Full disclosure, I haven't read every post in this thread.

Rez in this game is weird because it isn't class locked. In most MMOs it is and that's how it's gated. The closest similar situation I have recent experience with is FFXIV where several classes get a rez, only some can be used in combat. Anyone can use a phoenix down out of combat but you can only carry one.

The thing about PG, and it is a problem for me because I alway play dedicated healers in MMOs, is... there are no dedicated healers in PG. It has to be gated somehow. The question whether the current gates in the game are really working. As far as I have seen, PG isn't meant to be like most modern MMOs. It's not supposed to be easy or convenient. The devs have to balance that more hardcore/old school feel with the impatience gamers have from playing other easier MMOs. The problem is with it being more DPS oriented it's really hard to capture that old school feel for me. I'm still working on the thinking that you need tank/healer/CC/DPS/DPS/support from my EQ days because those are still the best memories I have, but I digress. Roles really aren't defined here, so no one class has rez. That means it has to really be limited if the devs want the feel of real challenge, death being meaningful, (in this case a mixed blessing), and making players work for things.

From when I was playing regularly: Most players don't seem to want to do the lower level dungeons without a babysitter. There doesn't seem to be much point and it does end up just being an exercise in frustration if you try. Is this what the devs want? For the lower level dungeons to be an experience of being mentored or do they want lower levels to group and run them on their own? If the latter I just never saw that happening. In fact I never saw entirely level appropriate groups till maybe wolf caves in Kur being talked about. That's fine for alpha or beta but once the full scope of levels is opened up, and you no longer have so many higher level people with nothing to do is this really viable? Do we even really know how well appropriate level groups can take crypts or goblin caves? I don't think the question about the accessibility of rez can really be answered till people are forced to go through things at appropriate levels.

Maybe I am wrong and have missed some data here. I am just going on what I have seen. My 2cp, etc.