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Don't really see point in touching skin prices especially lower down as it will impact favor returns for new players.
There are maybe what 10 players that want to farm those panthers to the point of handling the whole pack. My thoughts are frankly let them, if others want to do it so be it, it will just become less lucrative and more annoying.
I like that people can look at what we have and try to find the best way to do something. Then build towards it and get the sense of achievement that entails the first time they can do it without getting there arses chewed off.
So what if one person there can get 300k a day there vendors will run out of cash, assuming they don't bring alts into the mix there are natural barriers that stop them going too nuts.
Been playing with a friend this week that can stand in up town Rahu with Prask and play horrible music and kill 30 damn raks and boss at once, that's broken I'd imagine. But again I'm sure it was fun building toward it and seeing how far it could be pushed.
It's not as if the whole game is dependent on those players that can skin the panthers. There are only so many, when 5 people are lined up waiting to kill them how well will it work then. I would imagine none of the new influx of players is there yet and they are probably about 2 thirds are population.
If it must be changed I'd rather see something simple like those panther corpses pop after 30 seconds therefore not allowing time to loot them all. Than a lets break AOE in the game so you can only hit 4(what 4 why that 1 and not that 1) or worse still an ability that gets weaker after each use.
You will in effect weaken those AOE skills when there not being used AOE but when going through your 3rd rotation trying to whittle down that boss solo or with a weak group.
I think the Report Ladriel produced is both sound and of value, but frankly feel there are better things for most players to do than farm panthers continually and if there isn't then surely there missing out on much of the game.
To me it's like the players that say I have max leather working, I did recipe A 4500 times and recipe B 7500 times, how cools that. To me it maybe a cheap option and they have the lvls but who wants to play a game like that, not me anyways.
On the subject of money making those that think it's cool to sell items they were given freely in mass from events for stupid money make me sad. Why you would expect the poorest players to work days for something you were given for 30 seconds effort is beyond me.
Alt Use
I use my alts/mules around serb I'll pass items between them to help raise favor and gain storage etc.
But to me at least using the alts to vendor stuff repeatably to get around the traders cash caps is not a playstyle I'd use.
I know some use alts to do extra work orders, to me that sucks too.
Also having guilded alt mules getting guild points for doing fuck all and then buying cash bags, I've done it but it feels shitty.
These things seem to go against the way the game was designed. Not saying it's wrong and punishment should happen, what others are comfortable with is up to them.
I do feel though that it should be a one Toon game not a a 4 Toon game, unless there proper used alts.The hoarding tendencies of many,insane amount of useful stuff and frustrating storage tend to make that blurry at times.