Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.
The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
I find your statement to be indicative of everything that is wrong with entitlement in the gaming industry today. Thank you for so eloquently pointing it out.
Come on man, let's try to be glass half full today. My personal perspective is that gamers have often been passionate very much like that for decades. People are entitled to their opinions, and they're so passionate about things like awol_lsd is because they care a lot about the game they're playing, and that's awesome. Most professionals I've seen are aware of this - they're gamers themselves, right? For example, the game director of Overwatch has a particularly famous ridiculously aggressive hate post he made, targeted at the developers, due to a new raid at the time in... Everquest, I think it was. Feedback can be given in all forms, and weeded through and understood without taking offense to it, especially if you're a professional.
Either way, let's leave the interpretation to the mods and admins. Even what I said here may be too unnecessary. Let's get back to talking about the update .
I don't have a problem with the aoe nerfs mainly because my main source of damage is single target, so this buff didn't really effect me.
But even so the AOE nerf is something temporary until he nerfs the op AOE stuff (Atleast i hope it is). I also would like to know if he has set a date to implement the proper AOE mod nerfs for specific skills instead of this all around AOE nerf. If not i highly recommend reverting because of the amount of problems he has potentially created for the noobs, and alot of veterans don't see themselves playing the game until its properly tuned. (not good when the server population is slowly declining again)
1)Running dungeons in which packs and nearby packs are present (Which is just about every dungeon in the game, even Kur packs consist of 4-5 mobs with another group of mobs always close by) will now almost always require a party member. From the changes he has implemented over the years and this one now i don't really see soloing as much of an option. It's certainly still possible but if you want to progress properly i don't recommend it. *Especially if your just starting out*
2)Forcing Vets (Geared players) to rotate to lower tiered zones to farm out necessary mats/gear. From the aoe nerfs the geared players who only farmed wolf cave because of the big pack pulls and can no longer clear it as fast (Therefore it is no longer the best source of income for them) they will migrate to the lower leveled zones so that they can actually 1 shot mass packs. (*i know because i am currently doing this*)
3)Forcing players to prioritize single target damage--- with the aoe nerf which is pretty big, there is really no reason to priortize AOE. With what he did he is better off just removing all AOE to prevent any future complaining about why AOE is so weak. With that being said, your better off getting single target mod abilities *There are alot more of those* and just 1 shotting every mob 1 by 1, it will be slightly slower but we should be able to bounce back and get past this if the AOE nerf stays. The plus side is we will kill bosses alot faster since now we don't have to prioritize AOE on our kits for farming. (That is until he sees people killing bosses to fast and buffs bosses)
I have many more in which i will make a post thread about(Assuming i don't forget). But these are 3 i came up with, the others i forgot them i'll get some sleep and i know ill remember them by tommorow.
Well as A 73 BC / 70 ICE all I can say is I support the AOE mechanic changes. AoE was always too powerful in its current state and this is a good start towards addressing its ridiculous potential. Perhaps it will allow for more thinking in gameplay, more variation among players, allow for things like buffers/debuffers/ccers'/healers to get some playtime. Even in high groups in GK I would run my AoE build and it was pretty effective single target or AoE target so the argument that BC had a trade off is rather silly. Unless you didn't play BC at high lvls then I guess I could understand your ignorance.
Either way, I'm sure there will continue to be rebalancing and changes to get things just right and I'm okay with allowing the development team the room and space they need to get this right even If it means nurfs here and there. Better now in beta than later live at launch. But I think this change makes sense to how AoE works in general. Individual class balancing around this new mechanic for AoE will surely follow and help bring the various AoE class playstyles in line with one another.
I used to 1 shot pretty much everything in Kur tower , caste haste gather as many as I could and done. We knew nerfs were coming what I found trying out new Battle Chemistry mechanics is you want to kill that group of critters it's not happening in 1 shot so you'll have to use a few more abilities. Let's think about this we are capped at lv 70-80 atm but we are not at end game level, makes sense to be able to to be "powerful" when your lv 100-120.
I don't have a problem with the aoe nerfs mainly because my main source of damage is single target, so this buff didn't really effect me.
But even so the AOE nerf is something temporary until he nerfs the op AOE stuff (Atleast i hope it is). I also would like to know if he has set a date to implement the proper AOE mod nerfs for specific skills instead of this all around AOE nerf. If not i highly recommend reverting because of the amount of problems he has potentially created for the noobs, and alot of veterans don't see themselves playing the game until its properly tuned. (not good when the server population is slowly declining again)
1)Running dungeons in which packs and nearby packs are present (Which is just about every dungeon in the game, even Kur packs consist of 4-5 mobs with another group of mobs always close by) will now almost always require a party member. From the changes he has implemented over the years and this one now i don't really see soloing as much of an option. It's certainly still possible but if you want to progress properly i don't recommend it. *Especially if your just starting out*
2)Forcing Vets (Geared players) to rotate to lower tiered zones to farm out necessary mats/gear. From the aoe nerfs the geared players who only farmed wolf cave because of the big pack pulls and can no longer clear it as fast (Therefore it is no longer the best source of income for them) they will migrate to the lower leveled zones so that they can actually 1 shot mass packs. (*i know because i am currently doing this*)
3)Forcing players to prioritize single target damage--- with the aoe nerf which is pretty big, there is really no reason to priortize AOE. With what he did he is better off just removing all AOE to prevent any future complaining about why AOE is so weak. With that being said, your better off getting single target mod abilities *There are alot more of those* and just 1 shotting every mob 1 by 1, it will be slightly slower but we should be able to bounce back and get past this if the AOE nerf stays. The plus side is we will kill bosses alot faster since now we don't have to prioritize AOE on our kits for farming. (That is until he sees people killing bosses to fast and buffs bosses)
I have many more in which i will make a post thread about(Assuming i don't forget). But these are 3 i came up with, the others i forgot them i'll get some sleep and i know ill remember them by tommorow.
Yeah Im about to hog all the nooby areas as well If my growth is going to be stunted cuz of this half assed blanket fix then Im going to
dont get me wrong Im not doing this out of spite to get back at the admins or players but if its the only way to progress and for me to keep interest in the game then goddammit I will do it legit screw everyone else I want to have fun to
Last edited by spider91301; 05-26-2018 at 08:59 AM.
Yeah Im about to hog all the nooby areas as well If my growth is going to be stunted cuz of this half assed blanket fix then Im going to
dont get me wrong Im not doing this out of spite to get back at the admins or players but if its the only way to progress and for me to keep interest in the game then goddammit I will do it legit screw everyone else I want to have fun to
as others mentioned some AOE dmg for some classes was OP as hell and needed nerfed... this AOE change was NOT the fix for it that should had came....
this blanket aoe nerf is simply a cop out fix for it + another attempt to "force" people to play the way he wants us to.... many aoe builds didn't have crazy dmg but what this does is makes it so everyone HAS to slow grind any time they want to level another skill and it's stupid to force people to slow grind threw content 5, 7,... hell 15+ times....
not to mention this severly hurts people properlly leveling in MANY places it is impossible to pull mobs 1-2 at a time.. meaning it is impossible to not get hit by this change and people that are leveling normally and don't have the gear/skills are still going to feel this change.
why the fk not just fix the mobs... they have been fked forever.. fix the broken builds (left the rest alone) and then and only then AFTER these thigns are adressed start looking into blanket adjustments like this....
Archer/BC here double Nerf on archery and on BC, things are bit rough, this is beta after all, adapt and move on this is they want the game to be it ain't that bad like I said can't kill everything in 1 shot but 3, how about giving it a few days/weeks to throughly give a constructive reviews than just whines.
I used lv 24-30 BC to lv up Priest yesterday in Kur mobs still go down, not 15-20 at once anymore, no more instant gratificlation kill but still achievable end result, difference now is you actually have to work for you kills not just push 1 button.
as others mentioned some AOE dmg for some classes was OP as hell and needed nerfed... this AOE change was NOT the fix for it that should had came....
this blanket aoe nerf is simply a cop out fix for it + another attempt to "force" people to play the way he wants us to.... many aoe builds didn't have crazy dmg but what this does is makes it so everyone HAS to slow grind any time they want to level another skill and it's stupid to force people to slow grind threw content 5, 7,... hell 15+ times....
not to mention this severly hurts people properlly leveling in MANY places it is impossible to pull mobs 1-2 at a time.. meaning it is impossible to not get hit by this change and people that are leveling normally and don't have the gear/skills are still going to feel this change.
why the fk not just fix the mobs... they have been fked forever.. fix the broken builds (left the rest alone) and then and only then AFTER these thigns are adressed start looking into blanket adjustments like this....
this is so fk'n stupid.
We asked the bandaid be torn off quickly. You should have taken the time to be part of that discussion if you wanted to drag out the pain over a long period of short nerfs and re-nerfs. Crying and raging like a child is one way to get your point across though.
Of course the nerf is too broad. If you'd taken the time to read about how this balance cycle was going to work then you'd have know that and there will adjustments to individual skill lines as necessary.