Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #41
    Junior Member lordreyrey's Avatar
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    Its weird. I watched videos all over You Tube of people playing, and there are not a lot of players in forums commenting on this... so doesnt seem like many players are experiencing this issue. Yet it happens to me all the time.

    I have tried it on another PC down stairs, similar build though, with a 980ti, so I am not sure.

    There has gotta be a way to fix this lol.

  2. #42
    Member IndigoBlue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordreyrey View Post
    Its weird. I watched videos all over You Tube of people playing, and there are not a lot of players in forums commenting on this... so doesnt seem like many players are experiencing this issue. Yet it happens to me all the time.

    I have tried it on another PC down stairs, similar build though, with a 980ti, so I am not sure.

    There has gotta be a way to fix this lol.
    One would hope the "optimization" updates will, but I am not clear on what causes this particular problem, and it's just JUST Serbule. Just more noticeable in town.

  3. #43
    Junior Member astronomicat's Avatar
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    Found a fix to this problem that I've had since day 1! Someone just blurted this out in global chat and it has pretty much eliminated this issue for me. Change Entity Animation Distance Multiplier to .50 or less in advanced graphics settings. Hope this helps yall as much as it did me. gtx 1080 and would lag all over serbule, but not now.
    Thanks to Prominus.

    update: After playing a bit, this definitely isn't an ideal fix, because it limits the animations of other characters and mobs, but helps in the places where I'd get the lag bad.
    Last edited by astronomicat; 04-08-2018 at 11:18 AM.

  4. #44
    Junior Member liz_the_wiz's Avatar
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    As a newcomer, Like @IndigoBlue, I too have a rediculously spec'd machine (16 core 4.0 amd threadripper, 32gb memory, nvidia 1080ti in SLI... and PCIE M2 SSD) the turning lag that means you try to go "there" and miss because it jerks you round is indeed the most irritating thing.. Dont get me wrong, I know its all early stages and all that, but, right now, this is for me the most irritating part, and it doesnt seem to be necessarily high populated areas although its worse there.. Im talking in the academy on the noob island, the spider cave, generally running around...

    Its very disorientating and definately the one thing spoiling my fun.

  5. #45
    Member IndigoBlue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by astronomicat View Post
    Found a fix to this problem that I've had since day 1! Someone just blurted this out in global chat and it has pretty much eliminated this issue for me. Change Entity Animation Distance Multiplier to .50 or less in advanced graphics settings. Hope this helps yall as much as it did me. gtx 1080 and would lag all over serbule, but not now.
    Thanks to Prominus.

    update: After playing a bit, this definitely isn't an ideal fix, because it limits the animations of other characters and mobs, but helps in the places where I'd get the lag bad.
    I tried this just after the latest update on 4/7. Things are a "leetle" better. But I usually get on in the early AM US time, and DON'T have this problem in Serbule Town at all, for maybe 1.5 hours. Because there are less then 20 people in town. Which drives me to believe it's:

    1. The rendering time needed in areas with heavy foliage, or lots of lines (Serbule Marketplace).
    2. The render time needed in Serbule Town when there are more then 20 people walking around/spelling/dropping items at the same time.

  6. #46
    Junior Member astronomicat's Avatar
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    I noticed a similar occurrence of this issue in the new Battletech game. I'll be holding mouse look and moving camera with wasd and sometimes the game will lag and the camera will jump across the map. It always makes me think of the issue in project gorgon. Maybe it's a unity issue of some kind.

    edit: looks like citan confirmed it's a unity bug in new dev blog
    Last edited by astronomicat; 05-10-2018 at 10:37 AM.

  7. #47
    Junior Member zerog's Avatar
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    New player here, I know this is like 2 years old, just wondering if there is a solve I can do on my end? Very hard to play when I get flipped 180 all the time.

  8. #48
    Junior Member DarkEvilHatred's Avatar
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    This same camera lag where the camera jerks around when barely turning the camera view is happening and it is driving me absolutely crazy.

    It is now July 9th, 2020. Why has this not been fixed or a solution found?!

  9.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #49
    Administrator Silvonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkEvilHatred View Post
    This same camera lag where the camera jerks around when barely turning the camera view is happening and it is driving me absolutely crazy.

    It is now July 9th, 2020. Why has this not been fixed or a solution found?!
    It's a bug with the game engine Unity so, unfortunately, it's out of our hands. That said, we are working on an update that includes an upgrade to the Unity Game Engine, so it may be resolved with that.

  10. #50
    Senior Member Yaffy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkEvilHatred View Post
    This same camera lag where the camera jerks around when barely turning the camera view is happening and it is driving me absolutely crazy.

    It is now July 9th, 2020. Why has this not been fixed or a solution found?!
    Go to special settings and type in Spherecull if you haven't already, this should make turning around significantly less laggy unless if you're playing on a very weak computer.

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