Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.
The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
Discussion in this thread! (But please remember to report any bugs through the in-game reporting system as well.)
Edit: Rather than starting a new discussion thread for today's bug-fixing hotfix, we're just going to add to this ongoing discussion thread. The hotfix notes are here:
Discussion in this thread! (But please remember to report any bugs through the in-game reporting system as well.)
I saw some animation changes but nothing to suggest the new system is in place. Is this correct? If so, is there any ETA on when it will be ready? I thought the previous blog stated we would see it this patch. I could be mistaken of course, maybe wishful thinking! hah.
The AOE nerf rage is real. I am curious, because as I understand it hasn't been described very well:
Does the damage apply full to the first 3 targets, and then diminish beyond that, or is it as one person suggests and the maximum damage per target is simply spread out among the various targets if more than 3 are there? Is there any way we could see an exact formula?
What was the purpose of the nerf, exactly, and what are the expected side effects that might not be desired?
I have not tested all of the changes so far but I think the AoE nerf is a solid change quick fix. I hope mods/armor in the future loosen the 'drop off point' if it is very steep. For those that don't know, some classes were able to pull 15+ mobs and AoE them down Very fast. Like 1 person doing the DPS of 2+ full groups fast. I feel as long as the total damage per additional mob goes up past 3 NPCs, I don't think it'll be a big deal. We'll see though!
The knife changes look strong. Interesting choice that mez did not make it into the "not facing you" list, but I guess it would make the psych-knife combo too much of a 'must have'
Burst /AOE damage for both Archery and Fire was OP for high level players in max crafted with augmented gear even on mobs that dropped level 60 /65 gear (i.e. Gazluk mobs).
Personally, using a Fire /BC AOE build I have 1 or 2-shotted 17 panthers in Kur at once and 7 wolves in the Gazluk wolf cave in a single fight with very minimal danger of dying.
The number of mobs killed was only limited by how many mobs I could aggro for one fight.
This was a 'bit' unbalanced and needed to be addressed.
The current changes will no doubt be reviewed for potential change in the next patch, so it is worthwhile for people to provide considered and respectful feedback to the devs.
I have not tested all of the changes so far but I think the AoE nerf is a solid change quick fix. I hope mods/armor in the future loosen the 'drop off point' if it is very steep. For those that don't know, some classes were able to pull 15+ mobs and AoE them down Very fast. Like 1 person doing the DPS of 2+ full groups fast. I feel as long as the total damage per additional mob goes up past 3 NPCs, I don't think it'll be a big deal. We'll see though!
The knife changes look strong. Interesting choice that mez did not make it into the "not facing you" list, but I guess it would make the psych-knife combo too much of a 'must have'
I'm really surprised more people haven't tried running KF/Necro or KF/AH. With Graz (whose special attack is a stun + self heal) you'll be able to do even more interesting things with AH though, including being able to use 'not facing' stuff even if you're holding aggro.
Originally Posted by poulter
Burst /AOE damage for both Archery and Fire was OP for high level players in max crafted with augmented gear even on mobs that dropped level 60 /65 gear (i.e. Gazluk mobs).
Personally, using a Fire /BC AOE build I have 1 or 2-shotted 17 panthers in Kur at once and 7 wolves in the Gazluk wolf cave in a single fight with very minimal danger of dying.
The number of mobs killed was only limited by how many mobs I could aggro for one fight.
This was a 'bit' unbalanced and needed to be addressed.
The current changes will no doubt be reviewed for potential change in the next patch, so it is worthwhile for people to provide considered and respectful feedback to the devs.
Thanks for confirming what I pretty much figured but was insulted for assuming on the Discord, in regards to Gazluk, and late game AOE in general. It seems some people think that anything that affects their build, that they brag about being OP, is the end of the world.
I think the balance also really puts crowd control into the running as something needed. If there's a room with too many pulls, your CC can mez/root/fear some of them, so the AOE can do its thing. It also creates other elements of strategy being required, instead of "Mod AOE into next week, all 6 party members use all AOE. GG dungeon cleared" which, again, I think is to the advantage to the game as a whole.
Awole_Isd I agree and what I dont get even more is why nerf shield and sword aoe when it barely does any like wtf I can understand nerfing bard bc and magic skill aoe but come on really you had to mess with my sword and shield
Whatever intill they increase the level cap I might as well hunt lower stuff for cash inless i have a badass group literly today just 10 minutes ago went into the slime room in gazkeep with my group and got ganked ra*** we all died only 2 lived also the power regen seems slower
This is the most hardcore half baked blanket approach I have ever seen
Last edited by spider91301; 05-25-2018 at 05:58 PM.
This patch looks awesome. Been starting out knife fighting myself, so this'll encourage me even more to level it up.
I do agree with awol_lsd. Unintuitive and potentially frustrating change that may nerf certain scenarios that shouldn't have been nerfed, despite other scenarios being problematic.
Fixed a bug that caused some buffs to stick around for an arbitrary length of time after the caster had left the area (most obviously with Battle Chemistry mutations, since they last the longest). The intent is that any buffs that come from an ability (and that last longer than a few seconds) should abort if the buff's caster is not in the same server area as the person they buffed, OR if the caster switches to a different combat skill.
This seems a little odd to me. What's the reason behind this intention? This is another change that seems unintuitive and potentially frustrating, or at least odd sounding. I wouldn't expect a buff that someone gave to me to disappear because of what that person changed after they buffed me. I already have the buff, why take it away? It shouldn't matter that the other person moved locations or changed classes - they used their ability on me, I got the buff, that's that. Taking it away just feels bad and seems unintuitive. I can imagine a lot of "why is my buff gone?" questions. Is this trying to fix a specific problematic scenario?
That's a disappointing change to AOE. From the beginning, the trade-off for BC was high AOE and poor single-target damage. For an advanced skill it now seems mediocre at best, and it'll become even less relevant for the increasingly group-oriented content. I'll need to see how it plays out, but the past year of development has put the game on a different trajectory than the one I had enjoyed greatly so many years ago. At this point I can only hope that the development pendulum swings back to the game's sandbox roots.
as others mentioned some AOE dmg for some classes was OP as hell and needed nerfed... this AOE change was NOT the fix for it that should had came....
this blanket aoe nerf is simply a cop out fix for it + another attempt to "force" people to play the way he wants us to.... many aoe builds didn't have crazy dmg but what this does is makes it so everyone HAS to slow grind any time they want to level another skill and it's stupid to force people to slow grind threw content 5, 7,... hell 15+ times....
not to mention this severly hurts people properlly leveling in MANY places it is impossible to pull mobs 1-2 at a time.. meaning it is impossible to not get hit by this change and people that are leveling normally and don't have the gear/skills are still going to feel this change.
why the fk not just fix the mobs... they have been fked forever.. fix the broken builds (left the rest alone) and then and only then AFTER these thigns are adressed start looking into blanket adjustments like this....
this is so fk'n stupid.
I find your statement to be indicative of everything that is wrong with entitlement in the gaming industry today. Thank you for so eloquently pointing it out.