Is there a fix for this problem yet?
    Just started playing and i really like the game so far, but having my mouse stuck to the center of the screen everytime i want to move the camera is really annoying.
    Please see:

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