Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #141
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    @Mikhaila There's always 'some people'; it's a sliding scale of how much difficulty that every person will accept. And how often. Some don't use the easiest markets. Some will always use the market exclusively. It varies. So it ends up being some sort of curve ^-^

    Didn't mean to imply you meant the opposite. Apologies.

    I meant to say that the market seems to be working the way Citan wanted, despite the difficulties. Shops are being filled, shops are being sold out. And that experimentation is awesome ^-^
    Last edited by Crissa; 05-08-2018 at 02:34 PM.

  2. #142
    Member Atis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crissa View Post
    This refers to what and adds what to the conversation? O-o

    It's like trying to talk to someone in the Austrian School yet demands specific markets be covered. It's so bizarre.

    MMO markets - and this isn't even an MM - aren't in any way unusual compared to all other markets.
    They absolutely are. They are as close to real markets as MMO healthcare to real one. In both cases wolf jumping on humans head is health hazard but consequences and ways to fix them are different. Same with market, supply/demand law is same, the rest - isnt.

  3. #143
    Member IndigoBlue's Avatar
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    Not sure what changed this last week or so, but I've been unable to find an available empty shop to hire. Every station in the entire building has been in use since Sunday, 4/29.

    I've checked in the morning, the afternoon, and the late evening. Zip, Nada, Nothing.

  4. #144
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    It's been up and down a lot, but did have a very high fill rate at one point. What happened is Steam. That big population came in, and in true game fashion asked "How do i make money". The reply is "work orders and surveying". Put those together and you suddenly have a huge number of new merchants trying to sell stuff, dozens with gems, and spaces filling up.

    A few more things that will happen:
    -As time goes on, many won't have enough to sell to pay the the daily rent as it climbs. There will be more turnover.
    -Gem prices will continue to tumble as the market over saturates and people start competing.
    -Cries of "what else can I make money on?" will be heard. The easier to get these items, the more there will be for sale, and the price will drop. No examples being given, don't want to influence my guesses.
    -Some people will drop out as the luster of "omg i'm selling things!" wears off and "this ...is a job" takes over.

    I'm in the latter group I can stock my shop and make a profit of more than 7k a day, but it's work. I need to be on every day, I need to restock morning and night. Probably should start selling things that stack and have high value vs single slot.....maybe gems! ..oh, wait.... Mostly I need a break and just spend a lot of fun ours in Gaz and Kur having fun. Easier to open back up with stacks of things and able to not worry about how much I sell for a week.

  5. #145
    Member IndigoBlue's Avatar
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    I am happy to report that I was able to nab my previous shopkeeper NPC this morning, after I posted.
    @Mikhaila - About restocking

    I know what you mean. I sold all my extra stock in 2 days, with my very first shop. Of course, I was foraging and crafting during those 2 days, but by the time I was finally ready to open my shop again, no spaces were available.

    I want PG to be fun. I want to die of hypothermia in Kur, and dehdryation in the (cant recall the name) desert zone. I want to forage in Eltibule and mine in Serbule. (I'm still about 10 levels too low for Kur, not that I am paying attention). But gosh darn, now I'm sure that if I don't keep my shopkeeper, somebody else is going to snap her up. I can't log in every day right now, so heck, I'm just not going to worry about it.

    The only problem is having the space to hold stacks of stuff while waiting for a shopkeeper to be available. I'm about 800 points from having storage with Tadion (OMG FINALLY), and when I get that, the mule toon who HAS been holding all my to-sell stacks is going POOF. I hope I'll have enough space to old about 12 stacks of whatever that will end up as shop inventory.

  6. #146
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    Another good trick for storage is crates. I've been working carpentry and after I craft gear to fill up a vendor, if I have extra i dump it to the crate. Make a new crate when i need to load it to the vendor. Storage with Tadion though, is a big thing to work towards.

  7. #147
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atis View Post
    Same with market, supply/demand law is same, the rest - isnt.
    Come back when you get past microeconomics 101, please. Supply and demand isn't what makes a market, but merely two of many facets of the market (Much of which is actually sociological in nature, expectations, history, etc.)

    Every market is different in some way. Online markets are no different. There's nothing particularly unique about in-game markets except that devs actually control the raw material prices and often the labor cost is very low. Making the shops something you have to click through and mining something you have to run and do in-game are ways the devs are adding to the labor costs. The actual market mechanics are the same as any market 'real' or 'virtual'. (Most 'real' markets (measured via GDP transferred) are run in virtual space anyhow now).

    @Mikhaila Good observations on the wave of population having an impact, then aging, then having their expectations change. ^-^

    A crate is a good idea. You only need the fancy crate to put things in, not take them out... I wish there were a way to make stacks auto-stack, tho.

  8. #148
    Member HardRock's Avatar
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    This thread should be deleted as it is no longer pertinent, and slightly cancerous.

  9. #149
    Junior Member Vertabreaker's Avatar
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    i have had success with my shop it seems rather simple i start with 2x the base for common items and if they dont sell i reduce them but no lower then the base. for rare items i try to go with the norm and put a slight reduction on them so far i cant keep the store stocked and i play like 16h a day.

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