If anyone on a MAC is experiencing issues and you are using an external monitor (i.e. a laptop connected to an external monitor) please unplug the external monitor and report back. Thanks.
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If anyone on a MAC is experiencing issues and you are using an external monitor (i.e. a laptop connected to an external monitor) please unplug the external monitor and report back. Thanks.
I understand there were no Mac fixes in this update I was just making sure to bring up that there is an added issue from the May 11 update. I have not been able to navigate out of Rahu or Serbule since they are both locking up and I have no other location to get to from Noob Island at this time. If I can be dropped in a different zone to test that would be great (random is fine)
Also an external monitor seems to have no effect for me one way or another.
EDIT: I did perform all of the 3D/Water fixes and Rahu seemed to be working again for a miniute. Can't stay in Rahu for more than a few seconds and it locks up. Its not just Serbule having issues :(
EDIT 2: Made it to Kur after many reboots and slowely moving that direction. To top it off I drank a few beers and kept turning lol
EDIT 3: While less of an issue as its only happened once, I did freeze up (required a reboot) in Eltibule while gardening. I was planting barley and when I turned the camera it locked up. The difference here was relogging did not instantly freeze again and there was no need to unstickchar.
Yes i also froze twice while afk in the garden in Elt after Mofiki told me he did. i did send a crash log. i am going to test Rahu in a sec and report. Someone who is using linux told me to lower the game screen size while in Serb. i will try that too though this is of course not a solution
Update: logged in in Elt Garden and froze... :/
Not using an external monitor.
*********** Potential workaround on Mac Retina? *********
Tried settings below, played for two hours, reloaded several times between 2 accounts, used multiple toons - in & around Rahu & Serbule, including 'Go to the Light'
2560 x 1440, Fastest, Auto-adjust off
Advanced Overrides
All at default apart from trees
Set Tree Draw distance, Max High-res Trees & Tree Billboard distance to 0
Looks weird, but currently able to play
FPS in Serbule = 48 to 50
Yesssss Poulter your solution works for me too!!! i just got a "pooooof" crash once and no more. no vegetation and i am good in serb town too...!!! So i hope that gives you guys some info about what's crashing us on mac. i am so glad to be back in serb!!
Alas, it's not working for me. I'm still getting some massive memory leak which is just flat crashing it before it finishes loading.
I haven't had a chance to thoroughly test (Mothersday weekend has been busy for me). That said I just logged in and it seems to be working well. Thank you Poulter so much for the workaround.
EDIT: So I am in Eltibule gardening and every time I grab water and start to turn right to run back to the gardening area I freeze up and have to relog. It seems like every time a fix is found it is temporary or has to be completed with each relog :(
As it stands I have turned off all vegetation and the game is running much better. That said there are still 2 places that I freeze every time and it is situational it seems as well. Here are my scenarios:
Walking into the market are with all the player shops I freeze although if I back into the shops I can go to each vendor without issue. I tested this several times with the same result lol. Its funny but true. I walk backwards all over the area and the occasional 1 second glitch, when I turn around and take 2 steps forward it freezes completely.
second is walking up to Joeh I freeze every time as I start to enter his home. If I back into the home and get behind him so I can talk with him it is fine. Again funny but true on several attempts.
I have noticed an increase in freezes at night in Serbule vs day time. This seems to be the most noticeable difference between almost free reign and constant freezing.