Sunrise in Serbule Hills
Blood moon
Am I in Middle-earth!!?? Is that Barad-dur and the Eye of Sauron?
Sunrise in Serbule Hills
Blood moon
Am I in Middle-earth!!?? Is that Barad-dur and the Eye of Sauron?
Here is my version of Entropyy's screenshots. Because you can never have too many pictures of fire effects or ducks:
(And yay, I figured out how to do an Imgur album!)
Yeah, I love those trees in the southern part of Rahu City. My graphics were set to ultra for this screenshot, but I really think they look great at any setting, especially against a darker sky. I think I'm pretty done with screenshots for now but if you can get a group together for a tea party, you should definitely try for some pictures of that - that sounds like a neat setup.
The inn in Serbule 5 minutes before the Sunday poetry appreciation meeting:
Shot from the NW corner of Serb, catching the sunrise and the town square (might retake and reupload, it was snapped fairly late in the morning so the sun was kind of high):
In Serbule, a shot of a PvP event after the poetry reading and it's aftermath:
The first two were shot on the highest graphics options, the last one was shot on Great-level graphics (I forgot to change setting before shooting).
Bird's eye view of North Serbule at night.
aaargh ! couldn't put screenshot in
Last edited by slartybartfast; 03-01-2018 at 09:23 PM. Reason: couldnt put screenshot in
The Fairy Tree in Sun Vale
I love seeing all the screenshots!
Here are some more I took today. One of the things I love most about PG is how it fosters a sense of community and friendship. Working on the wolf tasks today had people from at least 4 different guilds helping each other out. We had too many people to all fit in a group so some helped without being in a group and others rotated in. Special thanks to Daguin, HotFelicity, Prognek, Tholyn, Mug, Lycan, Mankiller and Sasho providing the music. Fun times.
Another of my favorite things are the weekend special events. I grabbed a few shots from this weekend event.
I really enjoy seeing all the screenshots! Please keep them coming.
A day in the life of a spider - Serbule Hills at sunrise
ok cannot figure out how to post images nevermind! trying once can't be this hard...are there instructions somewhere on how to post an image?
ok well at least it's linked but would really like to just post it here - back to the game thanks
Last edited by Shiphrah; 03-03-2018 at 09:28 AM.